Chapter 14

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A lot has happened in the past five weeks. My grandmother and I have been distant and we haven't been on speaking terms since the day she revealed to me that neither one of my parents wanted me. I know I should be mad at my parents, but I can't help being more upset with her. I've also been working at JACK'S. Sadly, I got the news about my hiring the same day that jerk fucked me, then dumped me, but I'm having as much fun as I did at David's strip joint. Everybody is just as carefree and cool too. Speaking of the asshole, I'm no longer upset about what Michael did to me. Though he did send me some flowers, a box of chocolate, a giant stuffed teddy bear, and a note taped to the teddy bear that I have yet to read. That's nice and all, but I want nothing at all to do with him. I fix my curls a bit while I wait for my cab. I need my own car, which I'm saving up for. I need my own place too, which I've been searching for. There's a knock at my door. I huff, rolling my eyes because I know who it is. She opens my door, walking in.
"Arie, can we talk?"
I ignore her, putting some clothes in my dirty clothes hamper.
"Arie, don't be like this. I miss our close relationship."
"Yeah, well, whose fault is that?"
"I did what I did because I love you."
I scoff. "Yeah, lying to me about who my father was deserves some kind of award. What else are you lying about? Did you really care and love me because I'm your granddaughter or did you do it for some kind of paycheck? Because I think it's the latter."
I look up into my grandmother's eyes and all I see is hurt.
"Sorry you feel that way." She says, brokenly.
She drops her head and leaves my room, closing the door. I've never seen my grandmother like this and I'm starting to feel bad.
I open the door. "Grandma!" I called.
She comes out of her room. "Yes?"
"Could you come here for a minute?"
She walks down the hallway, into my room. We sit on my bed.
"I never meant to hurt you, Arie, but I should've told you the real reason your father wasn't in your life as soon as you came of age." She grabbed my hands. "To answer your question, no I didn't take you in for money. I took you in because you were my grandbaby. You needed someone. Someone to love and care for you. And if your parents wouldn't do it, then I stepped up to do it. I love you, Arie." She said, stroking my cheek.
A smile touches my lips. "I know. I was just hurt and as you can see it's still affecting me, but I know anything you have done or will do in the future is with good intentions and I'm sorry for accusing you of only taking me in for money. I know you wouldn't do that either. You have shown me nothing but love and I'm grateful for that. You have done everything for me and I will always see you as my mother and father. You're all I have. It's because of you I am who I am today."
A car horn blows outside.
I wipe my tears. "That's my cab."
"Take my car."
"You sure?"
"Absolutely. I'll take care of the cab. My keys are on my dresser."
"Thank you, grandma." I said, hugging her.
"You're welcome, baby."
The car horn blows again. My grandmother leaves the room to take care of the cab. I grab my purse and go in my grandmother's room to grab her keys. I go downstairs and my grandmother is coming in.
"Have a good day at work and Happy 4th of July." She said, hugging me.
"I will and Happy 4th of July to you, too."

I walk out the door, get into the car, and drive to my job. I walk through the double doors and red, white, and blue is all over the place. The 4th of July definitely brings the American pride out of everybody. I go in the back, put my stuff up, clock in, and come back out to the front. The customers are extra rowdy tonight, but I'm not taking shit from nobody. I'm serving Beers and shots when my favorite customer Chris, who I think has a crush on me, sits down.
"Hey, Chris. Happy 4th of July."
"Yeah, some 4th of July." He says, sadly.
I furrow my eyebrows. "What's wrong?" I asked, pouring him some Cognac.
He takes a deep breath. "My girlfriend dumped me."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. May I ask why?"
He shrugs. "She was taken me for granted anyway, so it don't matter. Plus it's my birthday."
"Happy Birthday! How old are you?"
"On my break, let's go celebrate."
He gives a small smile. "Alright."
"But for now, let me give you a Happy Birthday drink on the house."
I handed Chris another shot of Cognac and tended to the other customers. I can feel Chris staring at me. I turn to him, give him a smile, then continued giving the customers their drink orders. I still feel his eyes on me and to be honest, it's making me uncomfortable.
I look at him. "What?"
"Nothing. It's're so beautiful." He says, blushing.
His shyness is so cute.
"Awww," I said, pinching his cheek. "thanks. You're not so bad yourself."
"When is that baby due, Giselle?" Richard, another favorite of mine, asked.
"Boy, girl, or you don't know yet?"
"I'll find out for sure in a few months."
"You probably want it to be a girl, huh?"
"I have a feeling it's a girl, but it doesn't matter to me."
"Either way that baby's going to be beautiful." Chris said.
"I agree." Richard said. "What about the father?"
I clear my throat. "We're not on speaking terms."
My break comes and Chris and I walk to the Mexican restaurant down the strip. I order a taco supreme with a Sprite while Chris ordered a burrito with a Mountain Dew. We get our food and take a window seat.
"So Chris, what do you do for a living?"
"The most boring job in the world."
"What's that?"
"Working in an office, which doesn't really fit what my true talent is."
"Which is?"

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now