Cam Fowler ~ AD

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*Imagine is in your POV*

I actually liked writing this imagine, the feels got to me towards the end :)


"That should be the last of the boxes." I panted, trying to catch my breath while setting it down on the floor. I was trying to help (key word: trying) my boyfriend, Cam Fowler, moving in to his new 3 bedroom apartment. "Hey, I could use some help you know?"

Cam was sitting at the couch asleep while he had an empty pizza box right next to him. I walked up to him, having a airhorn in my hand, before pressing the button to let out that obnoxious sound to wake him up. He opened his eyes widely before he shouted a buch of gibberish that I could've laughed at.

"I don't want to go to school today, Mom!" He said last before jumping off the couch and landed on the floor. He looked around the room before looking up at me, laughing out of control. He scowled at me, before getting up and chased me around the apartment. He finally found me in the empty master bedroom before he pinned me on the floor.

"I finally got you now, Y/N!" He pinned me down on the floor, him on top of me. He started to tickle my ticklish spot, causing me to burst out loud giggles.

"C-Ca-Cam, sto-stop it!" I yelled before tackling him and I was on the top. I started to attack him with kisses across his face.

He yelled to stop numerous times but I refused to before one last kiss on the lips. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his soothing heartbeat.

"So Y/N, what do you see in the future?" Cam broke the silence with an interesting question that got me thinking.

"Having a good job that I enjoy, having kids and a pet if possible besides being with you." I smiled, looking up Cam.

"You see us still being together?" Cam smiled sheepishly, before making a serious comment. "Hey, can I ask you one question?"

I nodded my head, letting him continue his thoughts...

"The apartment is so huge for me to live in by myself and I was wondering if you would like to-" He rambled on before I cut him off by kissing him.

"Of course I'd love to move in with you, Cameron Matthew Fowler!" I smiled, attacking him with a hug.

He kissed my forehead before standing up and grabbed something from his pocket.

"One more thing I'd like to ask you..." He opened the Tiffany and Co. box, inside revealed a ring with diamonds all over the silver band with a big diamond shaped like a heart. He got down on one knee before asking the 5 words that were about to come out of his mouth. "Y/F/N, will you marry me?"

Words couldn't explain the look on my face, while Cam had a look of nervousness like he's been playing in a Stanley Cup Final. I finally nodded my head, before he stood up and slid the ring on my finger. I started to cry happy tears, putting my lips onto Cam's. We pulled away after a few minutes. Cam grabbed his phone from his pocket and snapped a selfie with us kissing and my left arm was on his chest, displaying the engagement ring.

He uploaded it on his Instagram and Twitter with the caption, "So happy right now, words can't explain how I'm feeling... #SheSaidYes"

He turned to me with a big smile on his face.

"I love you, future Mrs. Cam Fowler."

"And I love you, Mr. Cam Fowler." I winked.

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