Auston Matthews ~ TML

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It's a power outage... (744 words)


My eyes started to blink open slowly, noticing that my husband was still asleep. I felt sweat cling onto my body, causing me to fold over the comforter. The fan didn't have its buzzing sound like it usually had. Looking up at the ceiling, I noticed that it stopped working altogether.

"Auston," I shook his arm to try to get him to wake up. "There's something going on." His body stirred, muttering as he woke up to find himself in the darkness.

"Wow, it's really dark in here than usual." I couldn't see very well in the dark, but I assumed that his eyes had widened at the sight of the dark-lit room. "Did something happen with the power?"

I thought about his question as I walked over to the bedroom windows and opened up the curtains...Only to find lightning illuminating the night sky.

"Uhh," I beckoned him to come over where I was standing. He grabbed his phone and turned the flashlight function on, slightly lighting up the room without blinding anyone with the intense light. Walking up to where I was standing, he noticed the thunderstorm outside. "I think I know the problem..."

The most likely scenario was that the severe thunderstorm, which was roaring, had caused the power outage throughout the city of Toronto. But, hey! It was more than likely that work was going to get canceled due to the storms.

"Do you want me to go get the emergency flashlight, honey?" I pointed at his phone, worried that the battery might drain. "I can go get it if you want..."

"No, no, it's fine!" Auston interrupted me speaking, "why don't I go get it?"

"Are you sure?" I bit my lip in a nervous manner, nodded towards the bed, "you could get some rest while I looked for it."

"I could go to practice looking like a zombie for all I care," he walked up to me and pressed his lips on top of my forehead, "I'll be back in like 5 minutes. You get some sleep." He winked at me before blindly stumbling to the door, opening it, walking out, then closing it behind him. I was back here in the bedroom, trying to get some shuteye after that little detective situation.


Left and right, lying on my stomach, lying on my back; I just couldn't get comfortable going back to sleep. Just as I found myself slowly fall back asleep, my ringtone started to buzz loud enough that it sounded like an annoying alarm clock. Opening my eyes again, I muttered a few curse words to myself before picking up the line.

"Hello?" I drowsily spoke, trying to hide a yawn that eventually escaped my mouth.

"Do you know where the flashlight is?" Auston spoke while there were background noises in the back, which I could make out were the clanging of the spoons.

"Yeah. It's up here in the bathroom." I simply spoke before hanging up on him and went back to sleep. To be honest, I was a heavy sleeper, so I didn't wake up when I heard the doors open and close...I woke up to a light, however.

"What the hell!?" I screeched, sitting up from my position to find Auston turn off the flashlight. He climbed on the bed and snuggled into his position, facing me.

"Why didn't you tell me that it was in the bathroom!" He blushed red due to the embarrassment that he had endured for the past half-hour.

"I thought you knew it was in the cabinet, Auston!" I chuckled to myself before moving closer to him. His strong, muscular arms were wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." I feigned drama, rolling my eyes sarcastically as I kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah, well, next time there's a power outage," he kissed my lips in a gentle yet sweet way, "tell me where you hid the flashlight."

"You are such a drama king, Matthews."

"But, you're my drama queen."

"I love you so much, Mr. Matthews."

"And, I love you, Mrs. Matthews."


And to celebrate his 4 goals on his NHL debut, I wanted to write another one (in addition to my other 4 Auston Matthews imagines).... Hopefully, up next will be one about either Jakob or Jack, but we'll wait and see tomorrow after I finish my homework for the day 😉. Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine! Have a GREAT rest of your day or night and I'll see you later!

- Priya 😊 

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