Matt Duchene ~ CA

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Requested by @MrsMattDuchene

Hope you like the Duchene imagine!

"Y/N, let's go! We're going to be late for dinner!" Matt said impatiently downstairs, waiting for you to come. It was your third anniversary together and you definitely thought that Matt was going to pop the question. You quickly swiped on your lipstick, the one Matt loves on you. You were wearing a turquoise and lace dress with some beige crosscut heels that had rhinestones. Tired of waiting, Matt came into your shared bedroom and opened the door. His jaw dropped when he was looking at you. He walked to you, twirling you in the process.

"Still as beautiful as the day I met you." Matt smiled, kissing your cheek. Matt always had the power to make you blush, even though you two have been together for a long time.

"Why thank you Mr.Duchene, now let's go. We don't want to be late, do we?" You smirked, grabbing Matt's bigger hand and leading him downstairs. You guys got to Matt's car and he opened the car door for you like the sweet Matt he always was. He was driving for what seems 15 minutes and you were getting confused.

"Matt, isn't the restaurant the opposite direction? Where are we going?" You asked him with confusion in your tone.

"Oh, I forgot to bring my equipment home. I left it back at the stadium." Matt chuckled, but you shrugged.

The drive to Pepsi Center was quiet, very unusual as opposed to Matt singing loud to country songs when you two would drive down there. You finally reached Pepsi Center and followed Matt to the Center. You stood outside by the locker rooms when one of the employees led you to the ice. There was a red carpet going down the ice, stopping in the middle. You were very confused on what was happening, so you walked down the carpet. You reached the end of the carpet when a familiar Matt skated on to the ice, still in his suit but with skates on instead of dress shoes. He got to you and smiled before he got down on one knee. You gasped and had your hand over your mouth.

"Y/N, these past 3 years with you have been the best years of my life. We had our ups and downs, but we always got back on track. I still remember the day when you were in the stands at an Avs game and a puck that I shot accidentally hit you in the head. I was glad you were okay but I knew that I had to make you mine. After that game, I met you in the hospital, which wasn't ideal for asking out someone like you. I'm thankful that you're with me and by my side. You still love me, even when I take my anger out on you whenever I lose my games. Y/N Y/L/N, will do you me the honor and become the one and only, beautiful Y/N Duchene?" Matt held the small blue velvet box, which had an aqua blue diamond in the middle, surrounded by dozens of white diamonds. You were crying during his cute proposal speech.

"Yes! Yes, I'll marry you Matthew Duchene!" You smiled, happy tears flowing down your cheeks. Matt slipped the ring on your finger and spun you around. He kissed you sweet and passionately like it was his last one with you.

"I love you so much, Matt Duchene."

"I love you too, Y/N Duchene." He winked.

"Did you lie about leaving your equipment here?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

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