Chapter 33

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I bring my suitcase downstairs and hand it to the cab driver. I get inside the cab and a few seconds later the cab driver gets in.
"Where to?"
"Palm Springs International Airport, please."
He drives out of the complex and we stop at a red light. I see this adorable little boy and little girl in the car next to me. They wave and I smile and wave back as the light changes to green. I know y'all wondering why I'm going to the airport. Well, I've had three weeks to think about what I'm going to do about Chris and I wanted to tell him face to face that I'm ending things. I don't like his attitude change. It's very reminiscent of that scum rapist ex-boyfriend of mine Scott. When we were together, he was controlling. He didn't like me hanging with Jaslene claiming her "stripper ways" would rub off on me, whatever the hell that means, and he hated the fact that I worked at David's strip joint, but I never saw what the big deal was. Now, I realize he was afraid that he would lose his meal ticket to somebody better. Chris, on the other hand, is paranoid for no reason. Sure Michael and I had sex, but that was way way after he accused me of cheating. He basically pushed me into Michael's arms and now he's losing me. I refuse to stay in a relationship where I'm no longer trusted and where I'm not happy because I did that with Scott, and I'm not doing it again.
"Alright, ma'am. That'll be $40.50"
I reach in my purse and pull out a 50 dollar bill and hand it to the cab driver.
"Keep the change."
We get out the cab and he hands me my suitcase out of the trunk. I thank him and head inside the airport. I sit my bag on the conveyer belt and go through the metal detector. I grab my suitcase and step on the escalator.
"Flight 375C to Miami now boarding." The woman says over the the intercom. "Flight 375C to Miami now boarding."
I make it upstairs and go over to the gate that's boarding my flight. I hand my ticket to the woman and she hands it back to me. I go through the tunnel and once I'm on the plane, I look for my seat and soon find it. I put my suitcase in the overhead bin and take my seat next to the window. I'm staring at the workers outside the plane when somebody comes and sits next to me. I look to find this gorgeous guy, pecan complexion with deep almond shaped eyes, and a close-cut. I smile and he smiles back.
"Hello." He says.
"I'm Markus." He says, reaching his hand out to me.
I take his hand in mine. "Giselle."
"Nice to meet you, Giselle."
I go back to looking out the window. Once the plane is ready for take off, the seatbelt signal lights up. Everybody buckles their seatbelts. I notice Markus wringing his hands.
"Nervous?" I asked.
"Yeah. You would think by now I would be use to this."
"You travel a lot?"
"It's apart of my job. I'm a international aid worker under the USAID organization."
"Oh, that's cool."
"What about you?"
"I'm a bartender hoping to own her own bar one day."
"Well, you keep pushing for it. It'll happen."
"Fingers crossed."
For the next five hours, I've learned a lot about Markus. He's originally from Louisiana, which both of his parents are still there, he's single and never been married, he has no kids, and he has a younger brother and an older sister. Right now, he's taking a vacation. I've also said some things about myself without revealing too much. After all, he is a stranger.
"Ladies and gentleman, we're about to land. Please stay seated." The pilot says, over the speaker.
The seatbelt signal lights up again and we all buckle our belts. Once we land, I stay seated letting everybody else go.
"It was nice talking to you." Markus says.
"Yeah, you too."
He walks down the aisle with his bags in his hands. I get up from my seat, grab my suitcase, and walk down the now empty aisle. I walk through the tunnel, through the crowded airport, and outside to hail a cab. Or at least try to.

"Hey, Giselle!" I look to see who's calling me. It's Markus. "You wanna take mine with me?!"
I walk toward him and the cab driver. I hand my suitcase to the driver and get in with Markus getting in after me.
"Thanks." I say to him.
"No problem."
The driver gets in.
"I'm going to 1601 Biscayne Blvd. The Hilton." I say.
"What a coincidence." Markus says. "I'm going to the same hotel."
We soon pull in front of the Hilton. Markus offered to pay the fare, since he asked me to join him, and we get our bags from the trunk. We go inside and Markus lets me check in first. Once I do, I turn around to him.
"See you later."
"Yes, you will." He says, seductively.
I blush and walk to the elevator. I press the button and the doors open. I go inside and hit the button under 10. I make it to my floor and find my room number. I unlock the door and go inside with the clean room smell hitting my nostrils. I put my bag down, turn on the lights, and lay out on the bed. I then hear something vibrating and I realize it's my phone. I get up to get it out of my purse. I see unknown displayed across the screen where the person's name usually is. I don't bother to answer because it's either a bill collector or a wrong number. I decide to order something to eat, so I scan the room service menu. I place in my order and grab the ice bucket to go get some ice. About 20 minutes after I come back, my food arrives.
"Thank you." I say, giving the guy a tip.
He bows his head and leaves the room. I eat my dinner and watch some TV before getting to bed. The next morning, I go to a cafe for some breakfast. I get a bagel with cream cheese and a cup of juice. I take a seat at one of the tables.
"Even in the morning you're beautiful."
I look up to see Markus. "No, I'm not. I haven't even done anything to my face yet."
"That's a good thing. That means you're a natural beauty."
I blush. The only other man who is this smooth and who can get me to blush like this is Michael.
"Mind if I join you?"
"No, not at all."
He takes a seat. "So, you never told me what brings you to Miami."
I wipe my mouth. "My boyfriend."
Once I said that, his whole demeanor changed.
"Your boyfriend?"
"What a lucky man."
He sips his coffee. All through breakfast, Markus was avoiding eye contact with me and saying very little. I finish my bagel and coffee, then throw away my trash. I say bye to Markus, then head back to the hotel. I get on the elevator and right when the doors are about to close someone tells me to hold the elevator. Markus then steps on. How in the hell did he get here so fast? We didn't even leave at the same time.
"12." He says.
I press the button under the 12. The ride up is quiet, but not awkward. It stops on my floor, but before I walk out Markus stops me.
"Your boyfriend isn't against you having male friends, is he?"
"No." I lied.
It doesn't matter anyway. I'm breaking up with him.
"Well, here's my number." He says, handing me a card. "Call me anytime."
He winks and I swear I just melted inside.
"Will do." I say, getting off the elevator.
I wave, then walk to my room to get ready for the rest of the day. I go outside to my awaiting cab and I get in. I give the driver Chris' address. Half an hour later, we pull into Chris' apartment complex.
"Keep the meter running. I won't be long."

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now