Jake Virtanen ~ VAN

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Song imagine: "Barcelona" by George Ezra... (578 words)


"Wait, what?" Jake looked at me confusedly as I handed him the flyer. 

"I-I'm going to Barcelona for a student exchange trip...But, it's only for a semester!" I weakly grinned as he took the piece of paper away from my hands and scanned through it, his eyes tearing up in the process. 

"So, you're going to be away from Vancouver for 3 months?" His voice was a bit shaky due to the news that I had dropped on him. 

I nodded my head and looked down at the ground, only to feel his hand cupping my cheek gently and I was face to face with him. 

"And you leave in two weeks, am I correct?" Jake's usual crystal blue eyes were a bit irritated and red while the tears still hung out in his eyes. 

Once again, I nodded my head and he softly kissed my cheek. "That would be correct, Jake." 

"Then, I say that we have a fantastic two weeks together before you have to head off to Barcelona." 


I still long to hold her once more..." (Jake's POV)

"Well...This is it." I sighed sadly as my hands slipped into the jean pockets and Y/N nodded her head. 

"Yep." Was all she said before she turned around to face me. Her eyes were glistening with tears, but she shook them off. "I am going to miss you so much for the next three months, Jakey..." 

I brought her into a bone-crushing hug and repeatedly kissed her cheek a few more times before there was an announcement that the flight heading to Barcelona was starting to board. 

"I'll see you in three months, Virtanen." She gently kissed my lips before cracking a soft smile at me and waved goodbye to me before she headed off to the plane. 

This was going to be a long three months. 

"Every time you have to go, 

Shut my eyes and you know..." (Jake) 

"Oh my god...I miss you so much, Jake." I heard Y/N giggle on the other side. We were currently in a video call over FaceTime and it was about 2:40 here in Vancouver while it was 20 minutes to midnight in Barcelona. 

"I miss you too, sweetheart...How's your semester in Barcelona so far?" I snuggled with my pillow and she chuckled at my antics. 

"It's going pretty good so far! I actually went to a Barça game with a few friends of mine a few days ago..." She smiled and soon after, frowned a little bit. "It's almost midnight here, sweetheart...I have to go...." 

"Alright, I love you." 

"I love you too, Jake." 

"I'll be lying right by your side, 

In Barcelona..." (Y/N) 

"I'll talk to you later, sweetheart." Jake slightly frowned but still had a smile on his face. "I love you and have a good night." 

"I love you too, honey. Goodnight from Barcelona!" I blew him a kiss and lightly giggled before the line on the other side went blank. 

Looking at the time display on my laptop, it had displayed that it was 5 minutes to one in the morning. Great. 

I gently rested the laptop on top of my bedside table and I squirmed around until I felt comfortable. My eyes were already starting to droop when I heard someone whisper in my ear, "surprise!" 

My eyes opened in shock and I rolled over to find Jake laying in the bed next to me...

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