Chapter 17

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I hope Giselle didn't see this bruise I have on my cheek. Then again, if she saw it she would've asked questions, right? I'm just glad she didn't ask me to take my shades off. That's where the real damage is. I make it back home 2 hours later. I pull down the gravel driveway that leads to David and I's house. I fix my hair and makeup in the rearview mirror before placing my shades back over my eyes and stepping out the car. I unlock the house door and walk inside, closing the door behind me.
"David, I'm back!" I called.
Silence. I shrug and go in the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I sit my shades on the counter and I turn around only to be met with the back of a hand knocking me into the counter. I touch my top lip seeing there's blood. I look up and I'm met with those same angry eyes from a few days ago.
"Now, I'm going to tell you this just once." He says through gritted teeth. "Watch how you talk to me."
I get up from the floor. "I-I'm sorry-"
He smacks me again, knocking me to the floor. "Did I ask you to speak?!"
I look down shaking my head no.
"Get up."
I get up from the floor. He grabs my chin, lifting my head up. "Now, go get yourself cleaned up so we can get you to this photoshoot on time."
I nod. I walk around him and go upstairs to our bedroom. I go in the bathroom, turning the light on. I look in the mirror and I'm unfazed by what I see. I've seen this face too many times before. In fact, this is nothing compared to the times I've fought back. That's why I didn't fight this time. I have my photoshoot and I can't have bruises all over me. I start the shower, get inside, and enjoy the feel of the warm water. A few minutes in, I feel strong arms wrap around my waist. He's about to apologize.
"I'm sorry, baby." Told ya. "I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me."
I roll my eyes. He does this shit every time and I'm tired of it.
"Did you hear me, babe? I said I was sorry."
"Yeah, I heard it." I push his arms off, turning toward him. "The real question is whether I believe it or not."
David furrows his eyebrows. "What the fuck are you saying? You don't think I'm being sincere?"
"When you constantly do this, yes it makes me question your sincerity."
I see his jaw clenching and I gulp. I turn around, cutting the shower off. Out of nowhere, David grabs my arm turning me around, pushing me against the shower wall, putting his weight on me. He starts sucking my neck and I feel his dick against my thigh. Oh no, I know where this is going.
"Shut up." He says through clenched teeth.
He starts fondling my breast and running his hand up my inner thigh, but stopping just before getting to my vagina. He continues to suck on my neck leaving love bites.
"I said shut up!"
He smacked me across the face again. My anger is boiling inside me. I slowly turn my head to look at him. He's standing there cocky and powerful with a smirk like he's challenging me. I smack him back actually surprising him, but that soon went back to anger.
"You stupid, bitch!"
Next thing I know, he has his hand wrapped around my throat. I try scratching him to get him off. My fingers get to his eyes and I apply pressure. His hand loosens from my neck. I open the shower door, getting out. I don't make it too far. David grabs me by my hair, pushing me face first toward the floor. I soon hear something jiggling and I feel the stinging sensation of leather on my wet skin. I look back at him and he has a belt in his hand. I try to crawl away, but he grabs my ankle pulling me back. He starts giving me continuous whips to my back, ass, and legs.
"David, please!" I screamed out in pain.
"Shut up, bitch! This will teach you to fuck with me!"
After a minute of the whipping, he drops the belt, turns me over, getting between my legs.
"You learned your lesson?! Huh?!"
I don't know where I got the strength to say it, but I did. "Fuck you!"

"Ok, my pleasure."
I instantly regret saying that to him. He pushes his dick so hard in my hole that it feels like I might have tore a bit. I come a few minutes later, but he continues to fuck me senseless. I'm so sore and so lifeless right now that I can't fight him off. I try to tell myself to just lay here and it'll all be over, but it's hurting so bad and I think I'm bleeding.
"David," I cried. "please stop. I-I can't t-take anymore."
"I..." He grunts. "don't feel like you've...shit...learned your lesson."
"I have. I have. Just please."
He gives a few more thrust, then fills me with his cum. I feel so disgusting, right now.
"Th-Thank you." I say, breathlessly.
That's all I remember before I see darkness. When I come to, I'm laying in David and I's bed. I try to move, but it seems impossible. David soon walks in the room and I tense up.
"Good, you're up." He sat on the edge of the bed. "I rescheduled your photoshoot for next week."
"What excuse was it this time?" I asked, hoarsely.
He smirked. "Stomach cramps."
I nod.
"You hungry?" He asked.
I shake my head no. David gets up, goes on his side of the bed, and lay down next to me. He wraps his arm around me and I start trembling.
"You don't have to be afraid of me, baby."
Is this man crazy? I have every right to be afraid of him. He's a man with power and money. He's abusive and controlling.
"I can't help it." I whisper. "When you do these things to me, my reaction to you is uncontrollable."
My cheeks are wet with tears. He kisses my neck.
"I'm never going to do this again, Jassy. Ever. I love you, girl. I don't know what I would do if I lose you."
I sniffle. "Then stop hurting me. Stop trying to control me." This is my time to get everything off my chest. "I love you, David. You know that, so why do this to me? I don't want nobody else. I don't need nobody else, but I can't keep going through this. I can't keep waking up to my face like this."
"You're right, Jassy. You're absolutely right."
"David if you don't change your ways, then I'm gone."
"Baby, I promise I'll change."
I shake my head. "Those are just words, David. I need action."
"I'm about to show you action." He said, getting up from the bed.
"What?" I asked, confused.
He leaves the room. What the hell is this man up to? He comes back a minute later with a big stupid smile on his face. I look at him curiously. He walks over to me and sits in front of me on the bed.
"Jassy, I know our relationship has been rocky and I know I have a lot of things to work on." He takes a breath. He seems nervous. "I know this may be too soon and I know this may be the wrong time, but..." He gets down on one knee. Oh shit. He grabs my hand. "Jaslene Marie Cooper, will you do me the honors and marry me?"
My mouth is to the floor and my eyes are bugged out of my head. I love David, but do I really want to marry him? What do I do? If I say no, he'll flip out on me. If I say yes, he'll be loving, but even more controlling.
"What do you say, Jassy? Will you be my wife? Will you be Mrs.Johnson?"
I sigh. "David, I love you, but I-I feel you have some more proving to do. So for now, I'm going to have to decline."
For the first time, I see sadness in his eyes. I know he really wanted to marry me, but I can't pretend what happened earlier and ever since we got together didn't happen. He has to earn my trust and my forgiveness.
"Ok, baby."
He kisses my lips, gets up from his knee to go put the ring up. He comes back in the room and cuddles with me until we fall asleep.

Today is the day I go to my final photoshoot. I'm feeling much better than I did last week. My face and body look like there was never any bruises or cuts. I get out of bed, shower, and get my clothes on. I head downstairs and see David cooking. I give a small smile, then walk over to the island.
"Good morning."
He turns around, smiling. "Good morning, baby."
He leans over the island and kisses my lips.
"You cooking?"
"That's a first."
"Well, you deserve it."
"You need any help?"
"I got it. You just sit there and look sexy." He said, winking.
I giggle. Once he's finished cooking, I set the table and we sit, enjoying this delicious breakfast. After breakfast, David gets himself ready to take me to my photoshoot while I clean up the dishes. An hour later, he comes downstairs and we head out the door. We make it to the modeling agency with 10 minutes to spare. The photographer comes out to greet us.
"Hello." He said, shaking our hands. "I'm James Kelley, your photographer."
"Hi. I'm Jaslene Cooper and this is my boyfriend David Johnson."
"Well, Jaslene. Your shoot today is lingerie and topless. Are you both ok with that?"
I look at David and he nods.
"Yes, we're fine with that."
"Alright. Just go in this room here and put on the first lingerie piece. When you come out go over to hair and makeup. Once you're finished, I'll be in that section over there setting up."
David and I walk in the dressing room. I strip out of my clothes and put on the laced red and black lingerie. I slip on the black stilettos and look at myself in the mirror. I turn around to David.
"How do I look?"
He bites down on his lip and walks over to me. He places his hands on my hips and leans down giving me a passionate kiss. He picks me up, sitting me on the vanity table. He sticks his tongue in my mouth and I let out a soft moan. He pulls away, smirking, leaving me speechless.
"Does that answer your question?"
I nod, absentmindedly. He helps me off the table, I slip on the silk red robe and we leave the dressing room, heading over to hair and makeup. They do my hair wavy and my makeup natural with red lipstick. David takes my hand and we go over to James. I take my robe off, handing it to David.
"You look perfect, Jaslene."
I smile. "Thanks."
"Now, I want you to stand in the middle there and give me natural sexy poses."
I nod. I kiss David on the cheek and walk on set. I start doing what comes natural to me.
"Yes! Yes! Beautiful, Jaslene!"
That really gave my confidence a boost and I started trying different things. I change into a few other lingerie pieces, do some shoots with those before I do my topless shoot. I put the nude colored panties on and slip a white robe on.
"You nervous?" David asked.
"A little. I've never done topless before."
He kisses my hand. "Don't worry, you'll do great."
I smile. I walk on set and get on the bed. James told me to be seductive with this one. I laid on my stomach, biting my lip, biting down on my finger, I even give a smile.
"Perfect, Jaslene! Perfect!"
I rolled over on my side covering my breasts with my arms, placing my left and right leg together, finding the light. I then go up to where the covers are peeled back and sit on my knees. I arch my back, throw my head back, keeping my breasts covered. After the shoot was over, David and I went back home and just enjoyed each other's company. I'm loving how David has been all day, scratch that, all week. Let's hope he stays this way.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now