Brendan Leipsic ~ TML

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He sees you with bed-head hair for the first time... (500+ words)

(Brendan's POV)


How did I get so lucky to be with a girl like Y/N? She looked so beautiful with her mouth agape slightly as she was lightly snoring. 

Granted, I snore too, but it's something about hers that just calm me down. Gently, I raised my hand up to her hair and quietly massaged it, which seemed to wake her up....Her E/C eyes slowly blinked open as I continued the action and they met my blue eyes. 

"Good morning, sweetheart." I smiled and rubbed my eyes to get the sleepiness feeling out of my system. 

"Mornin' Bren. How did you sleep last night?" Y/N giggled as she traced patterns on my chest. 

"I slept like a kid after a sugar crash. How about you?" 

"I slept fine considering that I am sick, nothing major happened besides my dream about Joe Sugg..." 

"Huh!? You dreamt about who!?" 

Y/N blushed and I chuckled, "relax, I'm just joking...But, I better be the only guy you dream about." 

She started to laugh and I rolled my eyes before I started to get out of the bed and she whined. Turning around, I had a look of concern on my face. 

"Do you want anything, sweetheart?" I looked at her confusedly and she pointed toward her mirror that was right across from me. 

She started to scream and hid her head under the pillow.

"What happened!? Is there a hurricane warning?" I looked at her and saw that she shook her head. "Then what is it?"

She finally unrevealed her head and I saw her blush. "I have a bad case of bedhead hair..." 

"Babe, is this what you're worried about? Me seeing your bedhead hair?" I nodded my head towards her and she nodded her head 'yes'. 

Walking back over to the bed, I laid back and softly smiled, "your hair looks no matter what happens to it..."

Y/N shook her head. "Are you telling me the truth?"

I sighed and lifted her chin with my thumb and pointer. "Y/N, look at me." 

Reluctantly, she looked up at my blue eyes and made eye contact. 

"Sweetheart, you're beautiful inside and out. You are the Juliet to my Romeo, except without the death scenes, but anyways. You are my Rose and I'm pretty sure I'm your Jack. I put a ring on your finger," I lifted her left hand and my left hand to let the rings come in the sight, "because I love you unconditionally. Y/N, you always look gorgeous to me, please know that." 

And by then, she was in tears and smiled happily. "That was the most beautiful thing you've said to me besides our wedding vows and your proposal speech." 

"That's how much I love you, Y/N. I love you to the Milky Way galaxy and back, Y/N." I chuckled to myself and leaned in to connect my lips with hers. 

"I love you like how Stiles is in love with Lydia. Except, I also return the love to you..." 

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