Chapter 18

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It's been 3 months and David has been perfect. When he said he would never ever hurt me again, he was telling the truth. He wasn't saying it just to be saying it, so I could forgive him. Right now, we're laying in bed making out. As soon as he gets my top off, the phone rings. We simultaneously huff. I lean over and pick up the receiver.
"Is this a Ms.Jaslene Cooper?"
"Yes it is, may I ask who's calling?"
"Yes. I'm Nurse Hopper and I'm calling on behalf of Ms.Giselle Watkins."
"Giselle?" I asked, worriedly. David furrowed his eyebrows. "Is she ok?"
"Yes, ma'am she is."
I sighed in relief. "She's ok." I whispered to David.
"She asked me to call you because she's in labor."
My eyes widen. "Oh my God. What's the name of the hospital and the address?"
She tells me and I write it down. "Ok, thanks. I'm on my way. Tell her I'm on my way."
I hang up. I hurriedly put my shirt back on.
"What's going on?" David asked.
"Giselle got into an accident." I lied.
"Yeah. I got to be there for her." I said, putting my shoes on.
"You want me to go with you, babe?"
I put my jacket on. "No, I'll be fine."
"You sure? That's a 2 hour drive."
"Don't worry baby, I'll be fine. I'll call you as soon as I get there."
"Well, tell her I hope she has a speedy recovery."
"I will, baby." I kiss his lips. "I love you."
"I love you, too."
I grab my purse and keys. I leave the house, get in my car, and speed off hoping I make it the hospital under 2 hours. I hated lying to David like that, but I promised Giselle that I wouldn't tell him about her pregnancy. An hour and a half later, I park my car. I hop out and run through the sliding doors. I go over to the floor index. I search for the maternity ward. Once I find it, I get on the elevator and push the number 7. I tap my foot impatiently as the numbers go up slowly. I finally make it to the seventh floor. I go over to the nurses station.
"May I help you, ma'am?" One of the nurses asked.
"Yes. I'm here to see a Giselle Watkins. I'm her sister."
She searches the computer.
"She's in room 1168."
"Where exactly is that?"
"Go straight down this hall and make a right."
"Thank you." I said, rushing off.
I go down the hallway, go to the right like she said, and look at each number by the doors. I get to room 1168. I walk in and Giselle seems surprisingly calm. I go over to her, smiling.
"My niece ain't hurting you too bad, is she?"
She laughs, lightly. "No. The pain isn't too bad as of right now."
I nod. I pull a chair up next to her bed. "Are your contractions close together?"
"They were 10 minutes apart. Now, they're..." She trails off.
The look on her face says it all. She winces as a contraction comes. Coming back to a relaxed state, she finishes.
"Now, they're 8 minutes apart."
"Why didn't you wait to come to the hospital when your contractions were much closer?"
"I wanted to already be here."


"Who brought you anyway?" Jaslene asked.
"My nosey neighbor Ms.Bailey."
"How did she know you were in labor?"
"Keyword Jaslene, nosey." She giggles. I give a small smile. "But I'm thankful that she did."
Another 8 minutes past, another contraction hits. The doctor comes in to check on my progress. Hours later, I'm past my early labor now I'm in my active labor and boy can I feel the difference. My contractions are frequent, much stronger, and I had to ask the doctor for an epidural because the pain is becoming unbearable.
"Ssss, ahh." I wince, turning over on my left side.
"You need anything, Elle?"
"Other than the epidural? No."
"Well, I'm going to go see what's taking so long and I'm going to grab a snack. I'll be back."
A few minutes later, Jaslene walks in with the doctor and nurse in tow. They both look scared. Oh hell, what did Jaslene do? The nurse gives me the epidural and the doctor checks to see how much longer I have to go. More hours past and I'm 8 centimeters dilated. I don't feel much because of the epidural and I'm much more relaxed since I'm past the active labor stage. I'm starting to get a little anxious. I have 2 more centimeters to go before I have to push and my babygirl is introduced to the world. I had Nurse Hopper, the one that called Jaslene, to call my grandmother and to call the adoptive family I have lined up. She's keeping them updated on my progress.
"How long have you been in labor so far, Giselle?"
"20 hours."
I giggle, softly. Another contraction hits, but I'm handling these contractions much better than the ones before. 4 hours past and my doctor comes in.
"Well Ms.Watkins, its looks like you're ready to deliver."
I smile. Finally. Three nurses walk in, getting everything set up including getting my feet propped up.
"You want me to hold your hand, Elle?" Jaslene asked.
She takes my hand in hers and the doctor gets down between my legs.
"Alright, Ms.Watkins. Ready?"
I nod.
"Push." He says.
I push down as hard as I can, letting out a grunt. I lay back on the pillow, breathless.
"Good, good."
I feel another contraction coming and the doctor tells me to push. I push down hard again and rest a bit. I thought this would be really painful, but I don't feel a thing. I give a few more pushes and I start to feel pain. Jaslene peeks over between my legs and gasp.
"I see the top of the head Giselle."
Well, that explains the pain.
"You want to see it?" The doctor asked.
I nod. One of the nurses hands him a mirror and he puts it in front of him enough for me to see. A tear rolls down my cheek. Just seeing the top of her head makes me more anxious. I push and push and push.
"The baby's crowning." The doctor said.
Jaslene wipes sweat off my forehead. I know I'm tearing her hand up. She's such a good friend. I continue my pushing. I've noticed that every 3 pushes, something of my baby's is showing. Her shoulders are now out. I give 3 more pushes, now her body. I give 3 last pushes and her cries fill the air. I fall back limply on the pillow with a smile on my face.


Once the baby cries, a smile touches my lips. "You did it, Giselle."
The doctor cuts the baby's umbilical cord. One of the nurses took the baby to clean it and brought her back wrapped in a pink blanket and a pink hat on top of her head. The nurse places the baby in Giselle's arms and Giselle starts talking to her.
"She's beautiful, Elle."
"Thank you."
"She looks exactly like you."
"Yeah, she does. Thank God for that. You want to hold her?"
I nod my head yes. I go wash my hands and she places her in my arms when I come back. I sit in the chair beside Giselle's bed.
"Hey, babygirl. It's your auntie and I'm going to spoil you rotten." I look up at Giselle. "What are you going to name her?"
"I haven't really thought about it."
I raise an eyebrow. "Really? 9 months and you haven't come up with nothing?"
"Ms.Watkins?" Nurse Hopper interrupted.
"The Goodson family will be visiting later today and your grandmother said she'll be here between today and tomorrow."
"Thank you for everything Nurse Hopper."
"You're welcome."
She leaves. I look at Giselle curiously.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, nervously.
"You've never mentioned a Goodson family to me before. Are they long lost relatives?"
She looks down playing with her nails. "Yeah." She said, quietly.
I can't help, but think something more is going on.
"Giselle, be honest with there something here going on that I should know about?"
She continues to play with her nails, silently.
"Yes, alright?! Yes! There is something going on! I'm..." She takes a deep breath. "I'm putting the baby up for adoption and the Goodson family will be her adopted family."
My mouth drops to the floor. I'm stunned. I look down at babygirl in my arms. Why would she want to give up something so precious.
"Why, Giselle?"
She sniffles. "I can't take care of her. I'll be a terrible mother. Plus, I can't look at her without thinking about who her father is."
I nod and continue to play with the baby. I place her in her plastic carrier and sit back in my chair until I dose off. Few hours later, I awake to the sunbeams coming through the window. I look at the clock on the wall. 11. I need to get my ass home. I haven't called David at all. I see the baby sleeping in her plastic carrier and Giselle too is sleeping peacefully. I hate to wake her, but I gotta let her know I'm leaving.
"Giselle." I said shaking her. "Giselle."
She stirs in her sleep and her eyes flutter open.
"Giselle I'm sorry to wake you, but I wanted you to know I'm leaving."
"Alright." She said, yawning.
We hug. I get her number to the hospital room, go over to kiss the baby's forehead, and leave the hospital. I make it back home at 12:45. I walk through the door and call out to David. I hear two familiar voices coming from David's office. I walk toward his office door and knock.
"Come in!"
I go in and see Michael and David with a bunch of papers scattered across the table in front of them. David looks my way.
"Hey, babe."
"Hey." I walk over to him. "I'm sorry I didn't call."
"It's ok."
Now he just said it was ok, but the look in his eyes is saying something different.
"How is Giselle?"
"She's fine. She was happy to see me."
"That's good."
There's an awkward silence.
"Well, I'm going to let you two get back to work. I desperately need a shower."
I leave the office and head upstairs to prepare my shower.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now