Brendan Gallagher ~ MTL

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Swimming at Rio 2016... FYI, Y/H/C in this case means your home country. (1076 words)


"Geez, thanks for the great advice, Chad..." I muttered to my good friend, who was also competing in the Olympics.

" I muttered to my good friend, who was also competing in the Olympics

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"You don't have to be so sarcastic about it, L/N." He shook his head in a playful manner before smiling. "You're going to do great, Y/N! I know that you'll earn that gold medal."

"You do make a good point, le Clos..." I smiled up at him as he held his arms out and gave me a friendly hug. "Thanks for coming to my event again."

"No problem, Y/N/N. Good luck!" He giggled before leaving to go sit down on the bleachers.

Taking a deep breath, I headed off to my lane, waiting for the other competitors to come out and start the event. It was a 200-meter butterfly event and I was up against with some fierce and strong competitors.

I adjusted my goggles so they were snug on the temples of my forehead and the clear lenses were visible for the viewers to see.

I felt someone tap my shoulders and when I turned around, it was Brendan. I couldn't believe it. He was actually right there, standing in front of me. 

"Surprise, Y/N/N!" He smiled at me as he pressed his lips on my forehead.

"B-Brendan?" I stuttered as I gave him a quick hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I surprise my beautiful girlfriend at the biggest event of her swimming career?" Brendan chuckled whilst slightly adjusting my goggles before stepping back.

"You could've told me that you were coming!" I playfully shoved his shoulder before shaking my head.

"I just wanted to say good luck to you, sweetheart." He kissed me on the lips quickly before pulling away and waved bye at me, going over to the bleachers where he was going to cheer on.

Chuckling to myself, I put on my swim cap and started to get into position and wait for it to start. 


"And L/N is catching up with Belmonte..." The voices of the sports commentators rang throughout the pool, but all I focused on was to be able to finish the race.  

I continued to swim to the best ability that I could and when I looked up for a quick second, I noticed that I was ahead of the two competitors by a few seconds and that I was close to finishing the race. Shaking my head lightly, I swam in a quick manner until I could feel my hand press the wall. 

"And L/N of Y/H/C has won the gold medal!" I took off my goggles to see my timing of while I was swimming. 2:04:75. The other swimmers continued to finish the race, which meant that we could get ready for the medal ceremony. 


I stood silently as the other medallists received their respective medals. The flags were being raised and soon I realized that the national anthem of Y/H/C was playing. I started to get a little emotional as my eyes were getting misty, causing me to wipe a few tears away. After the medal ceremony was over, I congratulated both Mireia Belmonte and Madeline Grove on their medals and chatted with them for a few minutes before a news reporter for ESPN started to interview me. 

"Hi!" I greeted a reporter with a smile. "How are you?"

"I'm doing great, thank you for asking!" They smiled back at me before getting back on topic. "How does it feel to win a gold medal in this year's Olympics? You had to drop out of London 2012 due to injury and you were 19-20 at that stage..."

"Yeah, it wasn't good for me personally 4 years ago when I had to drop out due to it...But I worked my butt off to qualify for this year's Olympics and I honestly thought that I wasn't going to win the gold!" I chuckled quietly before glancing at my two friends who were smiling at me from the bleachers. "But my family and friends believed in me that I could achieve this lifelong dream of mine. Mireia and Madeline both did great in the butterfly event and they both are great swimmers. I had a blast with today's event..." 

"If I may ask you," the reporter smiled at me and continued, "were there anyone you know personally who cheered for you up in the bleachers?"

"Yeah! My boyfriend, Brendan Gallagher, and a friend of mine, Chad le Clos..." I waved at them before turning back and finished my interview and moved onto the next one. 


"I told you that you would win the gold, L/N!" Chad smirked at me and that earned an eye-roll from me. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I waved my hand before giving him a hug. Moving onto Brendan, he gave me a bear hug and kissed me multiple times, even twirling me around a few times. 

"You were fantastic out there, Y/N/N!" Brendan kissed me on the lips when he finally set me down on the floor. 

"Thank you for the compliment, Gallagher." I giggled and gave him a pat on the back. "Oh yeah, Brendan, I would like for you to meet a friend of mine! Brendan, meet Chad le Clos. Chad, this is my boyfriend, Brendan Gallagher."

They shook hands and smiled at each other, greeting each other. 

"Didn't you win the 200-meter butterfly in London four years ago?" Brendan raised an eyebrow and Chad nodded his head. 

"Yep, that's me." He laughed before letting go of the handshake. "It's nice to finally meet you, Brendan. Y/N has talked a lot about you for the past few days since the games had begun."

They both turned to face me with playful looks on their faces and shook their heads. My cheeks started to heat up and turned into a flushed pink color. 

"Do you guys want to go eat? I'm starving..." I called out and they nodded their heads. 

"I call shotgun!" Brendan quietly shouted and started to head out of the building. Chad shook his head in a playful manner. 

"You were right, he is a goofball..."

"Yeah, but he's my goofball...."


The Rio 2016 games have begun and it's so good to get an imagine out on this book again! So, I thought; why not do one related to the Olympics?

Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine! Have a GREAT rest of your day or night and I'll see you later!

- Priya ☺️

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