Chapter 5

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Days come and go as Michael and I's second date gets nearer and nearer. I just don't want to see his face. I can't face him. I know he's going to be pissed at me when I tell him that I don't want to pursue a relationship with him, but I got to do what I got to do to protect my heart. I walk into David's office and he and Jaslene are sucking each other's faces off. I clear my throat and they pull apart.
"I just wanted to say bye to y'all."
David waves and Jaslene gets up to hug me. We pull apart.
"You need a ride?" She asks.
"No, I'm good."
"You sure?"
I say bye one more time before walking out front and through the front door. As soon as I get outside, I scoff. Michael was leaning against his Ferrari, shades on, with his hands in his pockets.
He walks over to me. "I wanted to give you a ride home."
I walk away from him.
"Giselle." He calls.
I continue to walk. I hear him calling my name not too far behind me. I start speed walking.
"Sweet cheeks!"
I turn to him. He's only 2 feet away and he has that cocky smirk on his face knowing damn well I hate that name.
"Don't call me that."
He shrugged. "It got your attention and it got you to speak to me." He walks closer to me, now face to face. "What's wrong? Why you being cold to me?"
"It doesn't matter. I gotta go." I say about to walk away until Michael grabs my wrist.
I turn around to him, huffing. "Michael, let me go."
"No. Not until you tell me what's wrong."
"Michael." I said, annoyed.
"I can stand out here all night." He says, letting my wrist go, leaning against a brick wall.
I might as well tell him and get it over with. I put my back against that same brick wall, head down, playing with my nails.
I take a deep breath. "Michael, I'm sorry, but I can't pursue a relationship with you."
"May I ask why? Because it's obvious you want me and I want you."
I shake my head. "No. I don't want you. Last night was a mistake and I shouldn't have went on a date with you."
"You don't mean that."
"Yes, I do."
He got off the wall and stood in front of me, so close I can feel his breath on my face.

He places his left hand on the wall by my head. He lifts my head up with his other hand making me look up into his shades.
"I know when you're bullshitting, Giselle." A tear rolls down my cheek. Michael swipes it away. "You think I'm not sincere with my words, but believe me everything I told you from me wanting to fuck you to my family and I not being close anymore is all truth. I don't need to lie to you to get what I want."
"I don't want my heartbroken, again."
"And you won't because I'm not that other guy. Don't judge me based off of something that some other man did. Base your judgment off of things I do."
He's right. I reach up, taking his shades off. I look into those doe eyes and I can see how genuine and sincere he's being. Michael leans down touching his lips with mine ever so gently. The same spark I felt during our first kiss at the club, I feel right here, right now. I place my hand on the back of his head, pushing his head forward to kiss me harder. I feel his tongue going across my bottom lip. I open my mouth allowing his tongue access. Michael soon detaches his lips from mine and places his forehead against mine. I put his shades back on him.
"So, how about that ride home?"
I shake my head yes. He removes his forehead from mine, grabs my hand, and we start walking toward his car. He opens the door for me and I step inside. He gets in on the driver side, starts it up, and drives off. About 10 minutes later, we pull up in front of my apartment building. Michael gets out, then helps me out.
"We're still having our date tomorrow, right?" Michael asked.
I give a small smile. "Of course."
He kisses my cheek and I head inside my apartment building. I walk inside my apartment and I know I won't be able to get any sleep after what happened tonight. I go in the kitchen to put some tea on. I go in my room and take off everything, but my panties. I put my big shirt on and check on my tea. When it's ready, I pour it in a mug and sit on the couch, turning on the TV. Once I'm done with my tea, I sit the mug on the coffee table and lay on the couch. I watch whatever is on TV, but not really caring what's on because thoughts of Michael flood my mind. I feel my eyes getting heavy and soon I'm fast asleep. That night I have a dream about Michael dicking me down like he said he would love to do. The dream felt so real. I could feel every thrusts, every lick, every suck. It felt so good. It makes me wonder what I'm in for when and if I let Michael hit. The next morning, there's a knock at my door. I shift, but I don't move off the couch. There's another knock. I shift again, but remain glued to the couch. There's a third knock and I groan, getting up.
"I can't believe this shit. Who's waking me up this time of morning?" I mumble to myself.
I unlock the door, then open it, angrily. "What-"

"Hey, sweet cheeks." Michael said, smiling.
"Michael, what are you doing here and at this time of morning?"
"It's 10 o'clock and I came to take you to breakfast."
I scratch my head. "Uh...come in."
He walks in and I close and lock the door back. "Make yourself comfortable."
I pick up my tea mug from last night, put it in the sink, and head in my bedroom to get myself together. 15 minutes later, I walk out the room with my shades on and my clutch under my arm. I see Michael flicking through the channels on the TV.
"I'm ready." I said, getting his attention.
He stands up, biting down on his lip. He is so sexy. He walks over to me, places his hands on my hips, and gives me a passionate kiss on my lips.
He pulls away. "You look sexy, babygirl."
I blush. "Thanks."
"Let's go." He said, grabbing my hand.
We leave the building and outside sits his Ferrari. We get inside and head to IHOP. We make it there, get seated, and place our order. When the food arrives, I immediately want a taste of Michael's strawberry, whip cream topped French toast.
"Can I have bite of yours Michael, please?" I asked, innocently.
He chuckles. "Sure."
Michael cuts a piece and I lean over a bit, taking a bite. I moan in delight.
"Is it good?" Michael asked.
"Better than good." I cut a piece of my strawberry, whip cream topped pancakes. "Taste mine."
He takes a bite and I don't know why, but it was a turn on.
"Good?" I asked.
"Delicious." He said, licking his lips.
A chill runs down my spine. We finished up our breakfast, then instead of going back to my place, we head to the park where I agreed to our first date. Michael sits on one of the swings as I stand in front of him with my arms wrapped around his neck.
He places his hands on my hips. "You excited for our date tonight?"
"Yeah. Where are we going?"
"All you need to know is wear something nice and flowy."
I nod. We look at each other just enjoying the quiet stillness of nature. I look up at the clear blue sky. Next thing I know, Michael starts planting kisses on the top of my breast. He is turning me on so bad. My nipples are getting harder by the minute and my panties are soaked. He pulls down my tank top enough to reveal my full breast and erect nipples. I'm so glad this park is basically abandoned. Michael swirls his tongue around my right nipple, then sucks. He does the same to my left nipple. He goes back and forth with my nipples as he smoothly unbuttons and unzips my shorts. He reaches down in my shorts and panties, and plays with my clit. I throw my head back. This feels so good. I'm ready for the real thing.
"M-Michael...m-my p-place." I moaned.
"You sure about that, sweet cheeks?"
"Y-Yeah. I-I'm sure."
He helps me readjust my clothing. We get into the car and go back to my place.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now