Kevin Fiala ~ NAS

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You sprain your ankle and he has to take care of you... (Based on a true story of mine except with no hockey players and I wasn't on crutches and I wasn't driving and I didn't have a ring.) (935 words)


"So, Ms. L/N, how exactly did you sprain your left ankle?" The doctor looked at me for an answer. I was flinching at the pain of my ankle throbbing and I looked up at her. The truth was that I was sleeping on the couch and it was dark in the living room. I wanted to go up the stairs, so I got off the couch and started to go up the stairs when I tripped on the first step of the 14 steps. I tried to get up but my ankle wasn't allowing me to stand up and I fell on the floor again...

"I jumped off the couch and it was dark, so I couldn't see a thing..." I stammered and the doctor nodded her head. "Is everything alright, doctor?"

"Uh-well-it's just that we have to get an x-ray of the ankle...." 

"Oh, okay." 


"Well, it turns out to be a sprained ankle..." The doctor looked over the x-ray and I nodded my head as I slipped on the splint that she had given me. "You are to wear that for a few weeks and we'll have you back to check how it's doing and then maybe we'll see if we should move on to the black brace..." 

She gave me the crutches, which I thanked her for and started to stand up with the crutches under my arm pits. I started to hobble out the door and thanked the receptionist before I walked back to the car. Slowly, I rested the crutches in the passenger seat and I hobbled to the driver's seat and started to drive back to Kevin and I's shared apartment. 


"Hey, Liebe! Where were you today?" Kevin came up to me and kissed me before he backed away. "And what happened?" 

Oh crap, he was pointing towards the splint on my ankle and my crutches that I was using. He was at practice when I went to the doctor's and he didn't know about my sprained ankle. I started to hobble off into the kitchen before he stopped me from doing so. 

"Y/N M/N L/N, I want to know what the hell happened to you!" Kevin's jaw started to clench in anger and that made me want to tell him the truth. 

"Kev, I-I sprained my ankle...I went to see the doctor because my ankle was hurting like hell and they had it checked out before they gave me the diagnosis." I sighed as I hobbled to the couch and waved over at Kevin to sit down next to me. 

"Schatz, why didn't you tell me?" He looked solemnly at me and I shrugged my shoulders. 

"You were distracted by trying to make the playoffs that I didn't want to add more stress to you, sweetheart..." I mumbled as I set my ankle on the coffee table for elevation and I rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Y/N, you are more important to me than my hockey career! Honey," He smiled reassuringly at me while he held my left hand in his hand and looked into my E/C eyes. "you are the love of my life and in a few more weeks, we're saying our vows in front of our families and friends...I just want you to be honest and tell me about these kinds of things, Y/N..." 

"Kevin, I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you!" I started to burst into tears and he immediately shushed me as he ran his hand through my hair and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. 

"Shh, älskling, it's alright, it's fine...I'm sorry for bringing it up, honey..." 

"It's fine, not that big a deal anyways..." 

I smiled as the wet tears flowed through my cheeks and he wiped them away before he kissed my cheek. 

"You stay here, I will be right back!" He stood up and grabbed his car keys and jacket before he left the house. 


He came back a half hour later with a bunch of bags and all that stuff. He set the bag next to my swollen ankle and sat down next to me with a big ol' smile on his face. 

"Kevin Fiala, what did you do!?" I exclaimed as he reached something out of the bag to find a Pandora box. "Oh no, you didn't spend any money on me did you?" 

"Just open it, Y/N!" He smiled with a gleam in his eyes and urged me to open it. 

Cautiously opening the box, I found a small princess tiara charm laying on the soft cushion. Immediately, my hands flew up to my mouth as Kevin slowly took the charm off the cushion and gently opened up the bracelet clasp and slid it in next to the gift from the heart charm he got me when he proposed to me along with the engagement ring he proposed to me with. He closed up the clasp and gently kissed my bracelet before he saw tears in my eyes. 

"Hey, hey, hey! What's wrong, miláček?" He looked at me with a worried face and I laughed. 

"I'm not used to you spending this much money on me, Kevin!" I laughed out loud and he joined me. 

"It's because you're my princess and soon-to-be queen, Y/N." 

"And you're my king, Kevin." 

"Damn, I love you so much, Y/N L/N." 

"And I love you so damn much, Kevin Fiala." 

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