Tanner Pearson ~ LAK (Part 2)

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"Y/N, there's nothing to be afraid of! You know that Tanner loves you, he'd never leave you at the altar!" Priya tried to get me out of the locked bathroom.

Long story short, I locked myself because I had doubts about whether Tanner would be at the altar or not.

"You know what? I'm gonna search for Tyler and Martin and get Tanner for you!" She weakly replied, before there was a complete silence.

There was some chatter coming in, I heard Priya, Tyler, Martin talking in whispering voices.

"Y/N, are you in there!?" Tyler banged his fist against the door, trying to open the door. "It's me, Tyler Toffoli!"

"Oh crap, we have to go! Come on Priya! We have to walk down the aisle next! Tyler, you got 10 minutes before you have to walk down with Y/B/F/N. We'll see you guys later!" Martin grabbed Priya's hand, rushing out of the scene to go down to the hall.

Tyler banged his fist against the door, pleading for me to open the door.  I finally gave in, unlocking the door and came outside of the bathroom, looking at Tyler.

"Where are Martin and Priya?" I asked, avoiding Tyler's eye-contact.

"Uh, they had to go down for their turn to walk down the aisle... I have 10 minutes to talk to you before it's my turn; why are you 'backing out' all of a sudden?" Tyler crossed his arms, causing me to look up at him.

"I-I'm just nervous... I'm afraid that Tanner's going to leave me at the altar or something..." I rubbed my arms, my nervous habit that everyone knew about.

Tyler had a sorrowful look written on their face, before he pulled his phone out and dialed a number.

He handed the phone to me, sighing. "Talk to him... I'll be here with you."

(Italics - Y/N and Bold - Tanner)


"Y/N? What're you doing on Toffoli's phone?"

"He wanted me to talk to you.... Tan, I-I'm nervous about today... Honestly, I'm just so afraid that you might leave me!"

"Woah, hold up! Why do you think that I would leave you?"

"I don't know, wedding nerves I guess..."

"Look babygirl, just know that I love you and that will never change! Now, promise me that I'll see you in 15 minutes?"

"Yeah babe, I'll see you at the altar!"

"Bye, I love you."

"And I love you."




"You look beautiful, Y/N." Dad started to sniffle, as we started our walk down the aisle.

"Aww, daddy; don't cry or you'll make me cry!" I laughed, tears threatening to come off my eyelashes.

"Focus on Tanner, not on me, sweetheart..." Dad and I got to the end before he handed me off to Tanner.

"Take good care of her, son." Dad shook hands with Tanner before he smiled.

"She's in good hands, Mr. L/N."

The ceremony flew by past and before it was time for the part Tanner was looking forward to.

"Do you, Y/N Y/L/N; take Tanner Pearson to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The officiant asked, looking at me for an answer.

"I do."

"And do you, Tanner Pearson; take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

The 3 words that I've been waiting for my entire life.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!" The officiant had declared and almost immediately, Tanner grabbed me by the waist and kissed me softly yet rough.

"Mrs. Tanner Pearson, huh I like the sound of that." Tanner whispered into my ear, making me giggle.

"Why thank you, Mr. Pearson!"




"Congrats you guys! How does it feel being married?" Martin hugged Tanner and I as soon as we came to the reception.

"I'll be honest with you Marty, it's a surreal feeling..." Tanner chuckled, looking down at his ring.

"Remember how you left the honeymoon situation up to Martin and I?" Priya smiled, grabbing an envelope from the gift table. "Here are the tickets and stuff, but you have to open this when you're having your first dance."

"Aww, you didn't have to do this! Thank you so much!" I smiled, dabbing my eyes so the tears weren't evident.

"Actually, Tanner was also a part of the project too..." Martin whistled before Tyler signaled them to go up to the table up on the stage.

"C'mon, let's go to the dance floor!" Tanner grabbed my hand, leading me out to the dance floor.

The DJ aka Dustin Brown slowed things down a bit. "Once again, congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, hope you have a blissful life together! This next song is 'Strings' by Shawn Mendes."

We danced with big smiles on our faces and were on the dance floor before the song ended.

"Are you ready to open the envelope, Y/N?" Tanner held out the secret envelope, causing me to grab it from him.

I tore it open and what was in my hand were 2 1st class tickets to Hawaii for tomorrow.

"Babe, you didn't have to do this!"

"You deserve it, sweetheart!"

"I love you, Mr. Pearson."

"I love you so much, Mrs. Pearson." He chuckled, giving me a passionate kiss in front of everybody.

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