Tobias Lindberg ~ TML

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Engagement party... (1056 words)


"Tobias, honey, will you please stop worrying about the party, for me?" I sighed at him as I slipped the engagement ring he had proposed to me with on my designated finger and turned around to face him as I was zipping up my black dress for the occasion. 

He faced me with his tie undone around his neck and his shirt unbuttoned in the first few buttons. I carefully tied his tie and let him button his shirt before he slipped his suit jacket out and sighed. 

"I'm sorry...It's just that both our families are going to be there and I just want the party to go well with them and our friends..." He gently kissed me forehead and I quietly giggled. 

"Just relax at the party, will you? It's a celebration of us, not some work party, 'kay?" I laughed at him as I slowly grabbed one of his hands and led him downstairs. 

"I guess, just for you." He cracked a grin on his face and I kissed his cheek before I urged him to put his winter stuff on and head down to the restaurant that we had rented for the night. 


"Please, don't drink too many shots, sweetheart...You're giving out a speech in front of the party, remember?" I looked at him as soon as we entered the restaurant and he nodded his head. 

"I do remember, L/N...I don't want what happened at your birthday to me..." He playfully nudged my shoulder and I glared at him.

"Why do you have to bring that up again? I may have had a few too many glasses of champagne..." 

"Whatever you say, sweetheart...Oh, my parents are coming!" 

I saw his mother and father walk into the restaurant and we smiled. 

"Hi, Mom! Hey, Dad!" Tobias pulled them into a hug and kissed their cheeks before they moved onto me and hugged me also. 

"Hi, Y/N and Tobias! Congratulations on your engagement!" They smiled at us as they were taking their coats off and talked with us. 

At the same time, my parents entered the restaurant and I greeted them before I brought them over to where Tobias and his parents were. We both introduced themselves to each other and they started to talk with each other, causing us to slip out and start to greet the other guests. 


"Hey, Y/N! Congrats on your engagement to Tobias!" I heard Connor Brown boom behind me and I gave him a hug. 

"Aww, thank you, Connor! Speaking of Tobias, have you seen him anywhere? He's supposed to give a speech tonight and I can't find him..." I returned the hug and Connor made an 'uh-oh' face. 

"Uh-yeah-I-uh-I saw him at the bar, taking a few shots..." He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and I groaned as I ran my hand through my hair. 

"Oh great! His family is going to notice that he's drunk!" I harshly whispered to him and he nodded his head, "and to top it all off, he was going to tell his speech in two languages; Swedish for his family and English for the rest of us and I can't go up there and give the Swedish version because I only know a few sentences...Unless!" 

"Unless what?" Connor looked confusedly at me while I had a smirk on my face.

"Unless, I modify the speech a little bit and let a certain Swede teammate of his give the speech for him while we both try to get Tobias sober?" 

"Ooh, that sounds like a good plan!" 


"Hey, William!" I smiled as I came up to him and Kasperi. "Hi, Kasperi! Can I borrow Will for a few seconds, please?" 

"Oh, yeah! No problem!" Kasperi politely smiled as he left the scene and went to talk with Colin Greening. 

"So, what's up?" William looked at me like he knew there was a problem. 

I softly whispered to him about how Tobias accidentally got drunk and how I wanted to let William give the speech for us with a modified version. He thankfully agreed to it and considered it his engagement party gift to us. Pulling him to a table, I got out a pen and started to scribble down the modified speech on a piece of napkin. 


"Uh, excuse me, may I have your attention, please?" William tapped into the microphone and we all paid attention to him. "My name is William Nylander if you don't already know. I'm one of Tobias' teammates in the Maple Leafs organization and Y/N is a really good friend of mine. I was actually the person responsible for setting those two up. Tobias and Y/N are a couple who are matches made in heaven. Literally, whenever I'm with Tobias, all he ever talks about is Y/N, whether it's on a road trip or we're just having a guy day..." (Mitt namn är William Nylander om du inte redan vet. Jag är en av Tobias lagkamrater i Maple Leafs organisation och Y/N är en riktigt god vän till mig. Jag var faktiskt den person som ansvarar för att inrätta dessa två. Tobias och Y/N är ett par som är matcher gjorts i himlen. Bokstavligen , när kommer jag med Tobias, är allt han någonsin talar om Y/N, oavsett om det är på en väg resa eller vi bara ha en kille dag...)

The crowd started to laugh and William continued on with his speech in English before he started the Swedish version for Tobias' family who flew all the way from Sweden. 


The party was eventually over and Tobias and I got home safely. Luckily, he sobered up a lot and was able to give his speech. 

"You do realize that you did get drunk today, right sweetheart?" I cracked a grin at him while he groaned at me. 

"I totally forgot that I didn't eat anything before the party...Oh, why the hell did I drink, not knowing about that!?" Tobias groaned into the pillow and I lightly giggled as I gently kissed his cheek. 

"Just be glad that no one noticed, honey." My eyes started to droop as I felt Tobias spoon me from behind. 

"Thank you for saving my butt today. I love you so much, Y/N L/N." I felt him kiss my forehead and I softly smiled. 

"I love you too, Tobias Lindberg..." 

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