Chapter 9

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"Michael baby, that was amazing."
"Yeah. It was."
My fiancé, Jessica and I just had this great, intense, passionate, from dusk to dawn, love making session. I love this woman. She's everything I've been hoping for. I thought Giselle was the one, but I was wrong. All the game playing and playing with my emotions showed me what type of woman she was. After I left her apartment that day, I was feeling a little down and I decided to ride around for a bit. I was so lost in my thoughts that I accidentally ran into Jessica's car. It was nothing serious, but when she got out the car, my heart skipped a beat. The only other woman to have that type of affect on me was...Giselle. Anyway, back to Jessica. Her grace, her beauty, she was breathtaking. When she saw there was no harm done to her car, we held a small conversation, and then exchanged numbers. We went out a few times and I was convinced that she was the one and I was right. A couple weeks later, Jessica and I got engaged and the rest is history.
I snapped out of my reverie. "Yeah, babe?"
"I was thinking."
"About what?"
"That maybe we should...have a baby."
My eyes widen. I never thought about having children right now. I mean the engagement was pretty quick, but children? That's a whole other thing.
"Babe, don't you think that's pushing things too fast?"
"What do you mean?" She asked, sitting up, looking down at me.
"We've only been engaged for a couple of weeks. Babies should be the last thing on our minds."
She straddles me, running her hands up and down my chest.
"I have baby fever, Mikey." She kisses my lips. "And I think we should at least try." She kisses my jawline. "So please, Mikey. Can we have a baby?" She asked, kissing and sucking on my neck.
"No." I said, sternly.
Seeing I wasn't changing my mind, she starts planting kisses on my chest, then my abs, stroking my dick in the process. She soon comes face to face with my erection. She grabs it, kissing the tip. She swirls her tongue around the tip, then puts it in her mouth inch by inch and starts sucking like there's no tomorrow. The whole time her eyes never leave mine. She then takes it out of her mouth and starts licking my shaft from base to tip. After she does that a few times, she puts my dick back in her mouth, continuing to suck.
"Shit...Jessie, baby...Don't stop."
I help bob her head up and down, eyes closed, biting on my lip. I feel myself getting close and Jessica knows it too. She starts sucking harder and faster. I grip her hair tightly as I come all in her mouth. She sits up holding my cum in her mouth.
"Swallow." I said.
She swallows, wiping any cum left over from the corners of her mouth.
"How about now?" She asked.
I sit up with a smile on my face. She straddles my lap again, smiling back. She thinks because she gave me head that I'm going to give in? She's in for a pleasant surprise.
Her face drops and she angrily gets off my lap, laying back down. I get up, put my robe on, slip my bedroom slippers on, and go downstairs to my office. I call David.
"Dave, we still having dinner tonight at your place, right?"
"Yeah, Mike."
"Alright, just checking. I may be solo tonight."
"What do you mean? Isn't Jessica coming?"
"I don't know, man."
"She has to come!" He says, raising his voice. "I mean, she's a cool woman and it won't be the same without her."
"She's kinda upset with me."
"She wants a baby and I told her no. That it was too soon."
"Good luck with that. Better you than me."
"Yeah, well, don't worry. I got my ways of making her see things my way, if you catch my drift."
"Ah. Well, go handle your business. I'll see you tonight."
"Alright, bye."
I hang up. I finish looking at my plans for my restaurant that's opening in a few months. The same restaurant I took Giselle to on our first date, I'm expanding it down to Florida. Miami to be exact. I also have a flight down there tomorrow.

Jessica and I arrive at David's house later that night. I know y'all wondering how I got her to come when she was upset with me? Well like I told David, I have my ways and if y'all didn't catch my drift, my ways are pounding her pussy. I open the door, stepping out and go around to Jessica's side. I open her door and grab her hand, helping her out. We walk up to the door and knock. It looks dark inside. Don't tell me this asshole forgot we were coming. I knock again and still no answer.
"Maybe he forgot we were coming, baby." Jessica said.
"I don't see how. I talked to him this morning to double check the plan for tonight."
I look inside or at least try to and there's complete darkness.
"Baby, the door's unlocked." Jessica said.
That's weird. We go inside and I close the door behind us.
The lights turn on and I see everybody from some of Jessica's family to some of my friends I haven't seen in years. I see David coming over to us laughing, with two champagne glasses, one in each hand.
"Welcome to your engagement party." He says, handing us the champagne glasses.
He grabs a glass of champagne for himself and turns around to the others. "I would like to make a toast!" He shouts, getting everybody's attention. "To my friend, Michael and his lovely lady, Jessica!" He turns back around to us. "Mike, I've known you since we were kids. You're like a brother to me and I never thought in a million years that you'll be getting married, especially after the fair share of women you had." I shake my head. Why the fuck would he bring that up? "Despite that, you always wanted to find that one woman that made you want to settle down and start a family. You did and I'm proud of you." He looks at Jessica. "Jessica, though we've only met on a few occasions, you're a great woman. All Michael talks about is you, you're his everything, and I can tell you make him really happy. Congratulations, you two."
Everybody clinks their glasses and comes over to us congratulating us, as well.
"Now, that the sappy shit is over with...let's party!" David said.
I laugh, shaking my head. Someone turns some music on and everybody starts dancing. We're all having a good time until I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look and Jaslene is glaring at me. The fuck is her problem? I ignore her and put my focus back on Jessica. A slow jam comes on and I wrap my arms around Jessica's waist, taking in her scent. My eyes land on Jaslene and though she's dancing with David, she still has the same look from earlier. I start to get uncomfortable.
"Let's go to the patio, babe. I need some fresh air."
I grab Jessica's hand, going to the patio. I see in the corner of my eye Jaslene watching my every move. Jessica and I are enjoying each other's company when David and of course Jaslene come outside on the patio.
"How did y'all like the surprise?" David asked.
"It scared the shit out of me." I said.
David laughed.
"It was great." Jessica said. "We really appreciate it."
"It was no problem." David said.
Jaslene was glaring at both Jessica and I and you know what? I got something to say.
"Jaslene, is there a problem?" She raises an eyebrow. "Because you keep glaring at us like there's an issue and if there is, say it."
She laughs, bitterly. "You disrespect my friend and expect me to sit here and be cool with you? You done lost your goddamn mind."
I look at her confused. "The fuck are you talking about? I never disrespected Giselle."
"Michael, let's be real. The reason you threw that little temper tantrum was because Giselle wouldn't give up the pussy not because she was, according to you, playing games. This bitch sitting next to you-"
"Hold the fuck up." Jessica interrupts.
"Hold the fuck up, what? You ain't nothing but a gold digging bitch. Sucking dick to get to the top."
"Alright Jaslene, let's go. Back inside." David said sternly, grabbing her arm.
"Get off me, David!" Jaslene yelled, snatching her arm away. "Now, back to you Michael. You've lost a great woman-"
"Clearly, he didn't." Jessica said, showing her engagement ring.
"Bitch, was I talking to you? No? Then shut the fuck up. You think that ring means something? It doesn't mean shit. Michael probably was going to give that ring to Giselle. You're just a rebound."
"She's not a rebound, Jaslene." I corrected. "This is the woman I love and the woman I want to be with. I brought this ring specifically for Jessica." I said, grabbing Jessica's hand. "I never once thought about marrying, Giselle. She did me wrong and I have every right to move on and if you or anybody else don't like it, I don't give a fuck."
Jaslene nods. "You know what's funny? I have yet to see you look at her the way you've looked at Giselle. I could tell that time we all were out on the dance floor that Giselle was in love with you and that you were in love with her. From actually hearing her side of things, I can tell you Michael that Giselle wasn't playing games. She was confused. Confused as to why you could come along, have her melting like no man has ever done before, and have her ready to give herself to you." She stood up. "I know the woman you truly want to be with, but yet, you settled for that." She said, pointing at Jessica.
She left the patio, going back inside.
"I'm sorry about that, Mike and Jessica." David apologized.
I shrug. "She's entitled to her feelings, but I couldn't care less."
"Yeah, but she's been on edge like that every since Giselle's incident at the strip club and she hasn't heard from her since then."
I furrow my eyebrows. "What incident?"
Jessica removes her hand from mine, huffing. I turn to her. "You ok?"
"Fine." She said, through clenched teeth.
I can tell by her attitude that when we get home some shit gonna go down.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now