Chase de Leo ~ WJ

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"No... don't take them away from me... Please." My husband started to toss and turn around, beads of sweat starting to glisten on his forehead.

"Munchkin, wake up; you're having a nightmare again..." I shook him, but he wasn't still getting up. "Honey, it's all just a dream..."

Sighing, I walked downstairs to get him a glass of ice-cold water and when I walked back, I found Chase sitting up and hyperventilating.

"I-I thought y-you le-left m-me...." I handed him the glass of water, which he gulped it down all in one drink and set the glass on the bedside table.

"I was just getting you a glass of water, honey..." I sat back down on my side, placing my head on the crook of his neck and toyed with his fingers.

"It's been the same dream for the past 2 weeks... I just don't know what to do!" Chase started to burst into tears, his beautiful brown eyes now turning red, puffy, and irritated.

"Did it start around the time you were on the road trip around the time after D/N was born?" I mumbled, kissing the top of his head to calm him down a little.

"Y-yeah. I was just worried that something might have happened to my 2 favorite girls..." His breathing steadied, slowly embracing me in his arms.

Cries started to ring from the adjacent room, causing me to get out of his cuddles and get D/N from the nursery.

"Hey sweetheart, don't worry! Mommy's here." I tried cooing at D/N, but she just wasn't having it!

I gently grabbed D/N out of her crib, getting her baby blankie and walked back to Chase and I's shared room.

"Look who's here to see you, honey!" I giggled at Chase, walking back to bed, handing her off to Chase.

"Did you have a nightmare like daddy, baby girl?" He chuckled and just listening to his voice, her whimpers started to simmer down and her head starting to snuggle deeper into his chest.

I grabbed my phone, taking a few pictures of their adorable moment before Chase caught me.

"Why don't we take a family seflie?"

"At midnight?"

"Why not?"

I turned the camera to face me. Getting into the position, I smiled down at D/N's sleeping face while Chase kissed my forehead and he clicked the button.

"Permission to post it on your Instagram?"

"You go on it anyways, but sure, why not?"

He went into my Instagram account, uploading the picture with the caption,

"My cute little family. I love you with all my heart, Y/IG/N! ~ Chase ;)."

He handed my phone back to me and I read the caption, which made me giggle a little too loud...

"I love you, Chase de Leo." I smiled, leaning in carefully inches apart from his face.

"And I love you, Y/N de Leo." He flashed his perfect white grin, pressing his lips onto mine before D/N started to whimper a bit.

"We love you, D/N!" Chase and I giggled, kissing her forehead.

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