Tyson Barrie ~ COL

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A certain YouTuber visits you and Tyson in Colorado... (829 words)


"Marcus! It's so good to see you again..." I smiled as I opened up the door and on the other side was my cousin, Marcus. 

"Hello, Y/N! It's been what 5 years since I last saw you back in England

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"Hello, Y/N! It's been what 5 years since I last saw you back in England..." He laughed as we both hugged each other in a friendly way and I politely let him enter the house. 

"How have you been for the past 5 years, Marky?" I asked him as I helped him out with the luggage and getting them out of the taxi. He was staying with me at my place that Tyson and I both shared for about a week and then he was headed off to LA for a YouTube convention. 

"My channel has really taken off and I've made some great friends who are also YouTubers. How about you?" He replied back to me as he set the luggage down on the floor. 

"I've been good! I graduated from college not too long ago and I currently have a job, which I love... And I've been happily dating someone for the past 3 years..." I nodded my head as I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed Marcus a bottle of water. I tossed the bottle to him like a football, which he luckily caught. 

As he was drinking out of the bottle, I heard the door click and open, which turned out to be just Tyson entering the house. 

"Y/N, I'm home!" Tyson said as he set his hockey bag down on the floor near the hall closet. He turned around to face me and Marcus. 

"Marcus, this is my boyfriend, Tyson. Tyson, this is my cousin, Marcus." I introduced the one to the other and they shook hands. 

"It's nice to meet you, mate." Marcus politely smiled at Tyson as they shook hands.

"And it's nice to meet you, Marcus." Tyson nodded his head as they stopped shaking hands. They talked for a long time as I was getting dinner for the night ready. 


"So, how are you enjoying Colorado so far, Marcus?" Tyson asked Marcus as he ate his dinner. Marcus took a sip of water and thought about his answer before he nodded his head. 

"Colorado is pretty amazing, I'm probably going to have to tour around Denver a little bit..." Marcus chuckled as he continued to eat his dinner. 

"We can definitely show you around the city in the next few days!" I chuckled to myself as we continued to talk about other things in life. 

"I was planning to film a video for my channel and I was wondering if you'd like to be in it?" Marcus had asked the both of us as he stood up from his seat and walked over to the sink to set his plate for clean-up. 

"Sure, we'd be happy to!" I smiled as I finished up my dinner and he nodded his head. 

"I'll go get my stuff ready in the living room. Thanks for letting me stay here for the next week or so, Y/N." Marcus smiled at me as he lifted the luggage and walked towards the guest room to get unpacked. 

"No problem, you are family, after all." I chuckled to myself as I stood up and put the dishes in the sink. It took about 45-60 minutes for him to get settled and in the meantime, Tyson and I had both washed the dishes and clear the fridge of spoiled food. 


"Oh my god! What is that disgusting taste!" I nearly gagged in my mouth as I popped the jelly bean in my mouth. 

"According to the chart..." Tyson grabbed the piece of paper and looked at it. "You got the jelly bean that tastes like baby wipes...."

I spat the jelly bean into the garbage can and took a sip of water to get rid of the aftertaste. Marcus made a sour look and if I was correct, I would say that it was a baby wipe-tasting jelly bean. 

"And that will be the end of the beanboozled challenge! Hope you enjoyed this video with my cousin and her boyfriend. And I'll see you all next Monday! Bye!" He waved goodbye to the camera and stopped the recording. "That certainly was an interesting challenge...Well, I'm knackered after the long day of the flight from London to Denver and settling here, so I think I'm going to turn in for the night...Good night!" 

We said goodnight to Marcus before he left the room to go to the guest room, leaving Tyson and I alone in the living room. 

"And I think I'm going to head off to bed also...I got a big meeting tomorrow...." I got up from my seat on the couch and gently kissed Tyson's cheek. "I love you, honey." 

"I love you too, sweetheart." He smiled at me as he said good night to me while I walked up the stairs. 

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