Tom Wilson ~ WC

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A/N: Requested by @crosbyandtoews !



"Who is that knocking at the door?" Your maid of honor, B/F/N got up from her seat, going up to the door while you continued to curl your hair in the other room. She opened the door, letting someone in.

"Special delivery for the future Mrs.Wilson, from Mr.Wilson himself!" Tom's best men, Michael Latta and André Burakovsky "yelled" and sarcastically laughed. I turned off the curling iron, going up where B/F/N, Michael, and André were.

"You requested me?" I joked, which earned me an eye roll from Burakovsky.

"The mister wanted us to give you this..." Michael handed you a small box and an envelope.

"And speaking of which," I grabbed my purse, getting the letter I wrote for Tom and the watch that he wanted for the past few weeks, "I got these for him..."

"Yep, you two are perfect for each other..." André fake cried and Michael whacked him.

"And yet, you two wonder why you're still single..." I sassily high-fived B/F/N.

Michael and André looked at each other before shrugging, "Whatever, we'll see you down at the altar! Can't believe this is the last time we're talking to you before you're marrying Willy..."

They left the room before there was another knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I stood behind the door, not having a clue...

"It's me." The familiar deep voice spoke through the other side of the door.

"Me who?" I joked.

"Tom Wilson? Your fiancé, soon-to-be husband?" He said, you can imagine the smile he had on his face when he spoke.

"Tom! We can't see each other before the wedding! It's bad luck..." I shouted through the door.

"I just wanted to check if Latts and Kovsky gave you my gift... And thank you for the watch, btw."

"Yes I got the letter and the necklace... I'm wearing the necklace right now, but I'll read the letter at the reception!"

"I'm wearing the watch right now and I already read your letter... Let's just say, Latta might've gotten a black eye..." Tom joked. I knew he didn't actually give Michael a black eye, "Anyways, can't wait to see you walk down the aisle, I love you Mrs.Wilson!"

"We're not even married yet!"

You rolled your eyes and talked with Tom for a few before he left to go down to the altar.

"I'll see you later, Y/N! Good to know Latta's single." B/F/N winked, while I rolled your eyes.

I got out of the room to search for my dad. When I found him, he had tears of joy brimming in his eyes.

"Ready to walk down the aisle, sweetheart?"

"I'm ready to go, dad."



The music was playing, which means that Y/N's here. The doors opened and at the other side stood Y/N, tightly holding on to her dad's hand. Tears were coming out of my eyes and Y/N smiled when she made eye contact after lifting her head up from looking down. Her dad took her hand and put it on mine.

"Take good care of her, son." Her dad whispered to me.

"I will." I mouthed to him while looking at her.

The ceremony blew by fast, but the whole world stopped when it came down to this.

"Do you, Y/F/N, take Thomas, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest said, looking at Y/N while she smiled at me.

"I do." She said instantly after he stopped.

"And do you, Thomas Wilson, take Y/N, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest looked at me, while I smiled back at Y/N.

"I do." I said after he finished, while Y/N had happy tears in her eyes.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" He finally said the magic words, crashing my lips onto her's, giving her a slow, gentle, and passionate kiss.

"Now introducing Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Wilson!" The crowd clapped and gave all sorts of happy cheers.

"I love you, Mrs.Wilson." I winked at her.

"And I love you, Mr.Wilson." She winked back at me, before kissing my cheek.

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