Kasperi Kapanen ~ TML

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Love at first sight in Finland. Love at second sight in Toronto.. (830+ words)


"Congrats to you again, bro. I'm so proud of you!" I squealed, walking up to my brother, who was the captain of the winning champions, Team Finland. 

You've got it right, my brother is Mikko Rantanen. 

"It's no big deal...We wouldn't have won without this goofball here, hey Kasperi, come here!" Mikko smiled before turning to his teammates. 

"You called for me, Mikko?" Kasperi got through the crowd, playing with his hair when he looked at me. "Is this the Y/N you always talked about during training?" 

"Kapanen, this is my sister Y/N. Y/N, this is my teammate, Kasperi Kapanen, who scored the golden goal of the 2016 WJCs." Mikko nudged my shoulder and just suddenly left the two of us alone.

"It's nice to meet you, Kasperi..."

"And it's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N...Is Mikko your older or younger brother?"

"Ahh, we're twins...But he's my younger brother who likes to really annoy the heck out of me but I still love him." I cracked a cheesy smile, walking to one of the benches and sat down, Kasperi reciprocating the actions. "Nice goal by the way, I thought it was an amazing one..." 

"So you're a hockey fan?" 

"Yeah, I'm primarily a Maple Leafs/Marlies fan, but I cheer for Chicago on a regular basis..." 

"Do you live in Toronto, by any chance? Sorry if that sounded a little stalkerish, but I just wanted to know." 

"I actually do go to school in Toronto, but I live in Oshawa." 

"What are you going to do for a major?" 

"I'm aspiring to become a sports journalist, primarily about hockey...." 

"That's very interesting, hey we're about to go to Burger King and I was hoping if you'd like to come along as you know, my date?" 

"I'd be happy to, Kasperi."

(4 years laters)


It's been four years since I've last talked or seen Kasperi. We've been on a few dates while we were in Finland back in 2016, but now that it's 2020 and we were both 23, it's been a long time. Eventually, I graduated from college and I got a job with Sportsnet, covering hockey news and stuff. 

"Hey Y/N, good luck with the player interviews!" Steve smiled, waving at me as I was leaving the building to go to the Air Canada Centre. 

"Thanks Steve, and good luck with the videos!" I yelled back, waving back at him before quickly getting out the doors and got into my car, quickly driving to the ACC with a few minutes to spare. 

Since I got there a little early, I waited in the visitor's locker room before I saw a head peek out. 

"Hey Y/N, we got about 5-6 players for your interviews with Sportsnet today, should I send Joffrey in first?" Coach Babcock asked me as I was helping the cameraman set up the camera and stuff for the interviews. 

"Of course, Mr. Babcock." I smiled, making him disappear and Joffrey appear. 

"It's good to see you again, Joffrey." I laughed while he came in. He gave me a playful scowl before he told me to begin the interview

Apparently, he lost a bet having to do with the Super Bowl and he was forced to dress up in all gold things for the day.

After Joffrey, I also interviewed James van Riemsdyk, Morgan Rielly, Jake Gardiner, and Leo Komarov. 

"Hey Leo, would you mind if you get the last player I'm supposed to interview?" I asked Leo as I took a sip of water from my water bottle. 

"Sure, Y/N." 

"Kiitos, Leo!" (Thank you, Leo!) 

"Ei hätää, Y/N. Nähdään myöhemmin!" (No problem, Y/N. I'll see you later!) 

I took one last sip of water before shoving the bottle in my purse. A voice startled me as they were at the door. It was Kasperi Kapanen....

"I'm here for an interview with Sports-Y/N!?" 


He took a seat next to me and immediately, I tensed up, my jaw clenched but not in an angry manner. I acted in a professional way, deciding to pent up my hidden anger inside. 

"Shall we get this interview started, Kasperi?" 

"We can, sure..." 

The interview actually took us 45 minutes compared to the 15-20 minute interviews I had with the rest of them. I was currently packing my things up when I heard Kasperi muttering. 

"Is it actually you? Y/N Rantanen?" 

"Yeah, it's me, Y/N Rantanen...Kasperi, why haven't we communicated for the past 4 years?" 

"Coach told me not to get any distractions in my mind or that it would mess up my game, including communicating with you...Can I make it up to you somehow?" 

"I was just about to go to the Tim Horton's across the street, I'm leaving in about 5." 

"Perfect, I'll see you at the entrance!" 

"Whatever you say, Kasperi..." 


Should I make a part 2 and would you guys like for it to be dramatic or nah?

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