Tobias Rieder ~ ARI

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He takes you to Germany for a vacation...Just a disclaimer, I know that Tobi is from Landshut, which is not too far away from Münich, where this is set. I believe both the cities are in Bavaria? (Please, go check out kanersniall's NHL one shots, I was hit by feels with the JVR imagine :)) (550+ words)


"Wir haben endlich auch in Deutschland angekommen! Y/N, Willkommen in München, Deutschland." (We have finally arrived in Germany! Y/N, welcome to Münich, Germany.) Tobias sighed happily and I chuckled. 

"Tobi, I know that you grew up in Landshut, but how far away is it from Münich?" I grabbed my luggage and followed him since it was my first time in Germany. I have met his parents several times while they were visiting the States. 

"Uhh, it's probably about an hour drive from here. But, since we've arrived today, I was thinking of spending the day here in Münich?" 

Nodding my head, I sat down in a bench, getting ready to call a taxi when he took my phone. 

"Tobias, what did you do that for!?" I screeched, jumping up and down to get my phone back. 

"Y/N, we don't need a car!" Tobias smirked, handing me my phone back. 

"W-what do you mean?" 

"That's right, we're taking a walk around the city. And, I got us tickets to watch a Bayern Münich match today at the Allianz Arena."


Tobias was not lying. We were literally walking around the city for hours before the match and I was glad to finally sit down. The players came out of the tunnel and when I looked at Tobi, I swore I saw a glimmer in his eyes. 

He caught me staring at him and smirked. "Auf was starrst du?" (What are you staring at?) 

My cheeks heated up, showing a bright pink.  "I-I was just happy to see you happy..." 

Tobi chuckled before he wrapped an arm around me and lightly kissed my forehead. "Well, of course I'm happy! I'm back in my home country with the love of my life." 

"Aww, Tobi! Really?" I giggled, resting my head in the crook of his neck. 

Looking up, I saw him nodding his head and I pressed my lips onto his temple. 

"Ich liebe dich, Y/N."

"Ich liebe dich auch, Tobias." I knew a little German thanks to Tobi's tutoring, but I wouldn't consider myself fluent. 


The Bayern Münich-Borussia Dortmund game was a blast with Münich beating Dortmund 4-3 in the penalty shootout. 

After the game, we headed back to the hotel where we were staying for the night and I laid on the bed like a starfish. 

"The city is so beautiful during the evening..." I mumbled, looking out the window. 

"Nah, I think I'm looking at someone who's more beautiful than the skyline of Münich..." Tobias chuckled, jumping into the bed.

Rolling over to face him, I smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Who, the Mona Lisa?"

"No...She has H/C hair, beautiful E/C eyes, and she lives with me back in Arizona..." 

"I wonder if I've met her before..." 

"You have, Y/N...It's you." 

"Aww, Tobias. That might've been the most beautiful thing you've said to me." 


"Ja. I know I've said this to you so many times for the past 5 years, but, I love you." 

"Ich liebe dich auch, Y/N. I love you too." 

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