Chapter 45

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After standing in place like her feet were frozen, Giselle walks up to me.
"Michael, I know you're upset, but-"
I turn around and walk toward the elevator without a word. She follows close behind me. We wait for the elevator and soon the doors open and we step on. I press the button for our floor and the whole time up, Giselle is staring at me and I'm counting to 20 because 10 isn't enough for how I'm feeling right now. We get off the elevator and I place the keycard in the slot. I walk in and turn to her as she closes the door. She turns to me avoiding any type of eye contact.
"Do you have any idea how pissed off I am?" I asked, calmly. "How worried sick I was about you?" She's about to respond, but I hold my hand up. "This isn't your time to talk." She folds her lips. "Here I am, almost 2 in the fucking morning, thinking something happened to you. And along you're with some guy-"
"He wasn't some guy. He's my-"
"If I never met his ass, he's some guy!" I yelled causing her to flinch. "And you were all in fucking dreamland when you walked through that door!" I pinch the bridge of my nose, then place both of my hands on my hips. "I want you to tell me right you have feelings for him?"
"You heard me. Now, answer the question."
"You sure about that?" I asked, squinting. "Cause now is your turn to tell me the truth."
"Michael, I do not have feelings for him. The last time we had any contact was 4 months ago. Before you and I got together. I can't believe you would even ask me something like that."
"Stop it, Giselle, alright. Just stop it. Cause you know why I'm asking you that."
"Because of a meaningless kiss on the cheek?!"
"No, it's the way your ass reacted to that kiss!"
"Ok, maybe I shouldn't have blushed, and honestly, I don't know why I did, but that does not equate to me catching feelings!" She walks closer to me, closing the gap between us, and places her hands on either side of my face. "Michael, I'm with you. I'm in love with you. I only want you. What do I have to do to prove that?"
I look into her eyes, then remove her hands from my face. "Stay away from him."
She folds her arms. "Why should I stay away from him? You think I'm going to fuck him or something?"
"No, but he wants to fuck you."
"No, he doesn't. We're just friends."
"To you, yeah, but not to him. My man's intuition says so. And besides, you asked what could you do to prove yourself to me. Here's your chance."
"Then I'm not going to do it." I raise an eyebrow. "We did nothing wrong, except me not giving you a call."
"So, you're choosing him over our relationship?"

"No, I'm choosing him over your insecurity. I love you, Michael, but this is nonsense. I'm not going to stop being friends with someone because you can't handle it."
"You think I can't handle a little boyfriend of yours? Ha. What I can't handle is knowing that man wants what I got and the fact that you're being this fucking naive about it."
"You're wrong, Michael. I already told him we were just going to be friends after he tried to kiss me."
"Wait a goddamn minute. You mean to tell me this man tried to put his lips on you?"
"It was 4 months ago, Michael."
"I don't give a damn if it was 4 years ago! The fact that you tried to stand here and argue with me about him not wanting you when all along I was right is the issue! I'm telling you now, Giselle, stay the hell away from him!"
I walk away, going into the bedroom. I take off my clothes and get into bed. Soon, Giselle comes in the room moping. I shake my head and turn over with my back facing her. The bed dips down a bit and she shifts, then sniffles. Before I know it, I fall sound asleep. When my eyes open, the room is filled with the morning light. I look at the clock and it's 9:30 a.m. My eyelids are slowly closing as I hear Giselle's voice.
"No, no that wouldn't be a good idea...Things went horrible last night...You don't understand. When Michael's pissed, he shuts down." I furrow my eyebrows. Who in the hell is she telling that to? "Alright, I'll try...Bye."
She hangs up and let's out a breath before coming into my view. She goes over to her bags and starts finding something to wear. I, on the other hand, pretend to be sleep so she doesn't know I heard everything. Soon, I hear the bathroom door close and that's when it clicks that the person she was talking to had to be the guy from last night. I'm starting to become angry all over again because I told her I didn't want her seeing him anymore and she's going to meet up with him anyway. After about 30 minutes of a nap, I decide to get up. I throw the covers back and swing my legs off the bed, sitting up. I place my elbows on my thighs and my hands over my face. Damn, I feel drained. I hear the bathroom door open and I look up. Giselle comes out fully dressed. She notices I'm up, but continues toward the mirror. I continue staring at her because as always she's looking damn fine.
"If you wanna say how good I look, then say it."
I scoff and stand to my feet. "I see you got all dressed up for your little boyfriend." She looks at me. "What? Didn't think I knew you were meeting up with him today?"
"Michael, it's-" She shakes her head. "You know what? Never mind."
"Say it."
"No, because I don't want an argument."
"What argument? There's no argument. Say what you gotta say."
She lets out a breath. "You're right. I am meeting up with him. However," She continues before I get a chance to protest. "it was supposed to be all three of us. You, me, and him. He wanted me to try and get you to come, and I was going to ask you, but seeing you're still pissed at me, I'm guessing that's not going to happen." She says, inverting her eyes downward.

I'm kinda feeling bad because I was just about to verbally attack her. I walk closer to her and place my index finger under her chin, lifting her head up.
"You really want me to go?"
She shakes her head yes. "But only if you want to."
I let go of her chin and ponder it. I really don't give a fuck about this guy, I just want to be with Giselle. Then again, I do want to meet him. Fill him out a bit to see what he's about.
"Ok, I'm in." She gives a small smile. "But under one condition," Her smile drops. "if my instincts prove right, I want you to end the friendship."
She thinks about it, then lets out a breath. "Fine."
She goes to leave the room, but I grab her elbow. I lean in, planting a gentle kiss on her lips and she smiles as I pull away. I let her go, then walk in the bathroom. I brush my teeth, then get in the shower. After washing up, I find something to wear and put it on. I grab my wallet and keys before walking out the bedroom. We leave the room and go down to the lobby. We head to the parking garage and go to my car. I open the passenger door for Giselle and she gets in. I close the door and go to the driver side, getting in.
"Where we going?"
"Sylvia's. You know where that is?"
"Yeah, it's not too far from here."
I start the car and leave the parking garage. We ride down the street and 20 minutes later, we pull in the parking lot of the diner. I get out first before going over to Giselle's side to help her out. I close the door, then she grabs my hand and we go inside. Giselle searches around with her eyes before leading me toward the back where this dude is standing and waving. Giselle hugs him, then stands back next to me.
"Michael, this is Markus, and Markus, you already know my boyfriend, Michael."
"Yeah. Long time no see, Mike." I look him up and down. We ain't friends, so why he acting like we are? "You don't remember me?"
"Should I?"
"I'm Claude Evans brother, Markus."
Oh hell no! I feel my body filling with anger and I instantly turn around and start to leave.
"I'll be back." I hear Giselle say. "Michael." She says, following me.
When I make it outside, I turn to her. "What the hell, Giselle?! Claude's brother?!"
"I know, Michael. I forgot."
"Now, I definitely don't want you around him! So, go inside and tell him goodbye because we're leaving."
"Michael, just calm down."

"Calm down?! You're buddy-buddy with the brother of the man whose ass I beat for you! Shit, he may be getting close to you because of that!"
"I doubt that, Michael. He didn't even know who I was when we met."
"Whose to say that wasn't part of the plan?! Look, baby. I know Claude. He's a vengeful motherfucker. And if he can, he would use his own brother to get back at me."
She sighs. "I hear you. But, Markus isn't Claude and I think you should give him a chance." I shake my head and look away from her. I then feel her hands slide into mine. "Remember what you said earlier? If you're right, then I'll no longer be friends with him? So, then let's go back in there and see if you're right. Plus, we already came all this way and I'm hungry."
I let out a small chuckle, then look back at Giselle. "Alright, let's go."
We go back inside and head back to the table Markus is at.
"Everything alright?" He asked when he saw us coming.
"Yeah, everything's fine." Giselle says as we take a seat.
We pick up our menus and as we're looking through them, I decide to strike up a conversation.
"So, Markus, Giselle tells me you guys met 4 months ago."
"Yeah. Down in Miami. Man, we had such an amazing time."
"Oh, really?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
It goes to an awkward silence.
"Michael, baby, have you decided on what you wanted?" Giselle says, trying to change the subject.
A waiter comes over to take our drink orders and I rest my arm on the top of Giselle's chair, staring a hole through Markus.
"So, tell me about this amazing time you two had Markus?"
"Look, I-I wasn't trying to insinuate anything. I-"
"Did I say you was?" Giselle places her hand on my thigh, rubbing up and down on it. "I just want to know what made it so amazing."
The waiter comes back with our drinks and we give our food orders.
I sip some of my drink. "I'm still waiting on the answer to my question."
"I think what Markus meant Michael was it was nice to have somebody to talk to and hang with. I just broke up with Chris and he was on vacation, so we just clicked."
"Yeah. It was completely innocent." He added, quickly.
I smirk. I barely said much to the man and he's already intimidated by me? This may turn out to be good after all.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now