Oliver Ekman-Larsson ~ ARI

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For those of you who have seen the Yotes vs. Blues game, you know exactly what this plot is about... Practically, the plot is about Oliver's injury from last night.... (950+ words)


"Y/N, we gotta go..." I entered the WAGs box after getting some snacks to find Priya getting her stuff. 

"What? Why?" I looked at her in a weird way and she pointed to the speaker. 

"We have received word that Oliver Ekman-Larsson will not return due to a lower-body injury after a tumble with Vladimir Tarasenko. He wasn't able to put any weight on his right leg, so it may be a minor or serious injury..." The analyst spoke and immediately, my face lost its color. "This is a big blow for the Arizona Coyotes against a team that has been good offensively...." 

Grabbing my stuff, I said goodbye to the rest of the WAGs and walked out with Priya, walking down to the locker room. 

"I'll go get the car ready and text Mikkel that I'm not going to be there for the rest of the night...." Priya smiled, grabbing her car keys and left. 

Walking inside, I saw the medic trainer stretching his right leg and Oliver was just wincing in pain. The sight and sound of it broke my heart. Holding in my tears, I quietly strode over to where they sat and smiled sympathetically. 

"Oliver, how did this happen?" I bit my lip to hold back my sobs. 

"I was chasing the puck when my right skate got caught with Tarasenko's skate and we just tumbled down, I landed on my right leg awkwardly...I got assessed a minor penalty for tripping him, but I got hurt bad and Kyle had to take the penalty for me...." Oliver's beautiful green-hazel eyes shined with tears and I sighed. 

The trainer sighed and I looked at him worriedly. "W-what happened?" 

He sighed and put away his medicinal stuff away, "I'm afraid he might have a day-to-day injury, but I'd go to the hospital to check..." 

"Okay, thank you so much, Jason." I stood up and Oliver leaned onto my side before Priya came into the room and helped out with his other side. 


"Hi, we're wondering if we could check into the ER?" I sheepishly smiled, trying to hold Oliver despite him being a bit heavy and my arm was getting tired.

"Sure, what seems to be the problem?" The receptionist smiled, looking up from the desktop. 

"My fiancé's been hurt tonight and we'd like some tests run for him?" 

"Of course, what's your name?" 

The receptionist looked at Oliver for an answer and he winced in pain. 

"My name is Oliver Ekman-Larsson..." He groaned for the umpteenth time and Priya quickly grabbed a wheelchair. I transferred him into the wheelchair and slightly stretched my arms.

"And just to confirm, is your birthplace Karlskrona, Sweden?"


"And is your birthday on July 17th?"


The receptionist printed off a bracelet for Oliver and strapped it around his wrist. 

"The doctor will be with you in a moment...." The receptionist smiled before I wheeled him over to the waiting area. 

We waited a while before I heard a doctor call out Oliver's name. Standing up, I pushed one handle of the wheelchair while Priya pushed the other one, looking up at the doctor. 

"What seems to be the problem today?" The doctor looked at Oliver's medical records and he spoke up. 

"I've got injured today, an hour ago, actually..." Oliver painfully sighed. 

"And how did you get injured?" The doctor looked at us for any evidence and Priya spoke up. 

"Oliver plays for the Coyotes and they had a game against the Blues today... He was chasing the puck when his right skate got caught with Vladimir's skate and they tumbled. He landed on his right leg awkwardly...." Priya scratched the back of her neck in nervousness. 


Oliver nodded his head and the doctor continued. Eventually, they did some tests and turns out, Oliver had suffered a high-ankle sprain and he was practically out for the next few weeks....


A knock came upon the door and Oliver answered. The door opened to see Mikkel walk in, donning his full team gear. 

"I got here as soon as Priya texted me...Did they diagnose Oliver?" Mikkel walked over to Oliver's bed quietly, looking at his best friend concernedly. 

"Yeah, Mikkel...I have a high-ankle sprain." Oliver pointed at his splinted ankle. "How did the game go?"

"Ahh, we lost...It was 6-4." 

"I never should have left the game..." 

Oliver's face was filled with sorrow and regret. I clicked my fingers to get his attention and he looked at me.

"Hey, hey, hey! It certainly wasn't your fault, Oliver! I admit, it was a faulty play, but it wasn't your fault..." I growled playfully while he chuckled. 

"Oh, what would I do without you, Y/N?" He played with my hair and I shook my head. "Jag älskar dig till månen och tillbaka, Y/N L/N..." (I love you to the moon and back, Y/N L/N.) 

I chuckled, placing a kiss on his lips. "I love you too, Oliver Ekman-Larsson." 

I heard groans coming from Mikkel and Priya. Looking up, they were smiling at us.

"What?" I blushed and they started to laugh. 

"The two of you are literally the cutest couple ever!" Priya giggled and Mikkel nodded his head. 

"Really?" I bit my lip and looked down at Oliver. 

"He won't stop talking about you during road-trips...." Mikkel rolled his eyes and Oliver yelled back. 

"The same goes for you with Priya!" 

"Hey, you leave me out of the conversation!" 

Oliver rolled his eyes before he cheekily smiled at him. "I love you, Mikkel." 

"Shut up, Ekman-Larsson." 

"Ouch, someone's grumpy..." 

"Ugh, I love you too, Ekman-Larsson..." 

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