Chapter 4

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A month later, I'm finally at peace. There's no Michael. There's no Scott. Just me, myself, and I. Jaslene and David have been dating and he finally got her off that pole. She still wants to pursue modeling, but for now she's pursuing the business side of things since she's now part owner of the strip club. I'm so happy for her. I take a stroll through the park and sit on a swing. I lightly swing back and forth, playing with my nails. Someone sits on the swing next to me. I look up and it's him, surprisingly without his shades. I let out an annoyed breath.
"Beautiful out here, ain't it?"
I ignore him.
"You still mad at me for telling the truth?"
I look at him, raising an eyebrow. "What truth? There was no truth in what you said."
"Bullshit. Let me be even more blunt than I've ever been with you. I want to fuck you."
I scoff, rolling my eyes. "I'm not that type of girl. I'm not going to give it up just cause you want me."
"I know that you're not that type of girl, let me finish. I want to dick you down all night and have you screaming my name at the top of your lungs, but that's not all I want you for. You're a beautiful, smart, determine, hardworking woman and I like that about you. I'm intrigued by you. I want to explore your body, mind, and soul." He grabs my hand. "All I'm asking is for a chance. Go out on a date with me tonight and if you hate it, I won't bug you. I'll leave you be."
I look into his eyes and I melt. My heart is saying yes, but my mind is saying no. Should I listen to my heart or listen to my mind? Listen to my heart or listen to my mind? My heart or my mind?
I take a deep breath. "Yes."
His eyes lit up. He got up from the swing as did I. He pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you."
We pull away and he has a huge smile on his face. Even his smile is beautiful.
"But Michael, if you try anything and I mean anything, I swear to God I-"
"I won't try anything. I promise." He said, interrupting me.
I stare into those beautiful eyes of his. I can't believe he covers them with shades.
"It's nice to see you without shades for a change."
He bit his lip. "Yeah. I did it for you."
I have this urgency to kiss him. I step up to him, place my arms around his neck, and gently place my lips upon his. I feel his tongue gliding across my teeth and I pull away before things go too far.
"Damn. How am I supposed to behave when you're kissing me like that? I ain't going to make it 'til tonight."
I giggle. "You can manage."
We hang out in the park for awhile and he drops me off at home, so I can get ready for our date tonight.

I shower and look through my closet. I found the dress I wanted to wear. I drop my towel, lotion up, slip my panties on, then my dress. I do my makeup, going with the more natural look. I then start curling my hair into spiral curls. I check the clock. He should be here any minute. I look myself over one last time, then slip my heels on. The doorbell rings. I take a deep breath before opening the door. I eye fuck the man standing in front of me as he does the same with me.
He clears his throat. "You ready to go?"
I walk out my apartment, closing and locking the door. We walk outside and there's no limo.
"Where's the limo?"
He chuckles. "I knew you were going to be expecting the limo, but not tonight sweet cheeks. I'm driving."
I raise my eyebrows. "Can you drive?"
"Of course. Just because I have a chauffeur doesn't mean I can't drive."
"We'll see."
We walk over to this beautiful candy apple red Ferrari. Michael opens the door for me and I get in. He closes the door, then makes his way over to the driver side, getting in. He starts the car and pull off.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"This nice restaurant I own." He said, focusing on the road. "By the way, you look beautiful."
I blush. "Thanks. So do you."
About 30 minutes later, we pull up at the restaurant. Michael helps me out the car and hands his keys over to the valet. We walk inside and I can tell by the employees reactions they're not use to seeing him. We walk up to the podium.
"Right this way, Mr.Jackson." The host said, our menus in his hand.
We follow him and he leads us to a table in a private section. Michael pulls my chair out, I sit down. He sits down across from me.
The host places our menus in front of us. "What would you like to drink, Mr.Jackson?"
"Red wine ok, Giselle?"
"Red wine." He says to the host.
We look over our menus as the host gets our drinks. Shit, these prices are way too high.
"You see anything you like?"
I don't want to be rude and order something too expensive.
"Uh, yeah."

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now