André Burakovsky ~ WSH

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Going to a Duke basketball game and André meets your brother... (Yes, I will be using their jersey numbers for half of this imagine, but I don't want to give it away right away...) (1220 words)


"How were you able to get courtside tickets to the Duke-North Carolina game, Y/N?" André looked over at me with excitement in his eyes while I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Hey, I may play for the Boston Pride of the NWHL, but I have my connections with the school..." I smirked at him as I adjusted my Duke baseball cap that sat on the top of my head and reversed it so the rim was facing the back. 

"Really? Are you relatives with one of the players?" 

"Yeah, but I'm not going to tell you who, you're going to have to figure out by yourself..." 

He groaned at me and slumped in his chair, sporting a pout and crossed his arms, acting like a little kid. 

"Oh, just enjoy the game, will you?" I playfully scolded him and he sarcastically rolled his eyes. 

"Well, we are at courtside at a very famous college basketball rivalry game...So, yeah, I'll enjoy the game!" André softly smiled at me as he draped an arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his neck, gently kissing his neck. 


The referee blew a whistle as one of the North Carolina players had fouled a Duke player by tripping them and there was a little brawl going on between them. 

Their respective teammates successfully separated them from each other and glared at each other. The referee gave the ball to #3 of the Blue Devils and I was sitting at the edge of my seat, waiting for the anticipation of the ball swishing into the hoop. 

He calmly took a deep breath in before he made eye contact with the basketball hoop in front of him and precisely threw the ball from where he stood. And yes, the ball went into the hoop and I stood up and cheered with the rest of the Blue Devils fans. André also joined me and we laughed at each other before sat back down in our seats. 

The game was tied between the Tar Heels and the Blue Devils 79-79... And there were 15 seconds left in the game. It was literally either the Heels who might win or the Devils. The clock started to run down again and I was biting my nails as I was intently watching the game. 

#5 of the Blue Devils had the ball and passed it to #3, who dribbled the ball across into the Tar Heels' zone and dunked the ball into the hoop, giving the Blue Devils the guaranteed win of the Duke-NC rivalry. 

The clock slowly ticked down before the buzzer went off. The Blue Devils had won the game and I was really happy. 


André and I were waiting outside the Cameron Indoor Stadium for my brother and a few teammates of his since I promised him that we would have dinner the next time I was in town. 

"Hey, little sis!" I felt 2 familiar hands cover my eyes as I giggled and uncovered them. 

Turning around, I saw my older twin brother, Grayson in somewhat casual clothes and I gave him a hug. 

"It's been so long since I've seen you, Gray!" I smiled at him as I returned the hug to him. 

"How's Boston?" He refered to my playing career in Boston and I lightly chuckled. 

"We won the playoffs and the title...but, I got someone who I'd like for you to finally meet!" I urged André to come stand next to me and he came. 

Grayson towered over André by just two inches and he smiled at him. 

"André, this is my older twin brother, Grayson. Grayson, this is my boyfriend, André Burakovsky." I introduced the two to each other and they shook hands. 

"It's nice to meet you, Grayson." André was being his usual happy self and Grayson chuckled. 

"The pleasure is all mine, André. Hey, don't you play for the Washington Capitals?" Grayson looked down at André, who nodded his head. 

"Yeah! I do!" 

"Y/N has told me a lot about you, but I never had the chance to meet you with school and basketball...I'm so sorry about that, André!" 

André shook his head politely and shrugged it off, "it was fine...I was busy with hockey, so I know how you feel. And you call me Burky too if you want, that's what a lot of people call me." 

Grayson nodded his head and I saw a few of his teammates come out of the locker room in casual clothes. 

"Hey Y/N! It's been too long since we've seen you!" They hugged me before they saw André standing there. "Aren't you André Burakovsky of the Washington Capitals?" 

André nodded his head and smiled, "yes, I am!" 

"Oh yeah! André, they are a few of Grayson's teammates; Luke, Nick, Antonio, Brandon, and Brennan..." I pointed out to each of Gray's teammates and André greeted them all. 

"It's very nice to meet all of you guys!" André smiled as they took pictures with him. "Congrats on winning the game!" 

"Thank you, Gray and Luke really saved our butts in those last 15 seconds of the game..." Antonio laughed and we all followed suit. "And congrats on your team winning the Presidents Trophy and getting into the playoffs, André. And Y/N, congrats on winning your title and playoffs with Boston!"

"Why, thank you!" We both said to the guys and laughed in harmony.

The guys talked amongst themselves for a few minutes before we decided to head to dinner. 


"You seem like a good man for my little sis, André. Just don't hurt her or my friends and I are not afraid to hunt you down..." Grayson smiled at André as he gave him the serious 'big-bro' talk. 

"I would never hurt your sister in anyway, Gray." André nodded his head and that caused me to smile. "I love her so damn much it hurts." 

"That's what I wanted to hear!" Grayson smiled as he patted André on the back. "I am so happy for the both of you, Y/N and André." 

"Aww, my brother and boyfriend are getting along together! I think this moment is Insta worthy!" I giggled as I pulled my phone out and encouraged to get them in a group picture. 

We took the group picture via a group-selfie style and I posted it on Instagram with the caption, 'With @/andreburakovsky, my bro and his teammates in a long overdue dinner. Go Blue Devils and Caps!'

They all laughed at my caption and liked the picture and commented on it. 

André softly smiled at me before he gently kissed my forehead and whispered, "I love you so much, Y/N..." 

"I love you too, André..." I smiled back at him and kissed his cheek. 

"So much PDA going on!" I heard Grayson aww and I laughed. 

"You should check out Tumblr, they ship you and Luke so hard!" I stuck my tongue out at him and I saw Luke shrug his shoulders. 

"I think we have a good bromance, don't you think, Gray?" Luke asked Gray and I laughed at him. 

"Seriously? In front of my sister and her boyfriend?" 

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