Chapter 2

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"Oh God, Jaslene!" I said, rushing over to her. I kneel down beside her. "Are you alright?!"
"Yeah. Some prick attacked me, but I'm fine, just a little shaken." She said. "This gentleman and those two over there helped, so I'm good."
The man and I help her up. I go to thank him when the two other guys come over holding another guy up.
"What do you want us to do with him, boss?"
"Let him go."
The guys drop him there on the ground. The man turns back around to Jaslene and I.
"Thank you so much for helping my friend." I said.
"No problem, sweet cheeks."
Once I realize who it is, I roll my eyes. "You." I whisper.
"You know, if you keep rolling your eyes like that, they're gonna get stuck."
"Look, thanks again for helping my friend. Come on, Jaslene." I said, interlocking our arms.
"Do you girls need a ride?" He asked, behind us.
"No, thank you." We continue to walk down the street.
We make it to Jaslene's. I say goodbye to her, then start walking to my place. About 3 minutes later, a limo pulls up beside me. I stop walking. The window rolls down and there's the cocky smirk.
"Get in, sweet cheeks."
"Hell no and my name ain't sweet cheeks, it's-"
"Giselle, I know."
I continue to walk as the limo is riding along side me.
"Come on. It's dark out, it's freezing, and you shouldn't be walking out here this time of night alone."
"I can take care of myself, but thanks anyway."
"I know you can, but I'm being a gentleman and I promise to leave you alone."
I stop and look at him. "You promise?"
"Promise. I'll give you a ride and you won't have to worry about me bothering you anymore."
I think for a second. "Alright."
He gets out, holding the door open for me. I step inside and so does he. I give the driver my address. On the way there, it's silent. Though he has shades on, I feel his eyes on me, which is making me slightly uncomfortable.
I look at him. "Would you stop staring at me like that?"
"I'm sorry. It's just you're so beautiful, sweet cheeks. I mean, Giselle."
"Thank you." I say, blushing.
Stop blushing you idiot.

We pull up in front of my apartment building. He gets out, then helps me out.
"Thanks for the ride. I really appreciate it."
"You're welcome, beautiful." He said, kissing my hand.
Don't blush. Don't make him think you're giving in. I walk away to the front door, turn around, wave, and head inside to my apartment. Once inside, I'm glad Scott is sleep because he would've freaked out on me if he saw another man dropping me off. I change into one of Scott's shirts, slip into bed next to him, and drift off to sleep thinking about him. Nights come and go at work and there's no him. Weeks have passed and still no him. I guess when he says he'll leave you alone that means freeing you of his presence, but that's kinda what I wanted, so there's no need for me to be worried about where he is.
"Elle!" Jaslene called.
"Did you hear me?"
"No, I'm sorry."
"You've been out of it for weeks now, what's up?"
"Nothing. Now, what were you saying?"
"I was saying we have some big tippers tonight."
"Oh, yeah. I've made at least 800 in tips, so far."
"I think I'll probably bring in about close to 2,000."
Some guys come up to the bar asking for shots of Vodka. I pour them their shots of Vodka and turn my attention back to Jaslene.
"I hope you're saving up every penny you earn here, Jaslene."
"I am."
"Seriously, I know how you love to shop."
"I haven't been on a shopping spree in like 2 months."
"Alright, just making sure. I want you to reach your dream as bad as I want to reach mine."
"Me too. Maybe we could combine our money and see how far we got to go."
"Ok, deal. When?"
"This Saturday, my place."
"Now, y'all give a warm welcome to Candy!" The DJ says through the microphone.
"It's showtime." Jaslene says getting up from the stool, fixing her outfit.
After work, Jaslene and I see a limo sitting out front. The door to the limo opens, Mr.Johnson, our boss, steps out, and the person following surprises me. I can tell he's looking at me behind his shades. We look at Mr.Johnson once he speaks.
"Michael, I'll like you to meet my two favorite girls, Giselle and Candy. Girls, I'll like y'all to meet my best friend, Michael Jackson."
That explains why he's been coming to the club everyday for the past month. We say our hellos.

"Well, Mr.Johnson and Mr.Jackson, goodnight."
We walk away and I can feel their eyes on our asses.
"Mr.Johnson is so hot. I've had a crush on him ever since we started working at the club." Jaslene confesses. "And we've already established that that Michael guy is hot. Clearly, he wants to get into your pants."
I scoff. "Well, then, he can keep it moving."
"You need somebody to spread those hips of yours."
"No, I don't. Scott is my boyfriend and he ain't getting none and we've been dating for almost two years now, so why would I give some to a stranger I barely know."
"I'm just saying, you'll be a little less cranky if you let someone dick you down."
I glare at her. "You get dick, but you're way more cranky than me. Besides, my virginity means a lot to me and I want to give it to someone I love, that I'm in love with. Period."
"I knew you didn't love Scott."
I look at her confused. "What are you talking about? I do love Scott."
"But you're not in love with him. You just said that you want to give your virginity to someone you're in love with. If that someone was Scott, you would've been gave it to him. I mean, y'all been together two years."
She's right. I love Scott, but I'm not in love with him. I feel sometimes that I've wasted two years of my life on a guy that just doesn't have my heart all the way. I know, I know, then why am I wasting time on him? Because I don't want to be alone. When I make it home, all the lights are off, except the kitchen light. I walk in and see Scott sitting at the table with a suitcase beside him.
"Scott what's going on? What are you doing up?"
"Giselle, we need to talk."
"Ok." I said, confused.
I sat down in the chair across from him.
"Giselle, I love you, you know that, but I fell out of love with you a long time ago."
Ouch! Funny how Jaslene and I were just talking about this, but those words coming from him, for some reason, made my heart hurt a bit.
"I've been holding a secret from you and I just can't keep pretending that I'm happy with you, when I'm not."
Oh God, please don't tell me that this man is on the down low and he's been fucking another man behind my back.
"Scott, be honest with me. Is it another man?"
"Hell no!" I let out a breath of relief. "It's another woman. The mother of my child to be exact."
My eyes widen. "The mother of your what?!"
"My child. It happened one night about a year ago when I was out with the guys, drinking. I met her at the bar, one thing led to another, and next thing I know she's telling me she's pregnant."
"Uh, is it...yours?" I asked, hesitantly.
"Of course. He looks just like me."
I have so many mixed emotions right now, I don't know what to do. I mean, what would anybody do in my situation?

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now