Chapter 46

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All throughout breakfast Markus was avoiding eye contact with Michael, especially when he asked him questions. Part of me felt bad for him because Michael wasn't letting up. But I must say, it was quite entertaining and I was giggling a bit on the inside.
"I'm going to use the restroom." Michael says, reaching into his pocket. "Here, take my keys."
I start smiling so hard. "Thank you." I sing, taking the keys from his hands.
"Don't get too excited. That's for you to get into the car."
I fake pout, which causes Michael to chuckle. I go outside and head straight for the car.
"That was some breakfast, huh?"
I jump, turning around with my hand to my heart. "I didn't even see you there." Markus chuckles and comes over to me. "And by 'that was some breakfast,' you mean besides you acting all scared?"
"I wasn't scared. I was restraining myself from a confrontation."
"Oh, that's what you call it?"
He chuckles. "Don't play me, girl."
I giggle. "No, stop playing yourself."
Our laughter dies down and Markus immediately pulls me into a hug. His hands rub up and down my back, caressingly.
"We should do this more often. But less Michael around." He slightly pulls back. "God, I missed you."
"I missed you, too. It brought back a lot of memories from Florida."
He nodded in agreement. "But I have to be honest with you, Giselle. A lot of my old feelings for you are rushing back." He says, sadly. "And it hurts because I know we're just friends."
Awww. I pulled him into another hug to comfort him. I go to pull away, but he tightens his grip on me.
He pulls back, looking at me. Oh no. The same look he had in his eyes in Florida he has right now. Before I know it, he puts his lips on mine. I'm frozen in place because I can't believe he's doing this. He soon pulls away and Michael comes out of the restaurant.
"See ya, Giselle. Michael." He says, extending his hand out to Michael.
Michael takes Markus' hand, then Markus walks away to his car. Me, on the other hand, is staring into space.
"Giselle." Michael calls, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I snap out of my trance and look at him. "Keys."
I hand him the keys and get in the car as Michael gets in, as well. It was silent on our way back to the hotel, so Michael decides to break it.
"You know, Markus isn't that bad of a guy. He seems cool and he respects our relationship. I'm glad I was wrong."

I look at him and he glances at me. I so want to tell Michael what Markus did. I look back ahead of me and feel Michael glancing at me every once in awhile. We finally make it back to the hotel and as I'm about to get out of the car, Michael grabs my hand, stopping me.
"Are you ok?" I nod my head yes. "You sure? Cause you've been quiet since we left the diner."
"I just feel tired that's all."
He stares at me for a few seconds. "Alright."
He lets my hand go and we get out of the car. We go inside the hotel and as soon as we get to our suite, I take my shoes off and lie down. I close my eyes and all I see is the image of Markus kissing me. I'm not sure whether I fell asleep or not and if I did, how long for, but Michael was shaking me and calling out to me. I open my eyes and look up at him.
"One of my friends found out I was in town and invited us out to a club tonight. You wanna go?"
I shrug. "It doesn't matter."
He puts his phone up to his ear. "Dev, we'll be there. What time?...Alright." He hangs up. "He wants us to meet him there at 9."
I just nod my head and he walks away. I can't even go back to sleep because I feel guilty. I decide to get up and make a decision on what I'm wearing to this club tonight, hoping it will take my mind off what happened. Unfortunately, it doesn't. I need to tell Michael, but I'm afraid of his reaction. I'm not scared of him, it's his short-temperedness that puts me on edge. But I need to put my big girl panties on.
A few seconds later, he comes into the room. "Yeah?"
"You what?"
"I...need you to help me pick out my outfit for tonight."
He chuckles. "You were acting all nervous for that?"
He walks over to me and helps me find the perfect outfit. I know what y'all thinking. I chickened out, but I'll tell him tonight at the club where there's a lot of people around. A few hours later, we pull up to this club that has a line going around the block. We get out of the car and walk straight up to the bouncer.
"Jackson." Michael simply says.
The guy scans through the paper attached to the clipboard. He flips the page, then sits the clipboard on the podium before unclipping the velvet rope. We go inside and it's beyond crowded, but we managed to make it to the V.I.P section. As soon as Michael's friend sees us, he stands up and comes over to us, pulling Michael into a hug.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now