Chapter 26

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I pour another shot of Whiskey and immediately throw it back.
"Mike, don't you think you need to take it easy?"
"Nope. It's boys night out and I'm having a great time." I slurred a bit.
Claude then comes in our section smiling like a Cheshire Cat.
"What's up with the smile?" David asked.
"If you guys never hear from me, don't panic. I'll be making my future wife's legs spread."
"Who is it this time?"
"Mike seen her."
I look at him, furrowing my eyebrows.
"You know, that fine ass brown skin chick wearing the jumpsuit." He rubs his hands together and lick his lips. "She will be mine by the end of the night."
I snorted. "I doubt it. You ain't her type."
He raises an eyebrow. "And how would you know?"
I smirk and he takes the hint.
"Mike, did you-"
"Can someone tell me who this mystery woman is?" David said.
"She's not a mystery woman. She's your former employee." I reply.
"That could be anybody."
"Yeah, but how many of them are your girlfriend's best friend?"
He thinks, then realization hits him.
"Giselle? She's here?"
I nod.
"You know her, Dave?" Claude asked.
"Yeah, she worked at the strip club."
"Oh, so, she's a stripper."
"No, bartender. But how did you two meet?"
"We met tonight. I would've been had her had Mike not been cock blocking."
"Clock blocking or she's out of your league?"
David chuckled while Claude nodded his head, pissed off.
"I get it now." He suddenly says. "You're mad because I'm getting the girl that you once had. You're always the one joking about me not getting none, but how does it feel knowing that I'm getting the same pussy as you? I mean, it must be troubling knowing that my dick would be so deep in her pussy that she'll be screaming my name tonight."
I glare at him.
"On second thought," He says. "maybe she won't be screaming because she'll be on her knees with my dick lodged in her throat."
I don't know what came over me but all I remember is me punching Claude and David and the rest of the guys trying to pry me off him.


I see a bunch of people running over to the section Michael was sitting at. As nosy as I am, I leave the bar going over there. I push my way through the crowd and I see Claude laid on the floor bloody and Michael with bloody fists being held back. What the hell happened?
"You better stay the fuck away from her you disgusting prick!" He yelled. "You hear me! You stay away from her!"
Claude chuckles while getting up from the floor with the help of the other guys.
"That pussy got you that fired up, Mike!"
Michael was trying to get to him again, but David escorts him through the crowd while the other guys take Claude to the bathroom. I disperse with the rest of the crowd and head back over to the bar. For some reason, I have an urge to go check on Michael. I contemplate whether I should or shouldn't. I grab my purse and get up from the bar. On my way out, I run into David. We talk for awhile, then I ask about Michael.
"He's in the alley cooling off. I'm going to go check on Claude."
I nod and I walk down the sidewalk until I reach the alley. I see Michael looking in the opposite direction with his hands in his pockets. I go over to him and he looks at me, then goes back to looking the other way. I stand here in silence not knowing what to say or do. So my body reacted before my mind and I come closer to him. I cup his chin so he can look at me. I examine his face. He has a bruise on his cheek.
"Does it hurt?"
"A little." He says, quietly. "I don't even remember him hitting me."
I smell the Whiskey on his breath. I wonder if the fight was just because they're drunk. But it had to be over Jessica considering what Michael said.
I dropped my hand from his chin. "What happened?"
He lets out a breath. "I rather not talk about it."
I nod and we stand here in silence. I look around the alley trying to think of something else to say.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" He asked, interrupting me.
I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, you're standing out here asking me how I'm doing when you and I both know you hate me."
I can't believe he's coming at me like this.
"You're right. I do hate you, but I saw you were pissed off and I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Now that I see you are since you're back to your asshole ways, good-fucking-bye."
I storm out of the alley. This is why I hate being nice to people. They just give you a big fuck you.


She storms out of the alley pissed off. Do I feel bad? Nope. She made it clear to me that she hated me, so I don't need her fucking sympathy.
"What did you do?"
I look and it's David.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about Giselle. She just stormed past me."
"I didn't do nothing. She's just being a drama queen as always."
He shakes his head. "You dumbass. Do you not realize that this would've been the perfect time to get back with her?"
"It wouldn't have happened anyway. She hates me."
"And when has that ever stopped you?"
He's right, but Giselle and I's last encounter made me give up completely.
"Look, you're single now and I can tell you still care for Giselle. Just look at Claude's face." I chuckle. "Now, I'm going to go get her."
I nod. Five minutes later, someone stands in front of me. I look and see Giselle with her arms folded.
"David said you wanted to talk. Though it took some convincing to get me back out here."
I let out a breath. "I want to apologize for being cold toward you, but I'm fed up."
She folded her lips, then unfolded them. "I get that, but you hurt my feelings."
"Well, I'm not going to apologize for telling the truth."
She glares at me. "It's not about that. It's about the fact that even though you were an ass to me 2 months ago, I still came out here."
"That's you, Giselle. We're two different people. When someone hurts you, you're there for them when something goes down. When someone hurts me, I'm stubborn and cold."
There's silence, except the drunk rowdy people walking by.
"Now are you going to tell me why you and Claude were fighting?" She asked, breaking the silence.
"He was saying some disrespectful things about you that I don't care to repeat."
"This was about me?"
"More about the things he was saying about you."
She sighs. "Either way Michael, you shouldn't have done that."
"Shouldn't have done what?"
"You shouldn't have been fighting him over me."
"So I'm in the wrong for defending you?"
"No, but I'm a big girl."
"I know this, but you think I want something happening to you? You may piss me off, you may get on my nerves with that attitude of yours, but I can't help being concerned about you. I know what your beauty does to men. I should know, I'm a victim of it."
She looks down, then back up at me. She cracks a small smile before opening her arms to me. I raise an eyebrow. She wiggles her fingers like she's telling me to come on. I take my hands out of my pockets wrapping my arms around her tightly. I breathe in her scent.
"You want to go back inside?" She asked, pulling away.

I shake my head no. "I really don't want to be here, right now."
"How about we hang somewhere else?"
"Ok. Where?"
She grabs my hand and we walk out the alley. She goes over to the valet and hands him her ticket. The valet comes up with her car, we get in, and she pulls off. About 30 minutes later, we pull in the parking lot of her condo complex. She puts the car in park, unbuckling her seatbelt. I unbuckle mine as well. We get out and head upstairs to her condo. She unlocks the door and we walk in. She flicks on the lights, sits her purse down, and drops her keys on the table.
"Get comfortable." She says.
I take a seat on the couch while she goes in the kitchen. She comes in the living room with a bag of ice. She puts it against my cheek and I take it, holding it there myself.
"I'll be right back."
I nod and she gets up, going in the back. A few seconds later, there's a bang on the door.
"Michael could you get that!"
I put the ice pack down, get up from the couch, and open the door.
"Can I help you?"
"No, not really." Chris says, coming inside. "Where's my girlfriend?"
I close the door and look at him like he lost his mind. I don't know who the fuck he thinks he is talking to, but I could have some fun with this.
"Funny, she never mentioned having a boyfriend."
He squints at me. "Are you fucking my girl?"
I snicker. "And if I am?"
I can tell he's pissed and I'm loving it.
"Michael, who was at the door?!" Giselle asked.
"Your boyfriend!"
She comes from her room with her pajamas on. I grab the ice pack and sit on the couch with one arm thrown over the top.
"We need to talk." Chris says to her through gritted teeth.
He takes her in the back and closes the door. I turn on the TV and flip through the channels. I stop on this movie that I've never seen before. I guess this would do. I start hearing muffled yells, so I put the TV on mute. I can't really make out what they're saying. I unmute the TV when the door opens.
"Not if you're fucking around!"
"I'm not doing anything! Stop being so fucking insecure!"
I smirk. The door closes again. I soon hear this crash and I stand from the couch, putting my ice pack down. There's another crash and I rush to the back. He better not have done what I think he's done.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now