Mike Reilly ~ MNW

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Cabin mishaps.  (590+ words)


"You didn't have to drive us all the way to Duluth for a weekend getaway, Mike..." 

"I insist, sweetheart. You were getting so stressed with your exams, so I thought why not spend a weekend at our cabin..." 

"You seriously are the best, babe. I love you..." 

The cute and mushy exchanges of 'I love yous' continued for the next 5 minutes before it was peaceful and utter silence the rest of the trip. Once we reached our cabin, I awoke with drool running down my cheeks. I didn't realize that I was asleep. 

The car door opened and I heard Mike yell, "Y/N, are you coming out of the car or not? It's literally -16° right now and I'd love to get inside, where there's a fireplace for warmth!" 

I shrugged my shoulders and got out of the car, scuffling out the car and up the stairs to the door. I heard the door click and open, looking up to find Mike turning on the lights. Walking inside the house, I closed the door behind me and started to take my winter stuff off. 

Turning around, I found Mike with a bunch of wood for the fireplace and decided to help him out. Grabbing the lighter from the coffee table, I lit the wood and pretty soon, I heard the crackling of the fire. Mike grabbed a few blankets and pillows, making a makeshift bed. He wrapped one of the blankets around us and we just looked into each other's eyes, smiling. 

"Whatcha smiling about, Y/N?" Mike goofily smiled, his eyes twinkling with the glow from the fire. 

"Oh nothing, just thinking about how I love this goofball..." I smiled back, chuckling to myself. 

"And would I happen to know this goofball?" 

"Oh, he's just this defenseman for the Wild, about 6'1, he has the most beautiful eyes, and the biggest directioner I've met."

"What's his name?" 

"It's you silly, Mike Reilly." 

"Geez, I love you too!" 

As he sarcastically laughed, I saw the lights flicker off and pretty soon, we were surrounded in the dark with only the fireplace running. 

"Uh, Mike..."


"Oh good, you're still there!" 

Mike knew about my fear of the dark I've had since my childhood. All those nightmares about something creepy happening in the dark during blackouts or something like that. My eyes immediately blinked for a few seconds and I found Mike holding his phone out with the flashlight. 

"It's going to be okay, there's nothing to be afraid of...Hey, why don't we make some s'mores?" 

Nodding my head, I felt him get up and go to the kitchen. It was silent for the next 3 minutes before came back with graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows. 

He handed me a kabob skewer and a marshmallow, which I stabbed it into the skewer and roasted it. After reaching its optimal burned roast, I carefully got into the graham cracker with the chocolate layer and smushed it together. I bit into the s'more, slightly burning the roof of my mouth. 

After a few s'mores, Mike and I were cuddling each other, just talking about the most random things. 

"What do you see 5 years from now, Y/N?"

"I see myself getting a good job, getting married, and having kids. Hopefully, you're by my side..."

"That's good, that's good..."

"Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to marry me..." 

"Is this a proposal or..?" 

"I guess you could say it's one...Marry me?"

"Of course I will, Mike."

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Mike."

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