Teuvo Teräväinen ~ CHI

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He thought you were cheating on him, but in reality, you were around downtown at the Auditorium Theatre to support your brother when he was there for the NFL draft... (1119 words)


"Where have you been for the past few hours?" Was the first thing I heard as soon as I stepped inside the apartment to see Teuvo walking to where I was with his arms crossed. "It's almost 10 minutes to eleven..."

He pointed to the clock that was behind him and I rolled my eyes. 

"Teuvo, I have said this once and I'll say it again, I was out with some of my friends..." I muttered as I took my jacket off and slipped my heels off.

"Oh really?" He mumbled sarcastically as I turned around to face him in shock. 

"W-what?" I was dumbfounded at the fact that Teuvo was upset over this one minor detail. 

"I know you're cheating on me, Y/N...And I don't want to hear it." He brought a hand up before I angrily growled at him. 

"You know what? If you think I was cheating on you, then okay, I shouldn't bother you anymore...But, if you want to talk, I'll be at the Marriott on West Adams." I grabbed my winter coat and slipped it on while I jammed my feet into my heels and turned back to face Teuvo one more time as tears started to well up in my eyes and I shook my head. 

Opening the door, I looked at Teuvo one more time before I walked out of the apartment and left to go to the Marriott to chill off for the night and think. But more importantly, to go see my brother. 


As soon as I got to the Marriott, I checked into a hotel room for the night and thanked them before I decided to go up and turn in for the night. When I got into the elevator, I heard a familiar voice softly yelling at me to hold the elevator. I held the elevator door to find my brother, Jared briskly walking in his fancy suit and his Rams baseball cap he had received from earlier in the night. 

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Jared looked at me confusedly as he was catching up with his breath

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"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Jared looked at me confusedly as he was catching up with his breath. "I thought you said that you were going back to your apartment..." 

I sighed sadly as I dabbed away the tears that were threatening to spill but my voice was pretty shaky. "Oh, i-it's not a big d-deal..."

Jared's face all of a sudden turned into 'serious mode', meaning that he was in 'big brother' mode. "Y/N M/N, please tell me! What happened to my little sis?"

He walked up to me as he wrapped his arms around me protectively in a friendly way and I tried my best not to stain his clothes but I didn't shed a lot of tears. Just a few of them....

"Shh, it's alright Y/N/N...We're young and we sometimes make dumb assumptions like those...Did you tell him about the draft?" Jared shushed me as he ran one of his hands up and down my back, making me look up at him. "Luckily, my flight isn't leaving for a few days...So, do you want me to help you get your mind off him or do you want help from me in any way?"

My breathing started to even out as I nodded my head, "that'd be helpful to me, Jared. Thank you for doing this..." 

"No problem, Y/N. You're my little sister and I don't like seeing you hurt like this..." Jared frowned at me as we pulled away when the elevator made a 'ding' noise, and ironically enough, we were on the same floor with adjacent rooms. 


My eyes started to blink open as I heard a loud knock coming from the door. I sleepily rubbed my eyes to try to get some sleep to go away and I sluggishly walked up to the door. Looking through the peephole, I saw both Jared and Teuvo standing outside on the other side. 

My back pressed against the door as I heavily took a deep breath in and softly whispered, "who is it?" 

"It's us, Y/N. We know you saw us through the peephole." I heard Jared plead as he knocked on the door once again. "Will you please let us in?" 

Reluctantly, I opened the door to find the predicted Teuvo and Jared standing outside the door. 

"Teuvo. What a pleasant surprise to see you here." I used the same sarcastic tone that he used on me last night when I was trying to explain to him about where I was. 

"Y/N...I know about last night...Jared told me about it." Teuvo sighed sadly as he ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair. 

I looked up at Jared before he sheepishly smiled and quietly walked back outside and while he was in the process, I heard him lock the door. 

"Jared! Why did you do that?" I grumbled as I walked back over to the door and when I got his reply, it was muffled due to the door. 

"Because I don't like to see my sisters sad and he made a mistake, so what? We all mistakes from time-to-time and don't you think he also deserves an apology for the way he treated you last night? He didn't know about the draft, Y/N! He thought you were hanging out with your friends at a bar or something!" I heard Jared speak from the other side and I scoffed at him. "And I'm not letting anyone out of here until you two made up!" 

Turning back to face Teuvo, tears started to spring up in my eyes as I ran into Teuvo's arms. 

"I am so, so, so, so, so sorry for the way I treated you last night, Y/N..." He mumbled in my ear as he ran a hand up and down my back, similar to what Jared had done to me last night to make me calm down. 

"I'm so, so, so, so, so, so sorry for walking out of the apartment like that, Teuvo. I should've just told you about what happened..." I sobbed into his shoulder as he shushed me. 

I felt his hands cup my face and he made me look at him. He leaned in slowly and pressed his lips onto mine, sweet and tender as he was afraid of losing me. 

"I love you so much, Teuvo..." I mumbled into the kiss. 

"I love you too, Y/N." Teuvo smiled at me before I heard Jared cooing from the other side. 

"Aww! Y/N and Teuvo sitting in a tree. KISSING!" He teased me from his position and I playfully rolled my eyes. 

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