Chapter 11

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Five hours later, I arrive in Miami. I step off my private plane and my security gets my bags, putting them in the trunk. I get in my car and go to my favorite hotel, The Setai. I check in and head up to my penthouse suite. I relax in my room for a little bit, then I decide to call Jessica. It rings twice, then she picks up.
"Thank you for calling Jessica's. Jessica Wheeler speaking, how may I help you?"
"Mmmm, Jessie baby. Don't you sound sexy in your business voice."
She giggles. "Hey, Mikey. How's Miami?"
"It's alright, so far. It'll be even better if you were here."
"Awww, baby. Maybe some other time."
"Yeah, maybe." I hear Jessica whisper something to someone. "You still doing interviews?" I asked.
"Yeah, I have two more left."
"Well, I'm going to let you go. I just wanted to let you know I got down here safely."
"Alright, baby. I love you."
"Love you, too. Bye."
I hang up. I put my shoes back on, grab my room key and my car key, and leave my room. Once I get off the elevator, I get in my car, and head to my restaurant. When I pull up in front of the restaurant, everybody was just standing around, talking. If they think they getting a check out of me for nothing, they got another thing coming. I get out the car without anyone noticing I'm here.
I stand behind them, arms folded. "Somebody must not want their jobs!"
They all turn around, startled.
A smirk plays upon my lips. "I'm not paying y'all to stand around and talk! I'm opening up this restaurant in a few months! Now, how in the fuck am I supposed to do that if you motherfuckers are pussyfooting around?!"
They all remain quiet, looking around at one another.
"Back to work!"
They all scurry back to what they were working on. I massage my temples. I ain't been here but a minute and already my nerves are being plucked.
"Excuse me, sir. Excuse me."
I hear someone say behind me. I turn around and I almost jump out of my skin. Giselle was sitting in the passenger seat of a car, sleeping. I bend down to see inside the car and there's an elderly woman sitting behind the steering wheel. That must be the grandmother she was telling me about.
"Yes, ma'am. How can I help you?"
"I'm looking for 3105 Grand Ave."
I realize she's going to a sports bar called 'Jack's'. I give her the directions. Giselle shifts a bit in her seat.
"By the way before I go, what are y'all building here?"
"It's being renovated, but in a few months it'll be a restaurant, well, my restaurant. I decided to expand it from L.A. to Miami."
"Oh, that's nice. My grandbaby Giselle here, has aspirations of owning her own bar one day. She's just a couple thousand away from her goal, but she refuses my help in fronting the rest of the money." She brushes some of Giselle's hair out of her face. "I guess that's just her being an adult." A smile touches my lips. "Well, I'm going to let you get going. Thanks again for the directions."
"No problem, ma'am. Have a great day."
"You too."
She drives off. First, I have a dream about this woman. Now, I'm seeing her in the flesh. Is that a sign? I must admit, Giselle looks even more radiant. Her skin still a beautiful golden brown and she still has that beautiful long, black, silky hair of hers. I have to find out where she lives or at least what her number is, so that we can talk. I turn around and examine every inch of my restaurant making sure the renovations are going accordingly.


"Arie, wake up."
I feel my grandmother shaking me. I open my eyes to see that we're at the place. A sign that read JACK'S is above the threshold of the door. I know this sounds strange, but I could've sworn I heard Michael's voice and smelt his cologne.
"What time should I pick you up?"
"I don't know. Maybe, an hour from now."
I grab my briefcase and open the door, getting out.
"Good luck." My grandmother says.
"Thank you."
I close the car door, take a deep breath, and head inside the bar. I look around trying to find the bar manager. I see this blonde, big breasted woman go behind the bar. I walk over to her.
"Hi." I said.
She turns around with a friendly smile. "Hello, may I help you?"
"Yes. Im Giselle Watkins and I'm here for the bartending job. I was told to be here at 2."
"I'll be right back."
I nod. A few seconds later, she comes back out.
"You can go back. Last door on the left."
"Thank you."
She nods and I head down the dimly light hallway. I'm kinda nervous. I make it to the last door on the left. The name Travis Miller was engraved on a gold plate on the closed door. I take out my resume and knock.
"Come in!" I walk in with a nervous smile on my face. "Close the door behind you, please."
I close the door and walk over to his desk. He's not a bad looking guy. Early to Mid-30s, light skin, green eyes, and a small, neat, Afro. We shake hands and I take a seat. My leg starts to shake. My nervousness showing even more now.
"You nervous?" He asked with a smile.
"You don't have to be. I just have a few questions for you, so take a few moments to breath." He says.
I do my breathing exercises and I finally come to a relax state.
"Ok, let's gets started. You have your resume?"
"Right here." I said, handing it to him.
He takes it from my hand.
"Giselle, is it?" He asked.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now