Chapter 7

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I wake up the next morning to an empty bed, a pounding headache, and a stretched open hymen. I hear the toilet flush in the bathroom and a smile plays upon my lips because I know just through the other side of that door is the man I love. The doorknob turns and my anticipation is on high. He walks out and my smile drops. Anger immediately takes over.
"Scott, what the fuck are you doing coming out of my bathroom?! Let alone, what are you doing in my house?!"
He stands there looking stunned.
I get up from my bed, slipping my robe on. "Answer me!"
"Y-You don't remember?" He stutters. "W-We had sex last night."
I storm over to him, giving him a hard slap across his left cheek. "You took advantage of me you fucking scumbag! Just when I thought you couldn't get any lower and you rape me!"
"I d-didn't. I-I swear. I w-wouldn't do that to you." He stammered.
"But you did! You raped me!" I said, tears running down my cheeks.
"You asked for it!" Scott defended.
I looked at him like he is crazy. "You bastard! How could I ask for something like that to happen?!"
"You asked me to make love to you is what I meant."
"I was drunk! I thought you were someone else! And since when is your name Michael?!" I start hitting him in the chest. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"
"Stop Giselle!" Scott yells. "Stop!"
I continue to hit him while screaming my hate for him.
"I said stop, dammit!"
I feel the back of a hand, his hand, go across my face, knocking me to the floor. I hold my cheek, looking up at him. His anger subsides when he realizes what he has done.
"Stop. Just leave."
"Now! Before I call the police."
He puts his clothes on and leaves. I lay there on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. I can't believe this happened. I get up from the floor and go in the bathroom to look in the mirror. I see a bruise forming on my cheek. I turn the shower on and once it gets warm enough I step inside. I began scrubbing last night off. I feel so dirty, so disgusting. After I'm finished scrubbing, I sit on the shower floor, balled up, rocking back and forth. I'm not leaving this house, I'm too embarrassed. I never thought something like this would happen to me. Not to say I thought I was exempt from it, but Scott out of all people just has me shook. I stand up, turn off the shower, step out, and wrap a towel around me. I go in my room, dry off, lotion up, put my panties and bra on, and throw on some gray sweats and a white t-shirt. I go in the kitchen to make some tea. Once the water is finished boiling, I pour it in my favorite mug with my tea bag, add some sugar, and ball up on the couch with a blanket. I know my life is going to change drastically after this.

It's been a little over 3 weeks and people have been knocking on my door and my phone has been ringing off the hook. I haven't left the house, not even to go to work. I have been sick a lot lately. My stomach has been cramping, I've been vomiting, feeling fatigue, dizziness, and my period is usually on time, but it's late. I haven't pressed any charges against Scott and the reason being is, no one would believe me. I know y'all think I'm stupid for not doing so, but I can't put myself through that type of humiliation and ridicule. I'm already ashamed and embarrassed enough. I refuse to sit on a witness stand and have people throwing stones at me. Treating me like some type of slut. His ass deserves to be in jail, but the cards are stacked against me. As worthless as I feel, I've decided to go to work tonight. Though I don't want to, I have to. I have rent that needs to be paid and the only way it's going to get paid is if I drag my ass off this couch. I lounge around, watching some TV until it's time for me to go to work. I get up, pull out my clothes for work, and go to the bathroom to take a shower. After I do everything I need to do, I take a look in the mirror before I leave. I'm more covered up than usual. My shirt isn't tight neither are my jeans, everything is baggy. I'm wearing my hair in a ponytail, which I never do. I'm wearing no makeup only Chapstick. I'm definitely a shell of myself. I grab my keys, my purse, and head out the door. I make it to the strip club by bus with only 5 minutes left until my shift starts. I walk in and the other bartender is staring at me. I continue to the back, walking past David and Jaslene's office. I see some of the strippers coming out of the dressing room and they too are staring at me. It's like everybody knows what happened and they're judging me. I go to my locker, unlock the lock, place my purse inside, and lock it back. I walk back past David and Jaslene's office when my name gets called from inside.
I peak through the crack. "Yes?"
"Come in and close the door." David said.
I walk inside and I see Jaslene sitting next to David. I sit in one of the empty seats in front of the desk.
"Where you been?" David asked.
"I was sick."
"And you couldn't call and tell me or Jaslene that?"
I don't say anything. There's nothing to say.
"We've even came past your place a few times to check on you. Jaslene has even called you. Now I was gonna let you go, but Jaslene reminded me how hard of a worker you are and that you've never done anything like this before nor will you ever do anything like this again."
I nod. "She's right. I won't do it again and I'm sorry for not letting you guys know. Me being sick and trying to take care of the symptoms, I wasn't thinking."
He nods. "Alright, you can go."
I stand up. "Thank you. Both of you."
My stomach starts to churn and I can feel the vomit about to come up. I cover my mouth, run out the office, into the bathroom, and in one of the stalls. I get on my knees and let everything out into the toilet bowl. I go to stand up and more comes out. I hear someone come in the bathroom.
"You alright, Giselle?" Jaslene asked, rubbing my back.
"Yeah, I'm good." I said standing up, flushing the toilet.

I go to the sink to wash my mouth out.
"Won't you take today off."
I shake my head no. "I can't. I've already missed 3 weeks of work."
"But, if you're sick-"
"Just let it go Jas, alright?"
"Alright." She reached in her pocket. "Here's a mint."
I take it and put it in my mouth. Jaslene and I walk out the bathroom and there stood David.
"You ok, Giselle?" He asked.
I give a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."
I walk to the front of the club, behind the bar, and serve the customers. I've only been here an hour, but it feels longer. My feet are hurting, my back is hurting, my stomach is churning, and I feel lightheaded. On top of all of that, these sleazy men, especially this one in particular with the gold tooth, keeps making passes and saying disrespectful things and if he says one more thing I don't like, I'm going off. Jaslene and surprisingly David come to the bar.
"Margarita." Jaslene said.
"And you?" I asked David.
I pop the cap, handing David his beer. I fix Jaslene's Margarita. David pays and they head to the V.I.P section. I continue to serve the other customers when this gold tooth motherfucker from earlier, comes back up to the bar. I refuse to serve him, so I put some bottles of alcohol up.
"So, you just going to ignore me now, bitch."
I bite my tongue and continue putting some bottles up. Next thing I know there's a hard smack on my ass.
"What time does those legs open, baby?"
I turn around, pick up a beer bottle, hit it on the edge of the bar, and hold it up to the guys throat. He and everybody sitting at the bar was scared shitless.
"When I slit your throat, that's when they'll open!"
Everything just stopped. He just sat there, eyes bucked.
"Say something now, bitch?! You still want me to open them?!" I yelled.
I soon feel an arm wrap around my waist and a hand grab my wrist.
"Drop the bottle, Giselle." It's David. "Come on, you don't want to do this."
"Yes I do! He's been disrespecting me this entire time and I'm fed up!"
"I know. I know this bastard deserves it, but let me take care of it. You don't want to end up in jail."
"Listen to him, Giselle." Jaslene said. "Please, put down the bottle."
I look around at all the other pairs of eyes on me. I slowly lower my hand and drop the shattered bottle on the counter. Some guys come and grab the guy away from the bar. I turn to David and start sobbing into his chest. I'm so embarrassed right now. I knew I shouldn't have came to work today. Jaslene takes my hand, leading me to the back. We go in her and David's office. She closed and locked the door behind us. We sit in the chairs in front of the desk. Jaslene hands me some tissues.
"Thank you." I sniffled.
"Giselle, I need you to be honest with me and don't give me the "I'm sick" answer. What the hell is going on with you?"
I take a deep breath. "If I tell you, you promise you won't tell anybody, not even David?"
"I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die."
"Scott...r-raped me." I said, dropping my head.
There was a moment of silence and it was becoming a little overbearing. I looked up at Jaslene, her mouth was agape, and her eyes were so wide I thought they were about to pop out of her head, but that expression was slowly replaced by anger. Oh God, here we go. Did I ever mention Jaslene was a hothead? Well y'all about to experience it.

I WANT HIM, I WANT HIM NOT (MICHAEL JACKSON FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now