David Pastrňák ~ BOS

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A Cup and a question... (900 words)


"David Pastrňák shoots at Dubnyk...and the puck flies by him and the Boston Bruins have won the Stanley Cup since 2011! The Boston Bruins have defeated the Minnesota Wild in a series of 3-2!" The analyst's voice was filled with joy as the crowd started to cheer for Boston. 

The players on the Boston bench jumped out onto the ice and started to tackle David with hugs since he scored the game-winning goal. I got up from my seat and started to hug the WAGs and we all decided to head down to the ice. 


"I am so proud of you, David!" I smiled as I jumped into David's arms and attacked his face with kisses. 

"Thank you, miláček." He softly chuckled at me and kissed my cheek. 

Ryan tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around to see him. 

"It's time for the hero to hold the Stanley Cup!" Ryan smirked at David and I looked confused at him. "And I'll give you guys some privacy..." 

And just like that, he skated over to where Kevan and Colin were, and I turned around to face David.

"David, what is he talking about?" I looked up at him as he also gave me a smirk. 

He reached into the Stanley Cup and got out a velvet box, causing my breath to immediately hitch. Getting down on one knee, he opened the box and in it laid a beautiful heart-shaped aquamarine engagement ring. 

"Oh crap! I forgot this speech I was going to say about how much I love you

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"Oh crap! I forgot this speech I was going to say about how much I love you. You really welcomed me to Boston when I first moved here and I know that we're only 19, but I couldn't wait for much longer... Y/N L/N, will you do me the honor? Vezmeš si mě a stal se paní David Pastrňák?" (Will you marry me and become Mrs. David Pastrňák?) David looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes starting to get misty due to this very important moment. 

My hands flew up to my mouth and tears started to flow out of my eyes. Words couldn't get out of my mouth, so instead, I nodded my head and smiled at him. 

"Yes, of course I will marry you, David." I held my hand out to him and he smiled real big. He shakingly slipped the ring on my finger and he stood up. 

Tears started to flow out of David's eyes and I softly smiled at him. He gently cupped my face in his hands and I cupped his face in mine before he passionately kissed me. 

The players and their WAGs and the entire crowd started to go wild and I swear, I heard a few wolf-whistles coming from Spooner's direction. I pulled away before it got too heated and I saw reporters starting to come up to David and I. 

"Well, first of all, congratulations to you two getting engaged a few seconds ago!" The reporter smiled at us and we thanked them. "How does it feel winning the Stanley Cup AND getting engaged the same night?" 

I looked at David and he gave me a smile before he looked at the reporters. "It really is an unreal feeling. I'll be honest with you, I think me getting down on one knee was a little nerve-racking for me since I was doing it in front of a packed arena, but I'd never change anything about it. I'm really happy that I got the goal past Dubnyk, you know, to help the team get to the goal of winning the Stanley Cup...It's just been an emotional day for all of us today..." 

"And, Y/N, what did you think of David's proposal?" The reporter looked at me and I laughed politely

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"And, Y/N, what did you think of David's proposal?" The reporter looked at me and I laughed politely. "And may we get a view of the ring, if you don't mind?"  

"I never would've thought that he would propose to me right now! I knew he was going to win the Stanley Cup and I'm really happy for him. He's worked real hard to get to where he is today. And of course, I don't mind at all..." I smiled as I carefully showed them the ring and they 'awwed' at it. 

They congraulated us once again before they got a few more interviews and the team wanted to head out to dinner. 


"I propose this toast," David tapped his champagne glass filled with sparkling water with a fork, "to us winning the Stanley Cup and to my lifeling best friend." 

"Hear, hear!" The team agreed as they clinked their glasses together and I clinked mine with the WAGs. 

David sat back down and I looked up at him with a smile. He looked at me weirdly and I softly laughed at him. 

"What are you staring at there, Y/N?" David joked with me and I sarcastically rolled my eyes. 

"Oh nothing...Just looking at my handsome fiancé. What about you?" I looked into his twinkling blue eyes and he chuckled at me. 

"I'm looking at my beautiful fiancée..." 

He took my left hand in his right hand and softly kissed my forehead and cheek, before he gave me a big kiss on the lips. 

"Miluju tě tak moc, Y/N..." David whispered in Czech into my ear and I bit my lip. 

"I love you too, David..." I whispered back to him in English and he smiled down at me. 

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