Brendan Perlini ~ AC

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He distracts/calms you down while you're studying for a test... (450+ words)



"What, Brendan?" 

"You've been going at this for the past 5 hours...I beg of you, please take a break!"

"Brendan, this is a really big exam that I have to study for."

"What are you studying?" 

"Oh, um, I think it was Psychology...." 

Brendan snatched the textbook away from me, looking over at the material. "So, you're getting tested on the parts of the brain and how it works?"

I nodded my head and he sighed. He bit his lip before a smile came upon his face. 

"Okay, how about I quiz you for like 10 minutes, we take a little break, then we continue...And for every question you get right, I'll give you a kiss. Sound fair?"

Smiling, I let him quiz me. 

"Which part of the brain controls hearing?"

"That would be the temporal lobe?"

"You got it right, Y/N!" Brendan pecked my lips, pulling away with a smile. "Which part of the brain controls language?"

"Wernicke's area?"

"Yep, you got that right." 

Obviously, it went on for another 10 minutes and we took a 15-minute break. Since it was the middle of winter and we just got dumped on with snow, Brendan decided to make us a few cups of hot cocoa while I made the sugar cookies (or your favorite cookies). They got done within 20 minutes and we decorated the cookies and ate almost all of them. 

"You got something on your lip there, sweetheart..." Brendan chuckled and I blushed. 

"Do I really, Bren?" I sheepishly smiled, laughing. 

"I'll get it." Brendan leaned forward and pressed his lips onto mine. 

I giggled loudly and pulled away, looking at him. "Did I really have anything on my lips?"

"Nah, I just wanted to kiss you so bad. It's been 5 days remember?"

"Oh yeah, your last road trip a few days ago..." 

I was finishing up my cookie while Brendan took a large sip of his hot cocoa. 

"Hey, Y/N?"

"Yeah, Brendan?"

"What do you see in the next 10 years?"

"That's a really good question, babe! Umm, I see myself with a job I love doing, having a few kids, maybe a pet, all that happy stuff besides being married to you and staying with our relationship, of course..."

I saw a tint of crimson appear on Brendan's face. "What?"

"You really see us being married?"

"Uh, yeah...Why?" 

"No reason, it's nice to know that I wasn't the only one...."

"The only one what?"

"The only one who thinks that our relationship will last. If I haven't said this, I will say it now. I love you and I always will, Y/F/N."

"I will always love you, Brendan Perlini."

"Now, don't we have a Psychology exam to get ready for?"

"Crap, I forgot!" 

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