Vladislav Namestnikov ~ TBL

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Song imagine: "You Are the Only One" by Sergey Lazarev ... (763 words)

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(His POV)


"We will never let our loving go, come undone, 

Everything we had is staying unbroken..." 

It was the end. The relationship was over between us. And there was nothing that the both of us could do to save the doomed relationship, but we've decided to stay friends since we had a connection. We were just drifting apart and we rarely saw each other due to the busy schedules when it was decided to mutually split apart... I'm not going to lie, I was heartbroken at the decision, but I couldn't do anything about it.

"Won't ever give up cause, 

You're still somewhere out there..." 

I had dozens of missed calls and texts from my friends and they were worried about me. Not that I was in a bad condition or anything, I just wasn't willing to talk about what had happened. She was still somewhere around in Tampa, I know it. 

"Nothing or no one's gonna keep us apart..." 

I was not going to give up on our relationship. Yes, we had good times and some bad memories, but I love her and I know that she returns the love to me, but something was blocking the way and that may have been why she broke up. I was not afraid of our relationship and she wasn't either, but something just went awry somewhere along the way... 

"Thunder and lightning, it's getting exciting,

Lights up the skyline to show where you are..." 

It was a stormy day back in Tampa and memories just came rushing through my mind about the times she'd have me come over to her apartment because of her fear of thunderstorms. 



It was about 2 o'clock in the morning when I heard my phone go off, causing me to groan to myself. Sitting up from my previous position, I grabbed the phone off the nightstand and clicked the button. 

"Hello?" I groggily mumbled due to the lack of sleep. 

"Vladdy, can you come over to my place?" I heard her voice crack a little bit and immediately, I sobered up. 

"Wh-what happened?" 

"Have you taken a look outside, Vlad? It's literally raining cats and dogs out there and there are thunderstorms coming... Please, I need you by my side...." 

"Alright, I'll be on my way, sweetheart. I'll see you in a little bit." 

"I love you and drive safe!"

"I love you too, Y/N." 

Once I had gotten to her place, I knocked on the door and she immediately opened the door and pulled me in. 

"Thank you for coming here, Vlad..." She whimpered as I held her in my arms and her face was facing my chest. 

"Shhh..." I hushed her as I ran my hand up and down her hair and rocked her gently. "I'm here, don't worry. Hey! Why don't we watch an episode of 'How I Met Your Mother'?" 

She nodded her head and smiled at me. It was ever since that day whenever there was a stormy day, it was a tradition to watch a few episodes (or seasons) of HIMYM. It had always calmed her dow, well, that and my cuddles. 

|Flashback over|


"You're the only one,

You're my only one..." 

When I was with Y/N, I felt this spark between the two of us, just like what I had felt back when I met her at a game in Chicago. I never felt the feeling with anybody else except for Y/N. Something was telling me that she may have been my soulmate. 


"Please, Y/N?" I pleaded with her as I set down my cup of coffee on the table and she looked at me. 

"I-I'm not sure, Vlad..." She looked hesitantly at me and suddenly, an idea came into my mind.

Leaning over the table, I softly pressed my lips on top of hers and kissed them gently and tenderly. We kissed for a few minutes before I pulled away, but our foreheads were touching. Her E/C orbs were looking deeply into my clear blue eyes. 

"I love you," I whispered to her and brushed a few strands of her hair away from her face, "so damn much, Y/N..." 

"I love you too, Vladislav." 

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