Tom Wilson ~ WC

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You catch him doing something adorable with your guys' daughter.... (680+ words)

(Tom's POV)


"Daddy!" I heard Y/N and I's daughter, Laura said in a mousy voice. 

"Yes, sweetheart?" I yawned, setting my hockey bag in the shared bedroom before I walked to Laura's room. 

"Can you tell me a bedtime story? I can't sleep...." She rubbed her eyes, hugging her Build-A-Bear stuffed animal and looking at me with those blue eyes she inherited from me. 

"Of course, sweetheart. Shall I tell you the princess and prince's wedding story again?" I smiled, rubbing her H/C hair she inherited from Y/N. 

"I love that story! Please, Daddy?" 

"Ok, ok! Let me get ready!" 

(Flashback 4 years ago)


"Do you, Y/F/N, take Thomas Wilson to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The officiant looked at Y/N, looking at her for an answer. 

"I-I do," she said choked up as if she was holding in the tears. 

"And do you, Thomas Wilson, take Y/F/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The officiant looked at me and tears just started to flow out of my eyes. 

"I do," I whispered as a huge smile started to appear on my face.

"By the power vested in me and the state of Virgina, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The officiant stepped back and we both started to smile, causing me to step forward slightly and kissed her like it was my last day on Earth. 

We kissed for a few minutes before I pulled away and I whispered on her lips, "I love you, Mrs. Wilson." 

"I love you too, Mr. Wilson." She cracked a huge grin, getting on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. 

Eventually, we got to the reception, but my favorite part was when we had our first dance. 

"Tom..." Y/N whispered as we slow danced, causing me to look down at her. 

"Yes, Y/N?" I looked at her worried, wondering if she wanted to annul the marriage. 

"I have to tell you something...." 

"You can tell me anything, Y/N. We're married now and nothing can make me hate you." 

"I-I'm pregnant." 

I looked at her with a surprised look on my face, tears flowing out of my eyes. "Are you serious? Am I really going to be a dad?" 

She bit her lip, nodding her head and I chuckled. Gently picking her up, I pressed my lips to hers for the billionth time that day.

"Tom, put me down!" She giggled, causing me to blush. 

"Sorry..." I set her back down on the floor and chuckled. 

"I love you, Y/N." 

"I love you too, Tom." 


"Wait a minute... Are you and Mommy the prince and princess in the story?" Laura looked up at me and I smiled. 

"Yes, we were. Did you enjoy tonight's story, Laura?" I gently tucked her into bed and gave her the stuffed animal. "Can daddy get a goodnight kiss from his little princess?"

"Yes, he can!" She giggled as she leaned up and kissed me stubbled cheek. 

"Goodnight, Laura. I love you." I gently played with her hair, toying with the curls before I heard someone's throat clear. 

Looking up, I found Y/N with her phone in her hand, tears flowing out of her eyes. 

Walking up to her, I kissed her lips before gently walking her to our bedroom and got ready for bed. 

"You are such a good father to Laura, Tom..." Y/N whispered as she traced shapes on my chest. 

"You really think so, Y/N?" I looked at her incredulously. 

"You really are, Tom...Hey, can I have a Nutella, peanut butter, and pickle sandwich?" 

"That's weird....The only time you ate a Nutella, peanut butter, and pickle sandwich was when you were-Oh my god! Are we having another baby?" 

She bit her lip as tears of joy came out of her eyes and she nodded. 

"Oh my god, I literally have the best life. I have the perfect wife, a beautiful daughter, and a new baby on the way...I love you, Y/N Wilson."

"I love you too, Tom Wilson."

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