Vladislav Kamenev ~ NAS

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He takes you back to Russia to visit his parents in his hometown of Orsk... (648 words)


My boyfriend was asking me nonstop to come back to Russia with him as it was an off-week for him. Well, after hours of non-stop begging and constant puppy dog eyes, looking like a golden retriever after you've scolded it, I finally agreed to go to Russia with him! 17 hours of travel, here we come! Oh boy....


"Мы здесь! Мы уже официально в моем родном городе Орск!" (We're here! We are officially in my hometown of Orsk!) Vlad sighed happily as he parked the car in the driveway of his childhood home. 

"Wow...." I gasped as I took in the sight of the city around me. 

"По сравнению с Милуоки, Орск население составляет почти половинунаселения их..." (Compared to Milwaukee, Orsk's population is almost half of their population...) He got out of the car and opened the door for me. 

I kissed his cheek as a token of gratitude and grabbed his hand in mine. He swung our hands back and forth as we walked up to the door and Vlad pressed the doorbell. 

The door opened and I saw Vlad's mother at the other side of the door with a smile on her face. 

"Владислав! Это так приятно видеть вас снова! И вы должны быть Y/N!Владислав рассказал нам так много о вас!" (Vladislav! It's so good to see you again! And you must be Y/N! Vladislav has told us so much about you!) She kissed Vlad on both his cheeks and gave me a hug.

"Это так приятно, наконец, встретиться с вами, миссис Каменев!" (It's so nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Kamenev!) I chuckled as I returned the hug and walked inside with Vlad still holding my hand. 

I took my winter coat off and hung it up in the closet before I took my shoes off and set it down by the space between the door and the closet. 

"Владислав! Ты здесь!" (Vladislav! You're here!) I heard Vlad's father speak as he came downstairs from his study with a smile. "Вы должны быть Y/N, я правильно?" (You must be Y/N, am I correct?) 

I nodded my head and shook his head, "Это приятно встретиться с вами, г-н Каменев." (It's nice to meet you, Mr. Kamenev.) 

Mr. Kamenev looked at Vladislav surprised as I spoke to him in Russian. "Возможно вы научить ее говорить по-русски?" (Did you teach her to speak Russian?) 

Vladislav nodded his head with a smile and Mr. Kamenev looked at me with a look of approval. 


We were currently having dinner with his parents and we were enjoying it so far. 

"So, how did you and Vlad meet?" Mrs. Kamenev looked at us with a grin as she continued to eat her dinner. 

"I met him when I accidentally bumped into him with hot coffee and it got spilled all over his shirt..." I sheepishly smiled as I continued to eat my dinner and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Vladislav blush. 

"Владислав, это правда?" (Vladislav, is this true?) Mr. Kamenev looked at his son and lightly laughed. 

Vladislav nodded his head in embarrassment and they both laughed in amusement. 

Dinner was certainly funny for the rest of the night...


"Hey, Y/N?" Vladislav spoke to me as we were both spooning in bed, him being the big spoon and me being the little spoon. 

"Yeah, Vladislav?" I said as a yawn came out of my mouth. 

"I just wanted to say thank you for flying back to Russia with me to meet my parents. It was really nice of you to come with me..." 

"It was no problem, Vlad! I did it all because I love you to infinity." 

"Я тоже люблю тебя, Y/N." (I love you too, Y/N.) 

"Спокойной ночи, Владислав..." (Good night, Vladislav...) 

"Спокойной ночи, Y/N..." (Good night, Y/N...) 

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