Mitchell Stephens ~ TBL

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You have to move away and try a long-distance relationship... (605 words)



"I got accepted at Arizona State...I qualify for early graduation and they have a spot open. If I want to go there, I have to take this spot right now." 

"Are we going to break up?" 

"Mitch, you know that I love you too damn much..." 

"But you'll be in Glendale and I'll be traveling throughout the Northeastern US and Ontario..." 

"I know, but I think a long-distance might be best for right now..." 

"I think you may be right, Y/N...But I'm going to miss you so much!" 

"I'm going to miss you too, Mitchypoo...." 

"Stop calling me that!" 


(A few months later....) 


"What are your plans for summer break, Y/N?" B/F/N flashed her hand in front of my face. "Earth to Y/N!" 

"Uh, what?" I shook my head to fully awake myself and she playfully rolled her eyes at me. 

"You've been like this for the past few weeks, Y/N... Are you feeling alright?" 

"I don't's just that-I miss being this far away from him, y'know...I'm all the way here in Arizona and he's all the way up in Michigan and I just miss him so much..." 

Tears started to flood near my tear ducts before I shakily sighed to calm myself down a little bit. B/F/N looked a little distracted and that caused me to sober up a bit. 

"B/F/N, you seem to be a little distracted there, are you feeling ok?" I joked with her and she rolled her eyes at me. 

"Yeah-it's nothing-is it just me or is Glendale experiencing some heat today?" She was acting really weird and I looked at her like she's acting crazy. 

The bell above the door made a jiggling noise and I looked up from my phone to see a familiar face getting in the line.

It wasn't a dream, was it? Is he actually here?

"Oh. My. God..." I gasped as he took his sunglasses and baseball cap off and ordered his drink. 

"What?" B/F/N looked confusedly at me before I pointed over to where he was standing and she fake gasped. "Is it really true?" 

Well, it turned out to be true because of when the barista shouting his name for when his drink was ready. 

"Mitchell, is that really you?" My hands flew up to my mouth in shock as he turned around and faced me. "Oh my god, it really is you!" 

He smiled really big from ear to ear and he opened up his arms for me to run into. Dang, I really missed his hugs so much...

"I heard that you've been missing me a little..." His Canadian accent was shining through a little bit and I looked up at him to see him smirk down at me.

"You didn't tell me that you were flying here?" I fake pouted as he chuckled lowly to himself and shook his head. 

"It was all B/F/N's idea for me to come here and surprise you..." 

I looked over at B/F/N and she gave me a thumbs up and waved me off to pay attention to him. 

"I missed you so much, Y/N." He sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and rested his head in the crook of my neck. 

"I missed you too, Mitchell..." Tears started to flow freely onto his shirt and I laughed loudly. "I'm so sorry for staining your shirt, honey..." 

"Don't worry about it, I know it's the tears of love..." 

"And it's things like these is which is why I love you so much, Stephens."

"I love you too, L/N." 

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