Brandon Saad ~ CBJ

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Song imagine: "La La La" by Sam Smith... (A few more song imagines and then I'm done with them in this book. It's because of school and finals, which I don't get out of until next Friday. I don't have a lot of time to update between now and then except for weekends and for now, I can do a few song imagines... Plus, this imagine does have some arguments, just so you know!) (1008 words)


"Hush, don't speak, 

When you spit your venom, keep it shut, I hate it..." 

"Aren't you being a little bit unreasonable right now, Brandon!?" I yelled at him as my fists made a 'bang' noise as it hit the kitchen counter. My jaw was clenched shut as I felt my teeth grind and Brandon scowled at me. His hands rested on the kitchen counter while his blue eyes glared at me. 

"I'm just saying, Y/N. We haven't really been spending much time together ever since the season's ended..." Brandon sighed in defeat while his hands went up to his head and played with his hair. "I just miss spending time with you, Y/N."

"I'm sorry if my job is getting in the way of that, Brandon! But, it's my dream job and of course, I love you, but I worked hard to get where I am. I'm sorry if you feel that way, Brandon." My hand flew up to my face and rubbed my eyes to signal that I was annoyed about the situation. He had sensed the body language and decided to raise his hands up in the air. 

"Fine, if that's the way you feel...." He muttered under his breath and that was the last I had heard from him. 

"I can't find your silver lining,

I don't mean to judge..." 

"I just miss hanging out with you, Y/N. But, lately, I feel like I'm being ignored by you because of the work you have to do, even on the weekends when there are no office hours!" Brandon shook his head while he noticed me that I was on my laptop, checking my emails from work. I looked up at him for a quick second before I looked back down at the screen and continued to glance through the emails. Sure, this may be a type of 'silent treatment' per se, but I was truly trying not to ignore him. 

Of course, I miss spending time with Brandon and yes, I truly love him with all my heart, but I had just accepted a dream job offer and I started to work in that position for a few weeks and it's just been causing me to spend more time with my laptop and I feel like I'm married to my laptop. And I know that everybody has a silver lining for the bad times in their lives, but that had started to make me wonder if there was even going to be a silver lining in this otherwise gloomy and dark situation. 

I was starting to wonder if this was all worth it or not... 

"I'm covering my ears like a kid, 

When your words mean nothing, I go la, la, la..." 

"I can't hear a word you're saying, Brandon!" I yelled at him as I covered my ears and started to sing some song that was popular back in 2014. 

"Well, maybe you'd hear what I'm telling you if you weren't covering your ears like you're blocking out everything!" Brandon groaned, which I could partly hear, but then again, I was covering my ears like a kid. 

"La, la, la, I can't hear a word you're telling me!" I shouted out loud to block out any speaking coming from him. 

"You are so unbelievable sometimes..." He shook his head and frowned at me. 

"I'm turning up the volume when you speak, 

Cause if my heart can't stop, I find a way to block it..." 

 I slowly but cautiously walked down the stairs into the basement to find Brandon doing some workouts with the punching bag. He didn't notice me coming downstairs, which he would usually recognize me when he saw me at the bottom of the staircase. I saw that he was wearing his noise-canceling headphones, which probably meant that he was blocking out everything near his surrounding and decided to exert his anger out in a workout. He usually was pretty calm after a workout and started to talk to me, but then I noticed that he caught me looking at me and he still continued with his workout. 

A frown came upon my face when I realized that he was right. He had every right to be angry at me, but I can't help but feel like I have a feeling of guilt in my mind. 


"Brandon?" I whispered out softly out to him as he was sleeping on the couch. I shook his shoulder in a gentle manner and almost after that, he started to wake up from his somewhat peaceful slumber. He slowly opened his blue eyes to meet my puffy and red E/C eyes and his face immediately dropped. 

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He groggily spoke with sleepiness laced in his tone. "Are you alright?"

"I-I'm so sorry...." My voice started to crack and tears started to build up in my eyes, causing my hands to wipe them off, but Brandon was already on the job.

"Shh...It's alright. I get it, you're at a new job and you're getting accustomed to it. I guess I'm not the one who was being the fair one, and I am really sorry about my behavior, Y/N." He mumbled as he pressed a few light kisses on my temple before he pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes. "I never should have treated you like that, Y/N."

"I guess we're both to blame," I smiled softly up at him and he started to smile back at me. 

"So, will you forgive me, Y/N?"

"And will you forgive me, Brandon."

"I forgive you, Y/N."

"I also forgive you, Brandon. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Y/N." 

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