Chapter 35

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Though I was the one who initiated the sexual abstinence, it's not as hard as I thought it would be. Surprisingly, Michael is doing great. Not that I didn't think he couldn't make it, it's just he's so overtly sexual and horny most of the time that I thought he would break after a week. Boy was I wrong. It's been 3 months, blissful ones at that, and he's still hanging in there. He's taking this sexual abstinence serious and I know it's because of me, and I couldn't be more proud of him. I look over at him sleeping peacefully. My poor baby. He's been stressed out a lot lately. Plus, he's been sleeping at my condo or I would sleep over at his place, which is beautiful by the way, for the past month because he says he could only sleep well if I'm around. I'm seeing first hand the hard work it takes to be an entrepreneur. He shifts a bit and I smile at him. I kiss his forehead and he scrunches his eyebrows together, then relaxes them. I get up from the bed, put on my robe, and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face before heading in the kitchen to start breakfast. 30 minutes into my cooking, I feel a kiss on my neck and I realize Michael's up.
"Morning." He says.
"Good morning. Breakfast is almost ready."
He nods and takes a seat at the island.
"Did you sleep well?"
"You know I did with you next to me."
Once I'm finished with the eggs, I get the biscuits out of the oven.
"You don't mind setting the table for me Michael, do you?"
"No, I don't mind."
He gets up and grabs two plates, utensils, and two glasses out of the cabinet and sit them on the table. I bring the food in the dining room, with Michael's help, and sit it on the table. I then go in the refrigerator.
"Orange juice or Apple juice?" I asked.
"Orange juice."
I grab both, because I like apple juice, and place them on the table, then we both sit down.
"This looks good." He says.
"I hope it taste good."
We fix our plates, pour ourselves something to drink, and began eating. Michael doesn't say anything, but I know it must be good because he got seconds. After breakfast, I wash the dishes, dry them, then place them where they belong. I dry off my hands on the dish towel, then sit it down. I go in the living room where Michael is and sit next to him, putting my head on his shoulder. As we're watching TV, his phone rings. He takes it out of his pocket and I see it's his assistant Brandon calling. I take the phone from his hand and answer it.
"Mr. Jackson, please don't fire me, but I-"
"Brandon," I speak, cutting him off. "this is Giselle, Mr. Jackson's girlfriend."
"Oh, hello, is Mr. Jackson around?"
"Yes, he is."
"May I speak with him, please?"
"No, you may not. He's under the weather and we both would appreciate it if you stop calling."
"Giselle, give me the phone." Michael whispers, reaching for the phone.
I stand up from the couch to get away from him.
"B-But I really screwed up something and-"
"And I'm sure you can handle it. He wouldn't have hired you if he felt you were incompetent."
He sighs. "You're right. I guess I can fix it."
"See, there you go. Now, you have a good day."
"You too. And send Mr. Jackson my apologies for bothering him."
"It's ok. You're forgiven. Bye."
I hang up, hand Michael his phone, and sit back next to him. He's looking at me like he's surprised.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You want to come work for me?"
I giggle. "How much are you willing to pay Mr. Jackson?" I say, jokingly.
"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I pay well."

I stop giggling. "You're serious?"
"Yeah, I'm serious. The way you handle that situation, I could make you my secretary."
"That was nothing. I was getting tired of hearing your phone ring every second. Plus, I'm not qualified to be a secretary."
"You will be once I train you." He says, seductively.
I playfully push him and he chuckles. That afternoon, I get myself ready for work. I go over to Michael and give him a kiss.
"See you later. If you're not sleep when I get back."
"I probably won't be."
I kiss his lips, again. "Just in case."
I head out the door and get in my car. I start it and head to work. When I make it to the hotel, something feels different. It's been feeling this way for awhile now, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I put my purse in my locker and clock in, starting my shift. Halfway through, one of my co-workers tells me that the manager wanted to see me in his office.
"Don't worry about your customers. I got them."
I nod and I go to my manager's office. I knock on his door, then enter.
"You wanted to see me, Mr. Jacobs?"
He looks up. "Yes. Close the door and have a seat."
I close the door and take a seat. He's looking through some papers and my eyes wander around his office. The sports trophies sitting atop a file cabinet and the awards aligning the wall aren't new, but the family photos hanging up are. He has a nice looking family. My eyes go to Mr. Jacobs and he's now writing something down. I'm starting to become impatient. Why call me in here if you're going to do that? I thought. I clear my throat and he looks up at me.
"You, ok?"
"Yes, I'm fine. My throat is dry."
"You want some water?" He asked.
I shake my head no. I want you to tell me why the fuck I'm here, I thought. He starts arranging the papers on his desk.
"Mr. Jacobs, if you want me to come back when you're more prepared I can."
"I'm just getting everything I need together before I do this."
I furrow my eyebrows. "Do what?"
"Giselle, you're a great worker. A hard worker, as well. But for the past few months or so, you've been slacking in both the performance and attendance areas."
"Wait. I've never been a slacker in either of those areas. And you know that my attendance got a little screwed up when I had that stupid court case about my daughter."
"You're right, I'm aware of that. However, you haven't been that same dedicated worker that I hired last year. I've gotten complaints from customers saying that you were giving them attitude because they simply told you you messed up their drink orders."
"That's untrue."
"Well, I have it all here in black and white." He says, handing me a few pieces of paper.
I go through them, shaking my head. "Like I said, this is all untrue." I throw the papers down on his desk. "Most of those incidents never happened."
"Look Giselle, I go by what I'm told. And if multiple customers are complaining about an employee, then I have to take their word for it."
"So, what are you saying Mr. Jacobs?"
He lets out a breath. "What I'm saying is...and I hate to have to do this...but you're fired."
My heart instantly dropped. I've never been fired from a job before. Ever.
"I-I'm fired?"
"Yes. Here's your check for the week." I take it with a shaky hand. "I need you to gather your things and leave."
I stare at the check and my blood begins to boil.
"No." I say, lowly.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now