Jakub Vrána ~ WSH

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Do you...? (635 words)


"T-30 minutes until you walk down the aisle, Y/N!" My best friend (who was also my maid of honor) barged into the bathroom with excitement filled in her voice. 

"Oh, geez!" I grabbed a towel that was lying on the floor and covered myself with it. "Could I have a little warning the next time you barge in here, B/F/N?"

"You still haven't got the dress on yet, Y/N?" B/F/N made eye-contact with the dress lying on top of the door and I shook my head. 

"No..." I reached for the dress and started to get into it, "it's because a certain little someone named B/F/N told me to eat some breakfast and don't worry about the dress."

"Did I?" She rolled her eyes before hearing a 'buzz' noise coming from her bag. Strolling over to where her bag laid on the bathroom counter, she picked the phone up and answered the call. 

"Hello? Nate? What's going on?" She spoke into the microphone and immediately held the phone away from her ear. "Alright, calm down. Geez, you don't want to frighten Y/N, do you?"

"You do realize that I can hear the conversation between you and Nate, right B/F/N?" I rolled my eyes at her as I got into the dress and was struggling with the back of the dress. B/F/N held her phone between her shoulder and ear as she walked over to where I was and helped out with the dress. "Thank you so much," I whispered back to her and her reply was a nod, busy with the conversation she was having with Nate. 

"What do you mean!" I heard B/F/N screech and it made me wonder whether she was watching a few Sidemen videos... "Does the wedding planner know about this? Uh huh, so it was the officiant's idea to do this."

By the time B/F/N hung up the phone, I was beyond confused as to what had just happened. 

"B/F/N, what was the conversation with Nate about?" My arms were crossed over each other around my chest. Giving her an infamous death stare of mine, I pleaded her to tell the truth to me. 

"L-let's just say," she opened the door so quick that it almost fell off its hinges and walked out. "You're expected to make your grand entrance within the next 5 minutes..."

"Wait, what?" Was my response as I followed her and the rest of the bridesmaids out of the waiting room. 


"Are you ready for the moment, sweetheart?" My dad looked at me as I tightly held his arm, afraid that I would trip as I walked down the aisle. 

"I'm more than ready, Dad." I smiled back at him while wiping his tears away, "and, I'll always be your little girl." 

"If he ever hurts you," he chuckled to himself, patting my hand, "don't be afraid to tell me and I'll-"

"Dad, I don't think he'd ever hurt me." I shook my head and giggled lightly. Hearing the music, I watched the door open and there he was, standing on the other side of the aisle. My fiancé and soon-to-be husband. 


"Do you, Y/N L/N, take Jakub to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And, do you, Jakub Vrána, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." 

"And the power invested by me and the state of Virginia, I now pronounce you as husband wife. You may now kiss the bride!"

Jakub's arms went around my waist and lightly dipped my body before kissing my lips sweetly yet passionately. 

"I love you so much, Y/N..."

"I love you too, Jakub."


So sorry for the crappy imagine! Hopefully, I can make it up to you in the next one... Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine! Have a GREAT rest of your day or night and I'll see you later! 

- Priya 😊

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