Gabriel Landeskog ~ CA

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*Imagine is in your POV* PS: Might've been inspired by Cinderella and stuff and I might've included myself in it with a twist :)...


"Cinderella! can you dust off the ashes from the fireplace?" My evil step-mother dropped off a dustpan and broom before getting back to putting a copious amount of makeup on her face, looking like a scary clown.

My real name was Y/N, but they had it out against me and decided to call me Cinderella unbeknownst to my dad.

The kingdom was holding the Annual Prince's Ball tonight and requested by the King was that all the single maidens must attend the ball for the Prince to potentially meet his future Princess. The step-mother wanted to get close to the King after the passing of my father a few years ago and marry him. Just so she can waste his money and valuable things and not love him at all. Which was the same exact reason she married my dad.

I sighed, walking over to the open fireplace. Getting down on all fours, I started to collect the ash into the dustpan before standing up and walking over to the trash can, only to have one of my step-sisters, Claire dumping it over my head.

"Oops, guess you have to start all over again!" Claire cackled, having a look of evil in her eyes. She really hated me since the start.

The clock struck 7:45, which made the step-mother, Claire, and the other step-sister Grace get up from their seats and walk over to the door.

"Remember Cinderella," Claire snorted, "We'll be back by midnight and I expect my bed to be comfortable and made!"

The door slammed shut, making me slump against the door and start to cry.

"Why did this happen to me? Why?" I whispered to myself, before I heard a big crash coming from the backyard.

I slipped into my worn out slippers, walking outside to find someone I hadn't seen in a while.

"Priya..!" I gasped while I walked over to where she stood. "What are you doing here?"

Priya flashed her wand over to where the castle stood. "Why, I'm here to get you to the Ball of course!"

I shook my head, "But my step-mother forbade me from going there... What do you mean by that?"

"I'm your fairy god-sister and I'm going to make sure that you have one of the best nights ever. But, we're going to have to make a few changes..." She flashed her wand over to the huge pumpkin that was growing enormously, magically turning it into a glass carriage.

"You're obviously going to need someway to get the carriage to the castle." Priya laughed, turning her attention towards the 6 mice before waving her wand once again to magically turn them 3 horses and 3 carriage-drivers.

"Thank you, but what about my outfit and my hair?" I pointed towards my body. "They'll kill me if I went anywhere near their closets!"

She interrupted me, before she pointed her wand towards me and instantly changed my whole look for the night.

I was wearing glass heels and a blue ballroom gown with my hair in some messy curls.

"Just one more thing that I got to tell you, Y/N." Priya made a clock appear, "You have to come back here at midnight, that's when it all disappears!"

I nodded my head, waving goodbye to the fairy god sister.

*Gabe's POV*
"Hey bro, are you having a good time?" My older brother, Matt and younger brother, Nathan came by and saw how glum I looked. "Cheer up for Mom, Gabe. She'd have been thrilled to meet her if you do find one tonight..."

I stood up, going to greet the guests and thank them for coming.

While I was walking over to the food table, I bumped into someone, holding them so they didn't fall.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going-" The stranger rambled on, before she looked up at me. "OMG, Prince Gabe! I'm so terribly sorry!"

"No worries, but would you care to dance with me on the dance floor?" I took her hand in mine, leading her to the dance floor.

We danced for hours and hours. Something was telling me that she's intended to be the Princess.

"Damn, it's almost midnight. I got to go!" She pulled away from me and started to run away.

"Wait, hold up!" I chased after her, getting out of the stuffy ballroom and looking at where she was running.

It was too late and I feared that this was the only time I saw her.

I saw a glass heel that was on the staircase.

Walking over, I picked it up before walking over to my father.

"Have the kingdom issue about some visits to the village about this missing heel..." I dragged him out of his not-so nice looking conversation with a total weird lady. I showed him the heel before he nodded.

*Back to Your POV*
"Hurry up Grace and Claire! The Prince's arriving in a few minutes!" The step-mother hollered at the girls, who were bickering over the lipstick. "Cinderella, why don't you be a dear and get some bread from the upstairs closet?"

I walked into the closet with her, before she went outside and locked the door.

"HELLO!? Anybody there?!" I banged my fists against the door. "Oh no, I'm doomed..."

*Gabe's POV again*

"And the shoe doesn't fit on her either, your Majesty..." The squire shook his head and sighed.

I was distracted with a sound that was coming from upstairs. I had the squire go check the closet, only to see the familiar face.

"Try the shoe on her, your Majesty..." He gave me the shoe.

I slipped it onto her foot, which was a perfect match.

"I never got your name, by the way..." I chuckled.

"Oh, it's Y/N!" She laughed, before taking the delicate glass heel off.

I stood up and smiled. "I know that it's too soon and all that, but will you marry me and be my Princess, Y/N?"

She nodded before I kissed her. I turned to the step-mother, "The King has requested that you stay away from him at all costs..."

I turned to Y/N, nodding towards the carriage to take her to the castle.

She smiled, before she got out of the house and followed me...

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