Chapter 43

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Michael and I haven't said much to each other, well more like he hasn't said anything at all to me, since we went to bed last night and since we got up this morning. I know why and it's frustrating because instead of talking to me, he's ignoring me.
"Ok, Michael." I say, sitting my fork down. "What's up? You're giving me the silent treatment, now?"
"What silent treatment? I just have nothing to say. Is that a problem?"
"No, but you being a stubborn ass is."
He chuckles. "We're supposed to be celebrating your birthday, but instead you want to call me out of my name so you can start an argument?"
"I'm not trying to start an argument, but it's obvious you're mad at me because I didn't accept the $1000. And instead of talking about how you're feeling, you're acting like a stubborn child."
"You don't want to go there, Giselle. Let's just enjoy our breakfast, alright?"
"No, I want to go there. We need to go."
"Alright." He says, wiping his mouth with his napkin. "You want to start this or shall I ?"
"Go ahead."
"You're so high strung on this independence thing that you think getting or asking for a little bit of help diminishes that independence. And to hold on to it, you would rather 'hurt' me than be appreciative and sit your pride aside for a moment. That's being a stubborn child."
I shake my head. "The only thing high strung here is your ego and how bruised it gets whenever I say no to you or whenever you can't get your way because it makes you no longer seem like the 'man.' And to hold on to it, I'm using your words, you would rather run around pouting and make me feel guilty than accepting my decisions and letting it go. That's being a stubborn child."
We silently stare each other down because we just checkmated one another. Just when I think he's about to make a smartass remark, he doesn't. He just goes back to finishing his breakfast. I sigh and go back to eating my breakfast, as well.
He gets up from his seat. "There'll be a tour guide coming through to take us around to see the sights in an hour, so once you're finished eating then get yourself together."
He walks away toward the bedroom as I finish eating my breakfast. Once I'm done, I go to the bedroom and figure out what I'm going to wear. I eventually decide on a pair of jeans and a mid-sleeve top, then lay them out on the bed. Michael soon walks out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist. I'm eyeing him up and down, but break my trance once he catches me looking and I go in the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. When I come back out, I noticed that my outfit on the bed is no longer the one I had laid out, and I know exactly who changed it. I storm out of the room and Michael raises an eyebrow.

"You planning on going out there with only a towel on?"
I scoff. "Who told you to change my outfit?"
"Well, if you paid attention to the weather forecast you would've known that it's going to be extremely humid today, but I'm just trying to look out for you, if that's ok." He answers, smartly.
I squint at him, then storm back into the bedroom. By the time I finished getting myself together, Michael got a call from the front desk that the tour guide was here. We leave our room and head downstairs to the lobby where we meet our tour guide Cheryl. We head outside and I immediately regret not listening to Michael and wearing the clothes he had out for me. We get inside the buggie, buckle up, and the tour begins. Throughout, Cheryl was constantly flirting with Michael, but I was too hot to deal with it. I start fanning myself, which did nothing at all but send hot air.
"Wishing you would've wore what I picked out, huh?"
I roll my eyes and he chuckles. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of being right.
"Why don't you finish entertaining your little groupie? She seems to be begging for your attention."
He scoffs. "If you want to be like this, then fine, but I'm going to enjoy myself."
He leans forward and goes back to talking and flirting with Cheryl, and this bitch is eating it up. Eventually, I get tired of her ass giggle at every little thing.
"Take me back to the hotel."
"Excuse me?" She says.
"I said, take me back to the hotel."
"Are you serious, right now?" Michael asked.
Michael shakes his head as Cheryl turns the buggie around. We make it back to the hotel and I see Cheryl trying to slip Michael her number, but I snatch it out of her hand and rip it up.
"What type of slut gives a man her number while his girlfriend is standing there?"
"He damn sure wasn't acting like your man."
Michael steps in between us, trying to calm the situation.
"Isn't that what all sluts say instead of owning up to their sluttery?"
"Look, I haven't not once called you out of your name so you better stop calling me out of mine!" She says, raising her voice.
"Or what?...Slut."
She swings her hand past Michael trying to hit me and I grab her up by her hair.
"Giselle, let her go!" Michael says. I tighten my grip on her hair and Michael is trying to pry my hand open. "Let her go!"
People are starting to look onto the situation and Michael is still yelling at me to let her go. I eventually do and Michael apologizes to her.
"What the fuck you apologizing to her for?!"
"Let's go." He says, grabbing me by my arm.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now