Teuvo Teräväinen ~ CB

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Requested by gexrgiegirl. Hope you enjoyed this Teuvo Teräväinen imagine! I'll see you guys later with Dmytro Timashov, Max Domi, and hopefully Michael Latta imagines 😉! - Priya 😊



"Are you ready, sweetheart?" Dad came up to where I sat, outstretching his hand for me to hold.

"As ready as I ever will be, dad." I smiled, grabbing his hand and slowly walked up to the aisle doors, waiting for the ceremony to commence.

5 minutes later, I heard the music and the doors had opened. Taking a shaky breath, I started to walk down the aisle, keeping my eyes on my fiancé's, Teuvo. That's right, I was getting married to Teuvo Teräväinen of the Chicago Blackhawks. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes as he covered his mouth, watching me descend down.

When we finally got there, Dad let go of my hands and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"You will always be my little girl, Georgie." He smiled, tears running down his cheeks.

"Aww, dad! I'll always be your little girl." I gave him a hug, before Teuvo gave me his hand and I got up the altar with his help.

"You maybe wondering why I, Jonathan Toews, the captain of the Hawks was officiating this wedding here today... Well, long story short; I lost a bet a while back at the party and I took a class to be a wedding officiator and that's how I got here. Anyways, we are gathered here to celebrate the union of Teuvo and Georgie. Now before we start, is there anyone who objects this union, speak now or forever hold your peace..." Jonathan started to speak, with the entire room being silent. "Alright, we will now hear vows from Teuvo first.

Teuvo cleared his throat before starting, "Georgie, I love you more than Jonathan loves hockey or Patrick loves his hair. You are my world and I can't live without you. You were there for me through the wins and losses; winning the Stanley Cup; everything. I promise to be the shoulder you lean on, I promise to be your rock. I promise to be your everything. I love you, Georgie..."

By the time he ended his vows, I already started to cry, dabbing away the happy tears. I cleared my throat and waited for Jonathan.

"That was so beautiful Teuvo, I remember the times you were at practice and you were panicking about your vows, but you killed it today, my good man." Jonathan sniffled, grabbing a tissue from his coat pocket.

"Hey Jonny, you alright there? Do you need a minute?" Patrick 'yelled' from where he stood with Artemi along with the other groomsmen.

"Shut up Kaner. Anyways, Georgie; it is now your turn to present your vows." Jonny dabbed his eyes, getting rid of the tears.

I cleared my throat, looking into Teuvo's baby blue eyes. "Teuvo, I still remember the day we met 2 years ago at the IceHogs game when you accidentally slap-shot the puck too hard and it hit me on the forehead and how you came to check up on me during the intermission at the infirmary, asking me out for a coffee date to make up for that incident. Ever since that day, I fell more and more in love with you. I love you more than Artemi loves bread or Bryan loves his naps. I will always be in love with you, Teuvo Teräväinen."

"Ok, I might be the only one acting like a fangirl right here, but that was literally so adorable. Before we start the 'I dos', may we get the rings please?" Jonathan looked over at Patrick, who was searching all of his pockets.

"Uhh, I can't find them, Tazer!"

"What!? How did you lose those?"

I looked over at what Artemi and Andrew were doing, they reached into their own coat pockets and Artemi had Teuvo's ring while Andrew had my ring in their pockets.

"How did ring appear in pocket? I not put ring there!" Artemi looked at the ring confusedly while looking over at the ring in Shawzy's hand.

"And how did I get Georgie's ring in my pocket when they were supposed to be in Kaner's coat?" Shawzy also looked at it in a confused manner before looking over at Corey.

"In my defense, I might have mixed up the coats and I might've also been a little drunk last night..." Corey scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye-contact.

"Here you go, Jonathan. Sorry for mix-up. I not at blame." Artemi walked over to Jonathan with the rings, smiling at us before going back to his place.

"Ok, I'll make this nice and short. Do you, Teuvo Henri Matias Teräväinen, take Georgie to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Jonathan faced Teuvo, looking at him for an answer.

"I do." He smiled at me, sliding my ring on the ring finger.

"And do you, Georgie, take Teuvo to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Jonathan faced me, also looking at me for an answer.

"I do." I smiled, sliding the ring on Teuvo's finger and as soon as I did, his hands strongly but gently gripped mine.

"And by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Teuvo, you may now kiss the bride!" Jonathan stepped back, smiling at the moment.

Teuvo grabbed me by the waist, twirling me around before he dipped me and pushed his lips on mine to give me the most passionate kiss he had ever gave me.

"I love you, Mr. Teräväinen."

"And I love you, Mrs. Teräväinen."

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