Morgan Rielly ~ TML

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A very athletic family dinner... (1505 words)


"Y/N, honey!" I heard my mom shout as I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom that I used to share with my 3 brothers back when I lived home. As soon as I heard her, my reflex was to spit out the minty toothpaste goop and into the sink and rinse my mouth with water. Quickly, I gargled the mouthwash and spat that out after a good 30 seconds. 

I didn't even care if I was in my pajamas and I wasn't scared of embarrassing myself, so I went downstairs to face my mother while I was wearing my onesie that had resembled a puppy. Following my instincts, I followed the smells of the food that she was preparing for the dinner and found her in the kitchen. Hey, I had flown to Charlotte with Morgan from Toronto and it was a pretty tiring flight. And the first thing I did as soon as I stepped foot inside my childhood home was put on one of my pajamas and head straight to bed. No matter what the time was.

"Yeah, Mom?" I asked her as I stepped into the kitchen and she turned around to face me. "And before you mention it, yes I will change out of this..." 

"Good to know..." She nodded before her attention went back to the cooking process. "Can you help me out with something please?" 

Nodding my head, I looked at her for a reply. "Yeah, of course! What do you need help with, Mom?" 

"Your father and I are very busy with the preparation for the dinner and we were supposed to pick your brothers up from the airport..." 

"Do you want me to pick them up from the airport?" I looked at her and I didn't get an answer. All I got from her was a finger pointing towards her car keys, which were laying on the granite kitchen countertop. 

She nodded her head and added one more sentence, "you can take Morgan along too. Give him a tour of the area surrounding Charlotte while you're at it!" 

"Alright, thanks Mom!" 


Morgan had agreed to tag along to the airport with me, which was a good thing, considering it was about a 30-45 minute drive away from where I grew up. Once we had reached the airport, I had parked the car in the short-term parking lot, when it was a good time to get out of the car and get inside the airport. 

Morgan held my hand with a death grip and I didn't let go of it, especially since I didn't want him to be lost within the masses of the outgoing and incoming passengers. Once we had gotten to the baggage claim, we sat down on the seats that were conveniently located across from the carousels that circulated the luggage around. 

Seconds turned into minutes. Then the minutes turned into an hour and they still haven't shown up yet... I decided to take my phone out and quickly send my mom a text. 

'They still haven't shown up yet... 😐'  

'Corey and Justin are supposed to come to where you and Morgan are, within the next five minutes... And Kyle is supposed to will be there as soon as his flight lands within that timeframe also... 😬 Can you wait that long, Y/N?'

'Alright, thanks for the heads-up, Mom. I'll see you within the next hour. Talk to you later. ☺️'

'Love you, sweetheart. Thank you for doing this again.'

'No probs, Mom. And I love you too.'

I slid my phone into the pocket of my jean shorts before I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder. Turning around, I looked at Morgan and all he did was point north. Looking at the direction he was pointing towards, I saw two familiar people who were getting their luggage. They had flown into the Charlotte area all the way from Los Angeles, well, another one of them was flying in from Seattle and I had flown in from Toronto, where I lived with Morgan. It was slightly hard to hang out altogether as a family since Morgan had a work schedule for hockey from about late Septemeber-early October up until the beginning of April. And they had a work schedule for baseball with winter training and the regular season and all that. 

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