Auston Matthews ~ ZSC Lions

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You meet his family... (810+ words)


"Y/N, will you please stop worrying about it? For me, your little buttercup?" 

"It's my first time meeting them, Auston. I have a right to worry, 'ya know?"

A sigh came out of his mouth and he shook his head. "They'll love you, Y/N. Trust me." 

Reluctantly, I nodded my head and the car came to a sudden stop. We have arrived at Auston's childhood home in Scottsdale, Arizona. 

Auston got out of the car and opened the car door for me, which I thanked him for. He linked our hands and together, we walked up to the front porch, with Auston pressing the doorbell. The door swung open and his mom squealed, hugging the stuffing out of Auston. 

"Es tan bueno verte de nuevo, Auston. Y usted debe ser Y/N! Auston nos ha hablado mucho de usted!" (It is so good to see you again, Auston. And you must be Y/N! Auston has told us so much about you!) His mom, Ema smiled while she looked at me and gave me a hug. 

I looked at Auston for translation, causing him to translate/whisper in my ear. 

"She said it was good to see me again and that she's happy to finally meet you." 

I smiled and looked back at Ema, "it's so nice to meet you, Mrs. Matthews." 

"Oh darling, don't be so shy! You can call me Ema. Please, come on in!" 

We stepped inside the house and Auston politely excused himself, something about getting the luggage out of the car. 

I saw Mr. Matthews come down the stairs with a smile, looking at me. 

"You must be Y/N, Auston's girlfriend! It's great to meet you, my name's Brian." Mr. Matthews or Brian, he prefers me to call him, shook my hand and gave me a hug. 

"What, I'm not even going to get a hello from you, Dad? Your son who was away in Switzerland for a ton of months?" I heard Auston huff as he came inside and carried his body weight in suitcases. 

Brian and I quickly helped out Auston and set the suitcases down by the staircase, since we wanted to get to know each other a little better. 

"So, Y/N... How did you and Auston meet?" Ema smiled as she set the glasses of lemonade on the coffee table and sat by her husband while I sat with Auston.

"I'm actually from the States, but I go to college in Zürich. I met Auston when he accidentally bumped into me at the airport in Paris while we were boarding our flight to Zürich. Long story short, he spilled his coffee on my leather jacket and I spilled my drink on his white shirt...." I blushed pink while Ema looked at Auston in playfulness. 

"Auston, ¿realmente se derrame el café en su camisa?" (Auston, did you really spill coffee on her shirt?) Ema looked at Auston for an answer and him too, started to blush a dark red. 

"Lo hice, mamá... Pero fue a causa de una maleta me disparo!" (I did, Mom... But it was because of a suitcase tripping me!) Auston placed his empty glass that was filled with lemonade on the coffee table and raised his hands up innocently. 

"Well, that's clumsy Auston for you, Y/N....I remember when Auston was in 3rd grade, he was starting hockey for the season when he didn't remember how to stop skating that he crashed into his teammate on the ice...." Brian chuckled and I heard Auston groan. 

"Dad! I thought you weren't going to tell that story anymore!" Auston grabbed a couch pillow and covered his face in embarrassment. 

"Sorry!" Brian shrugged his shoulders playfully and we continued to talk for the rest of the day, exchanging childhood stories and such with them. 


"I'd say that today was a success. Thank you for calming me down, Auston-Bear." I chuckled as I felt Auston wrap his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. 

"See, I told you that my parents would approve of you." I felt my neck vibrating due to Auston's chuckles. 

Turning around, I placed my arms around his neck and we just stood there for a while with silence filling the room. 

"You know what my mom told me as you were getting ready to go to sleep?" Auston mumbled, causing me to look up at him.

"What?" I looked at him in confusion. 

"She sees you and I being married and having kids of our own...." 

My heart fluttered and my cheeks started to heat up. "She really said that?" 

Auston nodded his head, shaking his head in amusement. "And I can't argue with her. I also do see you as my wife and the mother of our children..." 

"And I see you as my husband and the father to our children, Auston." 

"Dang I love you, Y/F/N." 

"I love you too, Auston Matthews." 

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