Chapter 19

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I love Jaslene, but I hate when she lies to me. She don't know that I know how to tell when she's lying. Now, I'm not saying Giselle ain't in the hospital, but if she just had an accident and she was ok, then why was Jaslene there for a whole day? I'm trying to control my temper and I have been doing very well these past 3 months, but Jaslene is really trying me. I look at Mike and he's staring off into space.
"You alright, man?"
"Yeah, yeah. I was just thinking of ideas for this hotel."
I nod. An hour later, we finish looking over our plans for our hotel we're building in Vegas.
"Alright Dave, I'll talk to you later."
"Ok, Mike."
We bro hug and he leaves. Now that Mike's gone, it's time for me to find out where Jaslene really was. I walk into the kitchen, lean against the counter, arms folded, staring at Jaslene. She looks back at me, smiling.
I shake my head. "Nothing."
She shrugs and goes back to stirring what's in the pot.
"Where were you?"
She looks back at me, again. "Huh?"
"Where.Were.You?" I asked, slowly.
She furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
She's really starting to piss me off playing dumb. I take a few deep breaths before answering.
"You were gone for a whole day, so I want to know where you were?"
She turned the stove off and placed a lid over the pot. She turns to me with furrowed eyebrows.
"I was at the hospital with Giselle, you know that."
I slam my fist on the counter. "For a whole fucking day?!"
She jumps, frightened.
"You expect me to believe you were at the hospital with Giselle for a whole fucking day?! Don't play fucking games with me, Jaslene!"

"I-I'm not." She stuttered. "Honestly, I-I was at the hospital."
I take a few steps toward her and she inches back.
I raise an eyebrow. "You know Jassy, I love you..." I crack my knuckles. "and I'm always honest with you. I expect that same thing back from you."
The more I come toward her the more she walks back. She's now on one side of the island and I'm on the other. She then takes off running and I chase after her. I grab her before she could go upstairs and slam her against the wall. She's crying hysterically and begging me not to hurt her.
"Shut the fuck up, Jaslene!" She's still crying, but not as hysterical. "Why did you run from me?!"
"Because I'm scared!" She said in tears.
"If you didn't do nothing wrong, you have nothing to be scared of, right?"
She nods, sniffling. I let her calm down before I ask my next question.
"Are you cheating on me?"
Her eyes widen. "No!"
"If you are, I'm not going to be mad."
"I'm not! I would never! David, if you don't believe me then call Giselle. I have the number to her hospital room."
I squint my eyes at her. That's not a bad idea, but what if Giselle lies. After all, her and Jaslene are best friends. But what I know about Giselle since she worked for me is that she's an honest person. I'm just going to let it go, but if it happens again, then there will be hell to pay. I pull her off the wall and wrap my arms around her.
"I'm sorry I scared you." I said, rubbing her hair. "I'm not like that anymore. I'm not going to hurt you."
She pulled away and looked up at me. I peck her forehead.
"You ok, now?"
"Stop crying." I said, wiping her tears. "I believe you, ok?"
She nods. We stand in silence.
"I'm going to go finish getting dinner ready." She said, breaking the silence.
She goes back in the kitchen while I go upstairs to get myself cleaned up for dinner. After my shower and getting dressed, I head back downstairs, into the dining room. Jaslene was sitting at the table, waiting. I kiss her on the cheek and sit down as well. We put food on our plates and began eating in silence.


I'm eating, quietly and feel David's eyes on me. What happened an hour ago still has me frightened. I mean, yeah David hasn't put his hands on me in 3 months, but I know he could slip back into his old ways and what I saw earlier was how the hitting began. Getting pissed off, accusing me of things I'm not doing, then one day *BAM*.
"Jassy," I look up. "could you pass the salt, please?"
I nod and pass him the salt. After dinner, I gather our plates and put them in the sink. I really don't feel like washing these, but if I don't do them they would just sit here.
"Want me to do those for you, baby?"
I turn around, startled. After regaining my composure, I respond. "No, I got it."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." I said, giving a fake smile.
He grabs a beer out the fridge and heads down to his favorite room in the house...the den. I wash the dishes and clean the kitchen up a bit before heading upstairs. I change into my pajamas, slip under the covers, and turn on the TV. A few hours later, David comes stumbling in the room. Oh God, he's drunk and when he's drunk he gets extra frisky. He lays next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. He leans in planting a soft kiss to my neck.
"Let's fuck, baby." He whispers, seductively.
I shake my head. "No."
"Come on, Jassy." He grabs my chin, making me look at him. "I'm horny."
He places his lips on mine and slowly starts to get on top of me. I shift, uncomfortably making him stop.
He pulls away, staring at me. "What was that?"
"What was what?"
"That shift like you don't want me kissing on you."
"I don't want you kissing on me when you're like this."
He scoffs, sitting back in his spot. "Like what?"
"I ain't drunk, alright?!"
I continue to look at the TV.
He grabs my chin, making me look at him again. "Alright?" He says through gritted teeth.
"Alright, ok." I said, wincing.
He lets my chin go. He's drunk and I'm trying to avoid an argument. He gets up from the bed and strips down to his boxers. He stands there staring at me. The look in his eyes is a mixture of pissed off and lust.

"What, David?"
"You're a trip girl, you know that?"
"And how is that?"
"Any other time you want this dick," He said, grabbing his bulge. "but now you want to act brand new."
I roll my eyes. "Whatever."
"What was that?" I remain quiet. "Repeat yourself."
"Nothing, David."
I don't have time for this shit tonight. He gets back in bed and eventually starts to snore letting me know he's sound asleep. I turn the TV off as I myself start to get tired, but as soon as I was about to turn off the lamp the phone rings. I let out an annoyed sigh and pick up the receiver.
"Jaslene, it's Giselle."
"Something wrong?"
"Something has to be if you called me this late at night."
She lets out a breath. "I was wondering if you could pick me up from the hospital the day after tomorrow?"
"Uh, let me call you back in the morning."
"Jaslene, are you mad at me?"
"No, why?"
"It's just my grandmother is pissed at me for putting the baby up for adoption and I thought maybe you were too."
"Giselle, it's your life and your decision. I can't be mad. I don't know what it's like to conceive a baby through rape, so who am I to be angry and judge your choice?"
She sniffled. "Thanks. I needed to hear that."
"You're welcome." David shifts in his sleep. "Look, I'll call you in the morning. I love you, Elle."
"I love you too, Jas."
I hang up. I'm not going to lie. I was mad at Giselle for giving that beautiful babygirl up, but as I've come to realize I can't judge her without walking in her shoes.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now