Chapter 32

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I open my eyes being introduced to the morning after. My entire body is sore, especially my legs and vagina. I go to sit up, but my head falls back down on the pillow. I can't even move. Footsteps come down the hallway and I put a tight grip on the covers. Michael then appears in the doorway, fully clothed.
"Good, you're up." He says, coming over to me. "I want to-Why do you look so pale?"
"No reason. Just hot."
He smirks. "Want me to cool you down?"
"Suddenly, I'm not hot anymore."
He chuckles. "Like I was saying, I want to take you out, so be ready in an hour."
"Ok. But as long as we're back before I have to go to work this afternoon."
"We'll be back before then."
He leans over, kissing me, then leaves. I slowly get up and go in the bathroom to run a shower. Once it's just right, I step in and the warm water instantly soothes my aching muscles. My mind starts wandering. Last night actually happened and you know what? I feel good about it. I thought I would wake up with some type of regret, but I have none surprisingly. After my shower, I dry off, lotion up, get my bra and panties on, then go in my closet to find something to wear. He didn't exactly say where we were going, so let me go with something comfortable. I grab my ankle-length, dark blue, green, and white flower print sundress. I slip it on, clamping the top of it, then I slip on my white peep-toe wedges. I fix my hair, go with a natural makeup, and put some lip gloss on. By the time I'm finished, there's a knock at my door. I grab my purse and open the door with a big smile on my face.
"You ready?"
I lock up my condo and he grabs my hand, walking to his SUV. We get inside, then head to our destination.
"Where is that beautiful candy apple red Ferrari at?" I asked.
"It's at my main house in L.A."
"Your main house? How many houses do you have?"
"About 5, but my favorite is in Hawaii. That's the house I want to go to when I retire."
"With your wife and 13 children." I say, remembering our conversation from last year.
He glances over at me, smiling. We make it to a diner and go inside. We take a seat and place our order. As we're waiting, I'm looking out the window, watching the cars go by. Michael grabs my hands that are on the table and I look at him.
"You ok?" He asked, rubbing the back of my hands with his thumbs.
I give a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."
I soon see someone across the diner that looks familiar. Once I realize who that familiar person is, I tense up.
"What's wrong?"
"Uh, c-can we switch seats?"
Michael furrows his eyebrows, confused. "Sure."
We switch seats and he realizes why I wanted to switch.
"Oh, look, there's Chris. We should go over and say hello."
"Really, Michael?"
"Yeah, why not?"

"Because you know that's going to start trouble. So stop trying to be a troublemaker."
"I'm not trying to be a troublemaker. I just think it would be nice of me to let him know I'm fucking his girl."
I glare at him. "This is not the time nor the place." I then look back out the window. "I feel so guilty and ashamed."
"I don't. In fact, I'm proud of what we did. It needed to happen."
"Michael, you're only saying that because you don't like Chris."
"You're right I don't like him, but I saw what type of man he is. And the type of man he wasn't being to you." He takes a sip from his drink. "And if you love me the way you say you do, you shouldn't be ashamed about that love."
I look back at him. "I'm not ashamed."
"Good. Because here he comes."
I start to panic. "I-I have to go to the bathroom."
But before I could get up, Michael grabs my hand, chuckling.
"Relax, Giselle. He's going out the door."
I let out a breath of relief. Our food then comes, but I barely eat. So much for our perfect day. After breakfast, Michael takes me to this boardwalk that's about an hour out. We walk hand in hand down the wooden planks before stopping at a certain area. I look out at the scenery taking it all in.
"Here, I got this for you." Michael says.
I look at him and he's handing me this blue velvet box. I hesitantly take it and look up at him, suspiciously.
"What is it?"
"Open it and you'll see."
I open it and gasp. Inside is a beautiful diamond bracelet that I'm sure cost a fortune. I take it out of the box, examining it as it shines in the sunlight.
"It's beautiful." I then place it back in the box. "But I can't accept it." I say, handing it back to him.
He takes the box, opens it, and takes the bracelet out. "Yes you can. And I'm not taking no for an answer. Give me your wrist."
He gives me this stern look and I finally give in, holding out my wrist to him.
He hooks the bracelet around it. "Perfect." He says, smiling.
That smile of his along with everything else will be the death of me. I softly plant my lips on his and place my hands on his shoulders. Michael then wraps his arms around my waist, tightly. He sticks his tongue in my mouth, deepening the kiss. I run one of my hands to the back of his neck, playing with his hair back there. This man is getting me hot and I must be doing the same to him because he pulls away. He licks his lips and clears his throat.
"Looks like we've got an audience."
I look and there are two women who are staring at us.
"Damn, they're acting like they've never seen two people making out before. Won't they take a picture it'll last longer." I say, loud enough for them to hear.
Michael laughs and the two women scoff, walking away.

"The hell was their problem?"
"I think I might've dated one of them." Michael says, looking at their asses. "Maybe both."
I cup his chin, turning his face back towards me. "Do you want those pretty brown eyes of yours?"
"Hey." He throws his hands up. "I can look. And besides," He says, dropping his hands. "I'm not yours yet."
"And if you're ever planning on being," I say against his lips. "you better keep those eyes on me."
"Yes, ma'am."
I give him a sensual kiss, then pull away.
"Or you'll never get a piece of this, again."
With that, I walk away from him.
"Damn girl, you're cold." He says, behind me.
I giggle silently to myself. We walk on the boardwalk for a few more minutes and as we're about to leave, I stop in my tracks.
"Something wrong?" Michael asked.
"I got to get me a funnel cake before we go."
He chuckles, shaking his head as I pull him over to the where the funnel cakes are.
"Hello, ma'am. What would you like?"
"A plain funnel cake with powdered sugar."
"Will that be all?"
"Michael, you want one?"
"That'll be all." I say to the woman.
She gives me the total and right when I'm reaching in my purse, Michael already pays.
"I could've paid for that Michael. It's just a funnel cake."
"I know you could've, but when you're with me don't worry about it I got it."
The woman hands me my nice, hot funnel cake and we head to the car. My phone rings as I'm savoring the taste of the funnel cake.
"Could you hold this, please?"
Michael takes it and I go in my purse, getting my phone out. I gulp at who's calling me.
I answer. "Hello?"
"I'm at your house. Where are you at?"
"I'm hanging with a friend."
"This friend wouldn't happen to be Michael, would it?" I don't respond. "So, you are with him."
I let out a breath. "Chris, if you're going to start this, then I'm going to hang up."
"Not until you answer the question!"
Michael furrows his eyebrows when he hears Chris yelling. He mouths to me "What's he saying?" I hold up my index finger.
"No, I'm not with him."
"Mhm, sure you're not."
"Well, if you feel like I am, then why ask me?!"
"Because I want to see whether you'll be woman enough to just come out and tell the truth!"
"I have been truthful!"
"Yeah, whatever! I'll see you another time!"
He hangs up and I do same.
"What he say?" Michael asked. "Do I have to go kick his ass?"
I shake my head no. "Just take me anywhere but home."
He nods and opens the car door for me. I get in and he hands me my now cold funnel cake. I can't believe that in 2 months Chris is still being an ass. How is that possible? I don't know how much more of this relationship I can take.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now