Chapter 13

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Michael pulls away from the kiss. He stares at me from above and he has this look in his eyes that I can't quite make out, but he seems nervous. I smile, placing my hand on his cheek, trying to ease his nervousness.
"What's wrong, Michael?"
"Come on, something's bothering you. What is it?"
He sighs. "I...I just want to make love to you so fucking bad, but-"
"Make love to me, then."
He stares at me, blankly. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
I giggle. "I said, make love to me, then."
Whatever that look was that was in his eyes was replaced with desire. Whatever nervousness he was feeling seemed to vanish. He hungrily kissed my lips as we stripped each other down to our naked beings.
"I'm going to take things slow." Michael said, against my lips, giving me a peck.
He kisses my chin, my neck, and my collarbone. He runs his tongue between my breast and down to my flat tummy, sticking his tongue in my navel. He places my legs on his shoulders. He gives light kisses to my inner thighs. My toes began to curl. He locks eyes with mine as he lowers his head down, kissing my clit. He takes my clit into his mouth, sucking on it. I moan, arching my back. Damn, if his mouth is making me react this way, I can only imagine what will happen when he's inside of me. I start to get a little nervous. I've seen this man's dick before and I know it'll hurt.
"M-Michael...I-I'm..." I moaned.
"You're what, baby?" He asked, still sucking on my clit.
I continue to moan, enjoying the pleasure from the warmth of his mouth.
"Speak up, sweet cheeks."
I can't even get the words out. He sticks a finger in me making me gasp. That was unexpected.
"You think you can handle me, baby?"
"I, mmmm, don't know."
He sticks a second finger in me and my nervousness subsides. He sticks a third finger in me and it drives me crazy. My mind is clouded right now. I suddenly get this feeling like I have to pee. Michael pulls his fingers out and kisses his way up to my lips. All I taste is me in his mouth. He pulls away, looking down at me lovingly.
"You ready for me, baby?"
I bite my lip, nodding. "Yeah."
He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. I can sense the nervousness coming back.
I place my hands on his chest, rubbing it. "Michael?" He opens his eyes. "Relax, baby. You're not going to hurt me."
He nods, relaxing a bit. "I'm sorry, baby. I just have a lot on my mind."
I grab the back of his neck, giving his lips a peck. "Well, how about you dick me down like you've been wanting to."
He gave me that cocky smirk. "How about you touch me and put me where you want me."
I ran my hand down his chest, to his outie, over his pubic hair, and wrap my hand around his dick. I give it a squeeze.
"Fuck." Michael groans.
I put the tip at my entrance. "Wait, do you have a condom?"
"You're not on birth control?"
I shake my head no. Too late for that, I'm already pregnant. He reaches over for his pants and sits on his knees. He takes his wallet out and looks through it. He pulls a condom out. I sigh in relief because I really want this. I really want to make love to him. He opens the condom wrapper, taking the clear condom out. He puts it on, then slips back between my legs. I place both hands on his chest.

"I know you're tight baby and I'm going to try my best to control myself, but if you can't handle it, then push on my chest."
I nod. He pushes his tip in my entrance, I bite down on my lip. It's burning a bit. He continues pushing his way inside and the burning is getting worse as he stretches me out.
"Ssss, damn."
Michael stops. "You, ok?"
"Don't lie, Giselle."
"I'm fine, Michael. It's uncomfortable, that's all." I grab his cute little ass. "Now, give me this dick."
He shakes his head, chuckling. He pushes the rest of himself deep inside me. I rest my legs on the back of his thighs while placing my feet on his calves. Michael starts thrusting. I close my eyes enjoying the feel of his dick invade my walls. I can't believe after a month of not seeing one another that we're down here by the lake making sweet love to one another. On second thought, I can believe it. We still love each other.
"Oh, Michael. Faster baby, faster." I moan in his ear.
He starts thrusting faster. I dig my nails into his back.
"Shit..." Michael groans.
Our sweaty, naked, bodies slapping against each other is echoed throughout nature. I open my eyes and look at Michael. This man is so pretty. Even with sweat drenching his forehead with some curls sticking to it, sweat running down his neck onto his toned chest, and down to his abs, he's still a sight to see. He's making the cutest pouty faces too. I kiss his chest and he opens his eyes, looking down at me. I remove my hands from his back, placing them on his shoulders. Michael leans down and kisses my lips, sticking his tongue in my mouth. He grabs my hands, placing them above my head. While one hand holds my hands down and the other is resting on my hip, Michael is thrusting much harder now. This man is pounding my pussy. I pull away from the kiss as he sucks on my neck.
"Mmmm, don't stop."
"I'm not, baby."
"This pussy is yours. All yours." I say, breathless.
He pulls away from my neck. "Damn right it is."
I wrap my legs around his waist, resting the ball of my feet on his ass. I start thrusting in sync with him. I soon feel this force. Something intense boiling deep inside me. Do I have to pee, again?
"Michael...shit...I-I...have to pee...Ahh."
" don't baby...You're...fuck...coming."
Oh, that's what that feeling is. My walls clench Michael's dick and my back arches as I scream to the heavens. I come hard, drenching his manhood and the condom in my juices. I'm calming down from my orgasm as Michael pulls out, laying beside me on his elbows.
"We ain't finished, yet. Ride me, sweet cheeks."
"W-What?" I asked, sitting up, looking at him.
"I didn't stutter. Ride me." He said with that cocky smirk.
I don't know how do that, but I can't let Michael know that. Here's my chance to please him and give him all the pleasure he deserves. I can't back out now.
"I'm waiting, sweet cheeks."
I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I straddle his lap, kissing those sweet lips of his. I reach down, stroking his dick.
"Ahh, Giselle." He moaned.
I smirk. "You like that, daddy?"
"Mmmm, yeah baby. Now, let me feel those silky walls of yours."
I stop stroking him and place my hands on his chest. Michael grips my hips as I ease down on his dick. Inch by inch he fills my walls, again. I start moving up and down, slowly. I hope I'm doing this right.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now