Joe Colborne ~ CF

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Song Imagine: "Never Forget You" by Zara Larsson and MNEK... (It's a really great song, I've included a link for the song in the media section. It's currently my favorite song). And I know Joe doesn't have any tattoos as far as I know of, but in the imagine, let's pretend he does... And the first half of the imagine is in your POV while the second part is in Joe's POV since the song is a duet... If it has (Y/N), then it's in your POV. If it has (Joe), then it's in Joe's POV. (950+ words)


"I used to be so happy,

But without you here, I feel so low..." (Y/N) 

Joe and I were in a long-distance relationship because of my job in Toronto and his career with Calgary, our hometown team. He was the reason I got up every morning with a smile, but since my job relocation to Toronto had made me a bit down in the dumps. I never really wanted to hang out with my friends or do any other social things. The thing that mattered to me was communicating with Joe and the time-zones...

"Cause once upon a time, you were my everything..." (Y/N)

Before my job transfer, I was always able to go to most of Joe's games and I had fun going to them. Now that I was in Toronto, the only times I could see him were when he was in town or via FaceTime or Skype. We were both each other's everything, but now, it was our jobs that were our everything... 

"I'll never forget you, 

You'll always be by my side..." (Y/N)

I remember the day that we last saw each other at the airport...

"Y/N, do you really have to leave for Toronto?" Joe sighed sadly and I nodded my head in dismal. 

"I'm sorry, Joe...But, I have to follow my boss' orders... Besides, I'll only be gone for 6 months..." I softly smiled, rubbing Joe's cheek. 

"I'll miss you so much..." Joe broke down and brought me into a hug and I immediately started to cry, soaking his shirt. 

We stood there, crying our hearts out until my flight was announced. 

"Don't ever forget me, you got that, Y/N?" Joe sadly yet jokingly smiled, pointing at the ring on my left hand. 

"I will never, ever forget you, babe. I love you, Joseph William Colborne." 

"I love you too, Y/F/N." 

"I knew that I would love you 'till the day I die..." (Y/N)

For some reason, I always catch myself looking at the tattoo that I got that had a hockey puck, which was for Joe with his intials 'JWC' underneath the puck. Every time I catch myself staring at it, it just made me miss Joe more and more. I was ready for the 6 months to be done already. Joe is my support system, and without him, I have no motivation to do the things I love to do. 

"And in my heart,  I will be sure,

I'll never forget you..." (Y/N)

"What time is it over in Toronto, Y/N?" Joe looked at worriedly as my eyes were starting to droop down. 

"It's midnight... " I mumbled, resting my head on the table. 

"Well, it's ten in Calgary...I'll let you go to bed, only because I care about you and I love you." 

"I love you too, babe..." 

"Sleep tight, love. 3 more weeks..." 

"Goodnight, Joe." 

He hung up the FaceTime call and I walked up to my bed, flopping down on it and immediately fell asleep. Only 3 more weeks until my assignment in Toronto was over and I could fly back to Calgary.... 

"Funny how we both end up here,

But everything seems alright..."(Joe) 

I noticed that throughout our FaceTime and Skype calls, Y/N put on a fake smile instead of her genuine smile. It pained me dearly to see how much she was hurt being thousands of miles away on the other side of Canada. Looking down at the secret tattoo that I got, which was practically a heart with her intials with the exception of the 'C' as her last intial since we were getting married in less than a month. 

"I wonder what'll happen,

If we went back and put up a fight..." (Joe)

I wonder if the past was a little different, meaning if Y/N didn't go on the job transfer, would the present be a whole lot different? If went back in time and fought for her not going, would that've altered today? I know that life is unpredictable, but just think about it... 

"And all along, I knew I had something special with you..." (Joe)

My love for Y/N could never change no matter how much money you offer me or whatever. She loves me for me and I love her for her. Nothing could ever change that. She has the special something that just makes me fall in love with her more. 

"But, I'm still tired and I know that I can't hide,

My connection with you..." (Joe)

I was tired of having to wait for three more weeks, but I knew it was going to be worth it. I felt as if this long-distance relationship made our love for each other stronger. Every night, I look up at the ceiling and I would smile, just imagining what the rest of our lives would look like. My love connection with Y/N never faded away and it was that connection that motivated me to perform better at my games with the Flames. Every goal and assist, I dedicate it to her, especially when she was at the ACC watching the games while wearing my Colborne jersey. I truly can't wait for the day to see her again and I know she's excited to see me again....

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