Chapter 36

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I get out of my car, adjust my shades, and walk inside David's strip club. I immediately go straight for the bar and order my usual. I tip the bartender, then go to the V.I.P table. One of the girls comes to the table.
"Do you want a dance, Mr. Jackson?"
"I'm good."
"You know I see you come in here a lot and you never get a dance or anything other than a drink. Why is that?"
"Cause I come to relax. And besides, when it comes to a woman's touch my girlfriend is enough."
"Oh, I get it now. Mr. Faithful. But does your girl know you're here?"
"Nope. And even if she did, she has nothing to worry about because she knows she's the only one."
"Yeah, I bet you wouldn't be saying that if one of these girls in here put it on you."
She goes over to someone else and I roll my eyes. Can't none of these women in here do to me what Giselle does and that's a fact. I smile on the inside at the thought of her. She is perfection. From her piercing gray eyes to her smooth brown skin to her plumped ass and her perky tit-
"Give it up for Trixx, everyone!"
I snap out of my thoughts. The guys clap and whistle at her as she leaves the stage.
"Now fellas, we're going to slow it down for ya a bit. And this one is a new one. Welcome to the stage...Caramel!"
The red lights aligning the stage dimly beam on Caramel as she appears at the back of the stage. She struts down the runway that leads to the pole, but even behind my shades I can tell she's nervous. Caramel poses at the pole and the spotlight hits her. She puts her hand up in front her eyes because the light is blinding her. I notice she's wearing a masquerade mask, but the type that goes down to the nose, and she has on this fuchsia, sheer, thigh length, babydoll nightie on. Slow music starts to play and Caramel instantly starts moving her hips in a circular motion while at the same time keeping her eyes on the men. starts body rolling, holding onto the pole with one hand before twirling around it gracefully. These men are already throwing money at her feet. She then dances in front of the pole, swaying her hips, slowly getting into a squatting position. I take my shades off, placing them in my jacket pocket. She unties the sheer nightie, exposing the solid fuchsia bra and panties underneath. Caramel tosses the sheer piece aside and she gets on all fours, sensually crawling to one of the men standing at the front of the stage. She sits up on her knees and works her body in his face. The man begins placing bill after bill in her panties. For some reason, I'm mesmerized by this woman, which is a first, because none of these women pull me in like Caramel is doing now. Every movement of her body is making me more and more attracted to her. I snap out of my trance. What am I saying? I got a woman who I love and adore. I finish my drink, head to the bar for another, then go toward the stage with my drink in hand. The closer I get to Caramel, the more familiar she feels to me. I sip my drink and once her eyes land on me, she freezes for a bit and I see her gulp. Damn, she got gray eyes like my baby Giselle does. Now that I have a closer look, she's curvaceous like her too.
"Take the mask off darling, so we can see your pretty face!" One of the men shouted.
All the other men agree. She slowly starts to untie the masquerade mask while still working that body of hers. When it falls from her face, I almost spit out my drink. I slam my glass down on one of the tables. As I storm toward the back of the stage where the steps are, I run into David.
"Hey, Mike. What's up?"
"What the fuck is Giselle doing up there on that stage?!"
"Making money."
"Get her off there, now!"
"Mike, you know I can't stop her set."
"You can't, but I can."

He grabs me. "What's the big deal?"
"That's my girlfriend up there!"
I get out of his grip and walk to the stage entrance, heading up on the stage. I take off my jacket and cover Giselle, who's now standing.
"Get your shit and let's go." I say in her ear.
She nods, grabs her money, and leaves the stage. This causes an uproar from the guys and I give them the finger, then walk off stage.
"Mike, man, you can't do that! You're fucking with my business!"
"This is more important than business! She's leaving!"
"Well, you let her decide that!"
"She doesn't have to. I've already decided for her."
I go where the dressing room is and walk in. Some of the strippers are there along with Jaslene, who's comforting Giselle.
"Ladies could you give us a minute, please." They scatter out of the dressing room. "You too, Jaslene. Out."
She whispers something to Giselle, then gets up, and leaves. Giselle's cries echo throughout the room as I count to ten, calming myself down because I'm beyond pissed off at her.
"You wanna tell me what the fuck you were doing on that stage?" I asked, taking a seat next to her.
She sits her head up from the table, wipes her eyes, and looks at me.
"I needed money." She says, sniffling.
"What the fuck did you need money that bad for?"
"I got fired from my job and my last check wasn't enough to pay for some bills that are due soon."
"And somehow you couldn't come and tell me that."
"I was embarrassed. I didn't want to have to tell you I lost my job, so I wanted to handle it on my own."
"Yeah, and look at where that got you." I said, sarcastically. "Shaking your ass in a strip club."
"Well, sorry for being independent, Michael! But I don't want to have to depend on you for anything!"
"It's not depending on me! It's I'm your man and I'm here to help you in your time of need! I could of called around and got you a job!"
"See, that's what I'm talking about!" She yells, standing up. "I don't want you doing anything for me! I'm a grown ass woman! I can take care of myself!"
"And you end up doing shit like this behind my back just to prove it?!" I yell, standing up too. "This right here makes me not trust you! But if you were hiding this, then what else are you hiding from me?!" She doesn't say anything. "Answer me, Giselle!"
"Nothing Michael, alright?! Just stop yelling at me!"

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now